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    • its a sin to be gay point blank God did not make people gay dont blame it on him take RESPONSIBILITY God didnt just say ok straight straight straight gay straight straight he made us in his image last i check it he wasnt having sexual relations with another man he made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve however it doesnt say to stray homosexuals away from Gods word just to make them aware that it is a sin and pray for them to acknowledge this and accept jesus repent and jump on the train to the promise land I JUST HOPE YOU'LL FIND A WAY TO gODS LIGHT THAT THIS IS WRONG WHETHER YOU FILL ITS YOUR FAULT OR NOT THe bible says that man is born into sin but does not specify what sin that is some are born lyers some may be born thieves and in this case born into homosexuality but by Gods grace you have the ability to get saved and relinquish the sins that are upon you and walk in Gods light
    • Everyone has a different opinion and no one's will be exactly the same. But as for me... I'll give you mine and you can take it or leave it.

      First of all I have learned that you can be a much happier person if you completely disreguard the 'religion' part of it. For me it's more about the spiritual relationship I have with God.

      BUT as for what the Bible says about it... what is said in the Old Testament was made new when the New Testament was written (also called the 'new laws' or 'new covenant') So everything was made new.

      Most of the bible can be interpreted different ways by different people. So you can't let anyone tell you what to believe about it.

      Hope this helps... =)
    • Well, the Bible says its wrong.
      But the bible has some fucked up shit in it too.
      Like, for example, i read somewhere in it, that if there is mildew on your clothes you must cleanse yourself for a week, and live outside your home, not eating or drinking.
      Or something along the lines of that.
      [SIZE=2]For if we are not within ourselves; We are without.
      -Chris Crocker

    • Paramore1264 wrote:

      Well, the Bible says its wrong.
      But the bible has some fucked up shit in it too.
      Like, for example, i read somewhere in it, that if there is mildew on your clothes you must cleanse yourself for a week, and live outside your home, not eating or drinking.
      Or something along the lines of that.

      Going back to what i said, that kind of law (which is a Jewish law) can be found in the Old Testament... which was thrown out when the New testament was written.. with the Christian comandments.
    • that1guy wrote:

      its a sin to be gay point blank God did not make people gay dont blame it on him take RESPONSIBILITY God didnt just say ok straight straight straight gay straight straight he made us in his image last i check it he wasnt having sexual relations with another man he made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve however it doesnt say to stray homosexuals away from Gods word just to make them aware that it is a sin and pray for them to acknowledge this and accept jesus repent and jump on the train to the promise land I JUST HOPE YOU'LL FIND A WAY TO gODS LIGHT THAT THIS IS WRONG WHETHER YOU FILL ITS YOUR FAULT OR NOT THe bible says that man is born into sin but does not specify what sin that is some are born lyers some may be born thieves and in this case born into homosexuality but by Gods grace you have the ability to get saved and relinquish the sins that are upon you and walk in Gods light

      The human male g-spot is the prostate which is located in the anus, I fail to see how such a thing could be stimulated easily in a hetero relationship.

      you want to know about gods grace? hehe, I'll tell you about gods grace. gods grace flooded the whole world killing thoasands and millions of innocent men women and children...why? because they didnt worship him. wow...very graceful.

      according to your bible if a boy goes against his mother or his father he is to be put in the village stocks and stoned to death.

      the bible states that you can willingly sell your daughter into sex slavery.

      the bible states that god not only accepted, but comanded those that entered the promised land to find and rape virgins.

      the bible says that no matter what the fuck you do in life, so long as you repent on your death bed you go to heaven.

      it says that we shall not be punished for the sins of our fathers yet condemns us with original sin from adam and eve.

      and if adam and eve really is true, then they committed incest! so you can take gods grace my friend, and stick it so far up your ass hymns'll be sounding from your nose.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)