Brother Sister Incest

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  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Did I just read this right??? Did you just defend Hitler? "can't people give this dead fossil a rest now."

    Then you go onto say that incest is more acceptable than [SIZE=-1]paedophilia?? As seen as a child cannot give consent paedophilia is rape. And how can consenting sex between any two adults be worse than raping a child? I dont understand peoples reaction to beastality either... most people have no objection to killing animals yet they go crazy when someone has sex with an animal... often the dog is very happy with a woman sucking it off. Yes i know beastality includes more than just sucking of dogs.. Although beastalitys not for me it doesnt always harm anyone or thing so i can't see how it can be ruled as wrong. Quite Taboo tho lol.

    The swastica remark was said in jest phuckbuddy. I do not believe you to be a nazi. I'm not to sure about the guy above me mind lol the image doesnt help... i just hope hes hindu.

    I am from the uk, incest is illegal here too.
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Oh and about the german couple... did you notice the word "possiblely" the babies were born premature too which could have equally caused the disabilities. Also where did u get your quote from? aaaaand do you believe everything you hear in the media? e.g. that America and uk went into iraq because we thought they had weapons of mass destruction....yeah right...we went in for oil and money lol.
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Chad20 wrote:

    I’m probably taking a risk posting on this topic, but my excuse is that I’m new and the powers-that-be will hopefully be nice enough to warn me than ban me and give me a second chance. Anyway, the topic about incest is very controversial and always has been in most cultures, except perhaps the most primitive. Specifically I’m going to ask some questions for everyone who reads this forum because I’m very curious about what I see as a trend, particularly in the States. I have dated two girls recently, one is 16 and the other is 19. Both have claimed to have had sex with their brothers. The older girl (“Gina”) told me that she started masturbating with her older brother (he was 21 at the time) when she was 17 and after she caught him in the middle of an orgasm. The thing is, she first asked him to masturbate while she watched, and then they started masturbating for each other, and then they started masturbating each other which pretty soon led to intercourse. I know it’s true b/c they made a couple of videos doing stuff together and Gina let me watch it with her a couple of times when we had sex (just the two of us). Gina told me that several of her gfs have had or are having sex with their brothers, and not just their step-brothers but their biological brothers – all of them being older. Depending on the response (or ban) I receive from posting this, I’ll post again about the situation with the 16-year old girl I’m still dating (my current gf “Jen”). But I’d like to get some feedback from the guys and the girls on this issue. Specifically, do you think it’s ok for a brother and sister to have sex with each other if it’s totally consensual and both want to do it, whether it’s actual intercourse, strictly oral or mutual masturbation, or just messing around in the spirit of play and/or experimentation?

    i think its alright Go For It! if it makes you too happy then DO IT!
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    You misunderstood me too i knew you were saying both were a crime but i couldnt believe youw ere saying incest was a greater crime than child abuse.

    I was actually say i dont believe phuck buddy to be a nazi not you.

    I said i was unsure to wether you were or not.

    About hating a culture because of a person??? I do not believe it was all germans fault for the nazis actions BUT Hitler did not act alone the Nazis on a whole were to blame for the genocide... Personally i do not believe Hitler was in control, like i do not believe tony blair n bush were in control, personally i believe there is a collective of the rich n powerful who pull the strings. I think the protocols of the elders of zion is a bit over the top but i dont believe we are told the whole truth. However this is irrelevant, may i ask why you have a swastica on your pic? ---- see not prejudicing im asking if there is a reason, other than provoking a reaction.

    If your looking to provoke a reaction post a new thread about the elders of zion, they claim the jews themselves were behind the hollocaust, the new spanish protocol blaims them for the twin towers too:-|. I'd best clear something up about it too protocols believe that the "jews" meaning the leaders were descendents of zionists who killed of the orriginal semmites and are not aaisnt the religion itself. Ill pretend to agree with you for the fun of the argument lol. Might upset a few people mind:eek:
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Actually i have read mein kampf and parts of "the second book". I also did a-level history. Mein Kampf was wrote after the failed Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch whilst Hitler was in prison. Had Hitler not become fuhrer Mein Kampf would have no doubt been considered the rambling of a bitter failure. Mein Kampf shows nothing but hatred for the jews it has no clear plan laid out. It is just suggestion. It is the most boring book i have ever had the misfortune of reading! I would like to point out History is opinion not fact, there are arguments over many facts about the nazis including the hollocaust some people deny it happened, some say it did on small scale, majority say 6million jews and others closer to 10million. The facts can be blurred quite easily during war, and lets face it people believe what they want to believe, it much easier to accept that your country is going to war to remove a dictator than for money or power.

    There is actually some valid points from the hollocaust deniers such as: The ammount of fuel needed to burn a body is high and many claim the nazis didnt have that much fuel spare. People will argue going what about all the eye witneses at the camp liberation... If you saw a pile of dead people could you actually see how many there were 20 can easily become 50 when the sight is so horrific. Also it is possible that soldier gave accounts following orders...

    The protocols of ther elders of zion actually say that the conspiracy has been ongoing for a milenia. A conspiracy on this scale could exist with control of the media and church. No-one can claim the church is wthout conspiracy..THIS IS NOT A DIG AT CHRISTIANS!!! BUT RATHER AT THOSE WHO CLAIM TO BELIEVE AND MISUSE THEIR POWER. An example the Concordat...where the pope made a consesion with Htler to leave each other alone. An agreement that the Nazi had intention of keping but still..

    What is suprising about the protocols is the number of languages that they have been published in for example in Japanese...why would a country with less than 1% of the population being Jewish publish an anti-zionist document unless there was some truth? I say zionist as it does not believe the religion or the masses of the jewish followers or the original semmites are to blame! It is not a Nazi document.

    How has incest lead to world conspiracy? lol i find it intersting tho
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    I'm not sure if it's right or wrong... I've read it normal in probibly 9-13. mostly do to exploration.. and full blown intercourse is rare.. any ways the reason I'm writing is because my gf and i started role playing in the bed room recently.. nd it started off teacher/student... doctor/patient..etc.. one tiem she wanted me to be her big brother and i was not really into it.. but after we started she got so into it ... it was crazy.. now i love it.. but i thik mostly because is gets her off so much.. any ways she doesnt even have a brother... haha i dont really know what im asking? just a perspective.

    sorry for bad spelling and grammer .. im not a writer by any means
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Macastino wrote:

    I'm not sure if it's right or wrong... I've read it normal in probibly 9-13. mostly do to exploration.. and full blown intercourse is rare.. any ways the reason I'm writing is because my gf and i started role playing in the bed room recently.. nd it started off teacher/student... doctor/patient..etc.. one tiem she wanted me to be her big brother and i was not really into it.. but after we started she got so into it ... it was crazy.. now i love it.. but i thik mostly because is gets her off so much.. any ways she doesnt even have a brother... haha i dont really know what im asking? just a perspective.

    sorry for bad spelling and grammer .. im not a writer by any means

    see...thats not incest b/c its fake. so thats ok. but if you were to have sex with your real sister...that would be bad....mmmmmk?
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    yikes!!! i didnt have time to read all the posts here...but, i think its kinda wrong...however, history teaches us it has gone on a lot and probably still does. im an only child, but one guy i dated swore blind he and his younger sister did stuff, tho' i dont think it eva got to fucking
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    If a brother and sister want that, they can. It just seems weird. Usually, Siblings fight all the time. Having sex is something that doesn't seem right. Strange, you know.

    The only problem is if the girl has a child. If both the parents have a type of diease or something they both inheireted from their parents, they the baby will have the same disease, only twice as much. So that is the problem with in family sex. If they aren't having children, i don't really think it is wrong, just strange.
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    althouugh ive never heard of incest amongst my fellow peers, i guess it still happens out there somewhere.
    but i can understand why some people may do it.
    i mean, growing up with someone and then becoming really close to them...childhood memories last forever. so some may look at their close siblings as more than just a sibling.

    but if i did know someone who has committed incest...i wouldnt look down upon them. give them a fair go.
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Hell, I think pre-marital sex is "ewwwy" and "sick" and a sign of desperation, but I wouldn't go around bashing it. Everyone to their own, so don't make immature remarks that will offend some people, because no matter how many billions of times you say "no offense," it's still offensive.

    I would also like to note:
    1) There certainly are girls who fantasize about brother-sister incest, particularly passive girls who have no brothers.
    2) Bottom line: doing something that's considered taboo or morally wrong can be exciting.
  • Re: Brother-Sister Incest -- is it ok?

    Chad20 wrote:

    And so I ask again, what's wrong with having an incest fantasy like the one above, by yourself or playing out an incest scene with your partner? In fact, why is it even wrong to actually engage in it under certain special circumstances?

    OK, now about the "biblical dilemma" concerning incest: Is it morally right or wrong, i.e., sinful? The New Testament is fairly clear that incest is a sin in the eyes of God. But if one literally believes the Old Testament story about how Eve was created and how humans perpetuated their species beginning with a single man (Adam) and a single woman (Eve), then God has presented the believers, and especially the fundamentalists, with a moral dilemma:

    1. Eve was created from Adam's rib. That means that she had an identical genetic structure to her husband, i.e., she was his "female clone." Since gender is a part of a person's genetic code, our present understanding of DNA tells us that Eve could not have been "cloned" from Adam without turning out to have the same genitalia as him. But let's say that God was able to bypass his own natural mechanism which he devised to allow humans to reproduce, and avoided having Adams' sexual relationship with Eve being incestual -- from a DNA standpoint.

    2. OK. So Adam fucks Eve and she gets pregnant and bears two sons, Cain & Able. One slays the other. I forget which one is killed, but it doesn't matter which one for me to make my point that the surviving murderous son would have to end up fucking his own mother for "man[kind] to go forth and multiply." If one thinks about this, and puts it down in a family-tree diagram, it will clearly show that incest had to occur with troubling frequency for us all to evolve – according to the Bible and those who never read it or thought about it but literally swear by it.

    I challenge anyone on this site to dispute my claim that at best, the Bible and/or God is waffled on the incest issue, and at worst, is just flat wrong somewhere along fundamental lines. If the Bible is flawed, and it has served as the basic doctrine that defines what is morally wrong & what is morally right within the Judeo-Christian community for over 2,000 years, then will someone please explain to this dummy boy why incest is wrong, but you better back up your claim with logic and facts. To simply state, "Duh, hey man, it's just wrong to fuck your sister." Especially if both siblings feel deep down that it's just another way to express their love for each other, and they happen to be attracted to each other. Who are YOU to judge what is "right" or "wrong" between two consenting people when it appears there is no clear moral basis that’s it’s a "sin."

    i totaly agree, im supporting everything u have sed that i have read so far. iv ALWAYS thought the same thing since i learnt about incest, but iv never stood up and sed anything about it. i have had incestrial erm... events with my cousin, but never fucked her. i wouldnt go that far but i still dont think masturbating each other is all that bad. Some people also go to their reletives for comfort after a loss or after a sad or depressing event has occured and just get cought in the moment. and different people are into different things. plus, if you do it with ur sister / brother / cousin, its not so embarresing if i lack experience in that area. Sure you can have sex with relatives but if u go that far then it gets extreamly risky. Anywho...

    conclusion, there are many reasons why people engage in incest. You can have your opinion BUT i dont think anyone can say if its right or wrong. support u Chad

    Punk21 wrote:

    to each their own. if u like ur brother/sister u like em. wut can u do? its the same thing as liking the same sex. wut can u do? nothing. if u do it good. if u dont. good as well.
