Legal Suicide?

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  • Legal Suicide?

    Now I truly do not intend to cause any form of offense by posting this thread, and I will find it acceptable if I find it to be removed, though I had a thought to give it a test just to see the results. Basically, I have been wondering lately on what you all might think of the suicide illegalization in Canada and the United States (other countries will have to speak for themselves as I am unaware of all the legal rights available to every country). I've been discussing the topic with a friend of mine, and we've simply been considering the aspects of true manic depression, in cases where the subject has been treated and continues to show signs of suicidal attempts.

    We were talking about a case we heard about, where a young woman was forced into hospitalization after countless attempts of suicide. During her time in medical care, there had been reports of her being classified as self-harmful and hazardous towards doctors. Medical staff would constantly have to come into her room to pry her own arms away from her neck, or other variations of self-abuse. Her medication was not helping and her mental state had not improved since she had been admitted to the institute. Eventually, she ended up reaching suicide after years of struggle. The article was in the news because of the apparent outrage of the family on the inability of the institution to hold her from reaching this conclusion.

    I've been wondering if any of you find that she had the right to take her life or not. In my personal opinion, if any person reaches so much struggle in their life, they deserve to have the option to end it, in their own peaceful way. Why should one person be forced to continue on living a life they cannot enjoy, simply to reinforce it for the people around them, or society who tells them that they must continue on living. Any person living with so much pain deserves at least that last tranquil opportunity, especially after years of trouble.

    So please leave a comment on your beliefs based on the knowledge I've attempted to provide (unfortunately I could not find the article again) otherwise, just stir up some controversy.
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    This truely is a controversial topic. While I agree that people shouldn't be forced to stick through years of suffering, I also think everyone should be able to live their life. Being depressed warps your ability to think straight. Plus, there is also the possibility of doctors finding a way to more effectively reduce, or even cure, depression.

    I think one possibility that would solve this is to make it so suicide is illegal, but if the person is in a constant suicidal state for a set period *Like 5-10 years*, they have the right to be euthanized. Again, this truely goes against what I believe, as I think everyone should live on if possible, but it's a good way that would at least settle both sides effectively.
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  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    I believe one of the fundamental rights of us as individuals is how to live our life and that includes how our life ends. Some people choose dangerous activities across far reaches of the world, some of us choose life in the military service to die for an ideal while others will sit in the old age homes sipping applesauce martinis. It is of my intent to commit suicide when I've passed the hurtle of my life and the best things have all been left behind me, like 60 y/o or something like that.

    On the other hand, I think people should be shown that there are more options then suicide, it has become the defacto reset button for the young populace who just can't deal with a world that is becoming harder and harder to get into while the young population is being given an easier and easier life that doesn't prep them for the harsh realities of the adult world.
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  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    I have two views on this situation i belive personally suicide isent the right way... yeah people have their reason but isent life worth a try eh? there must've of been a small ounce in that womans heart that she could of gotten through her depression.
    My secong view is if you truly believe that your life will be sh*t forever then you have every right in the world to end it either way life is sacred do what you wish with it... we'll see what happens when we die :)
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    More research has to be done and more help has to be out there for people who do suffer from these disorders, such as Bi Polar and Depression. If suicide become illegal, you're basically demanding everyone to live and that's the stupidest thing you can tell someone with a disorder such as the ones mentioned.

    People need to be better educated about suicide and know the about the illnesses the suicidal person may have. Again and again I see people saying something along the lines of "Compare your life to the starving people in Africa" or "Why don't you just live", those sort of comments are useless and saying them to a depressed person is pointless.

    Better awareness and help for the people who have the illnesses is by far the better way to go... Skipping right to the end and making killing yourself illegal is ridiculous.
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    i dont like the thought of suicide, but if someone hates their life so much its their right to take it away.

    but what will illegalization do, suicide is only suicide if you succeed at it, if you attempt and fail it is self harm and will not be illegal, if you commit suicide what is the law going to do?
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Yes. Because we're going to sentence dead bodies to prison.

    I think that clearly this woman in your anecdote had a right to die, seeing as nothing was taking her out of her depression and so instead of ending it quickly, she had to go through years more of this pain. Suicide needs to be dealt with delicately. Those with suicidal thoughts need to be brought back to their normal mental state, and if they can't, then there is no use giving them the suffering of their final years filled with a desire to die.

  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    While one is in a very severe depression, they cannot think rationally and therefore their decisions while in such a state can't be considered acceptable.

    They should be made to go to therapy.

    and what if therapy DOESN'T work..Therapy isn't the answer to everything. Not everything works, what about the ONE person who has become homeless they have no family they are in deep depression and feel like they should die? Why should WE be the cruel ones and deny them what they feel would be the right option for them.

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  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Rubyz wrote:

    Did I miss something?
    Hasn't suicide always been "legal"?
    I mean...who's going to condemn you for killing yourself?

    If they illegalize suicide, it'll be like forcing a suffering person to live the remainder of their short/long life in agonizing pain. That's basically torture.

    True, they cannot condemn you as you're dead :p
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  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Im 100% against suicide, If you cant live for yourself why not live for those people around you. I know the grief first hand caused by suicide, and it effects alot more people. I find it selfish. There is always someone worse off then you are, so be greatful for the few things you do have, alot of people would be happy with what you have.