Legal Suicide?

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  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Kronos wrote:

    Im 100% against suicide, If you cant live for yourself why not live for those people around you. I know the grief first hand caused by suicide, and it effects alot more people. I find it selfish. There is always someone worse off then you are, so be greatful for the few things you do have, alot of people would be happy with what you have.

    I have lost count of how many times I've said depression is an illness and many people can't come to grips with how it functions. Maybe you should do some research on how all these mood disorders effect someone before posting in this debate...
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Kronos wrote:

    My uncle has an uncurable depression (no idea on name). He lives a very sad and lonely life. Yet he continues to carry on living. Why is it diff for anyone else?

    That's one case of depression, it can differ from each person.

    Perhaps your uncle has bipolar disorder (manic depression) which involves rapid cycles of manic and depressed moods, it can be treated but not cured and very rarely leads to suicide.
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    TheJoker wrote:

    ive taken a lot of prozac and xanex does that count?:D

    if sum1 dont wanna live what right does any1 else have to stop them?

    Very true.... It hurts, the person effected by depression and those effected by the person. Were you looking/wanting something? And did you find it? :)
    [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    I cannot make my mind up on this subject. I've been through the depths of depression and attempted suicide 3 times and I know how fucking hard it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and how you just want to end it. But on the same token, I don't believe it's right to be so selfish and take your own life.

    I've not only attempted suicide, I've had friends succeed at it, the youngest being just 15. I know the affects it has on your family and loved ones and I don't find that fair at all. But I know how shit Meeckal's life was for him over his last 3yrs of living, and in a morbid kind of way, I was happy for him. He made a decision to end it all and find his peace. It was an open casket at the funeral and I went up and had a few words to him, the whole time just looking at him. I could see that in those last few seconds, he was happy. He was at peace, finally. I think it kind of helps me to forgive him for taking his own life, knowing that he was happy for just a few seconds.
    [SIZE=2]It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.[/SIZE]

  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Some of the things in life, that we seek cost much more than most realize. I'm glad he found what he was looking for.

    He never died... he is just at rest, in peace ;)
    [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    DeLarge wrote:

    I cannot make my mind up on this subject. I've been through the depths of depression and attempted suicide 3 times and I know how fucking hard it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and how you just want to end it. But on the same token, I don't believe it's right to be so selfish and take your own life.

    I've not only attempted suicide, I've had friends succeed at it, the youngest being just 15. I know the affects it has on your family and loved ones and I don't find that fair at all. But I know how shit Meeckal's life was for him over his last 3yrs of living, and in a morbid kind of way, I was happy for him. He made a decision to end it all and find his peace. It was an open casket at the funeral and I went up and had a few words to him, the whole time just looking at him. I could see that in those last few seconds, he was happy. He was at peace, finally. I think it kind of helps me to forgive him for taking his own life, knowing that he was happy for just a few seconds.

    condolences on ur loss
    [I]Any man can have one really bad day and end up just like me HA HA HA[/I]
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Kronos wrote:

    Im 100% against suicide, If you cant live for yourself why not live for those people around you. I know the grief first hand caused by suicide, and it effects alot more people. I find it selfish. There is always someone worse off then you are, so be greatful for the few things you do have, alot of people would be happy with what you have.

    There are actually some people out the who dont have family and who dont have friends, what happens then does that make suicide right?

    I agree with whoever said it, i cant remember that we dont have the right to decide whether people want to take their lives or not. If they no longer think their life is worth living i think it is a lot worse to hold someone back in a life they hate than to just let them go. Although i think trying therapy or anti-depressants first is a good idea.
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    I can see how it may be taken as a selfish act to take one's own life, but in essence, there really is no selfless point of view. Whether you're the loving mother that prays that you're daughter stays alive so you can continue on loving her as you cling on to the last hope that she will someday be happy, or if you spend ever single day praying that the next wont come. Asking them to compromise their life for your joy, and compromising their joy to take your life are both selfish acts and that alone is unavoidable. I'll stop there, because I know and have read that many of you have suffered from a loss due to suicide and my condolences truly go out to you all, but I hope you will bring the idea to mind that you're loved one was not well and they found serenity in that last act.

    Please continue to share your outlook on this topic.
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    Of course it should be legal. The people that want to kill themselves won't stop because it's against the law, nor should they have to feel like shit lawbreakers if they get out of it.
    [CENTER][FONT="Garamond"]This is the part of me that needs medication
    This is the part of me that believes in heaven[/FONT][/CENTER]
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    well yea it should be legal i mean why not?? the laws ok letting you go to war and die for people you dont your not hurting anyone but yourself (i know i know your hurting the people around you to) i mean i personally think people should realize if you really truly want to leave it means people havent cared enouph or it means you cant get rid of your past and a whole bunch of stuff just let them go let them be it so bad letting a person be happy?? i would suffer a millon times if people would just be happy i have feeling like sh*t i dont want people to feel thesame way
    yess lt them go
    Nytol Sleep Aid: "Warning: May cause drowsiness." (and.. .I'm taking this because???....)
  • Re: Legal Suicide?

    maybe under a clinical environment, but it's not fair on anyone if you jump off a building and land in front of someone; why should they have the image of a dead body engraved in their mind forever?

    if you could go to a doctor and apply (some measures would be needed to ensure you're not insane and are certain that it's what you want etc etc etc), then in a controlled environment, i think suicide should be legal