Guys: When you like a girl...

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    • Guys: When you like a girl...

      Guys, when you like a girl, how do you see her? Like... I can't explain.

      Like, do you think she's so cute when she looks confused?
      Love it when she puts her shirt sleeves over her hands?
      I mean, like, is there anything special that has to do nothing that you always think of, or realize, or focus on, without thinking about it?

      How do you feel when you hold her, or hug her, or just look at her?

      How does it feel to like a girl?

      'Cause I've always wondered what it feels like for a guy.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Embie133: worded it wrong. ().

    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      It doesn't matter what she'd do, I'd just want to be with her so badly (though there are some exceptions). If another guy is being really friendly with her or talking with her a lot or hanging out with her a lot more then I...well...I don't get jealous per say, but I do get kind of protective, even if I don't do anything. When she'd talk to me I'd be happy no matter what happened before. Just by being close to her I fell great. A hug is better than any present. Especially a long hug.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      Like The Guardian said, the thing we focus on is you. You become our world, the only thing that matters to us.

      Personally, I've always found the natural things girls do to be the most adorable things, their little querks, if you will. It's the things that make them unique and what separates them from the other girls. It's hard to pinpoint what is it exactly about a specific girl that makes my heart skip a beat every time I see her, or when I get to hold her.
      “Sometimes the only way you can feel good about yourself is by making someone else look bad. And I'm tired of making other people feel good about themselves.” ~ Homer Simpson
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      Guardian said it quite well.
      It's not what the girl does or how she does it. A man will see her and love her simply for her.

      How does it feel to like a girl...
      Personally when I decide that I like a girl that feeling never truly goes away. She will be part of me for the rest of my natural existence. When I walk up to her I will always smile, looking into her face and hold her tight to me.
      When I fall for a girl, it changes who I am in a way. I break from what i know and feel safe in to be what she wants of me, what she needs of me.
      I feel strong and powerful through self. It's empowering to love someone in my opinion.
      Strengthening how she would fall into my arms and wish for me to hold her close, protectively.

      To like a girl is to truly be complete in my mind.
      Without a girl I am simply always searching, trying to complete myself and seeking to be the completion of such a girl.
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      Mainly when she looks me in the eyes, and has that goofey i know you want me smile. Or when im doing something like sucking on her boobs, and look into her eyes, and i've got the biggest smile in the world, and she gives me the "hmm you really like doing that" smirk, and then a kiss and a "i totally love it when you do it" smile. And just seeing her put on my hoodie, and wrap her self in it :D makes my day.
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      Or when im doing something like sucking on her boobs, and look into her eyes, and i've got the biggest smile in the world, and she gives me the "hmm you really like doing that" smirk, and then a kiss and a "i totally love it when you do it" smile.

      The closeness required for that to apply is really a precious thing. I miss the closeness me and my ex had with our interactions. I mean, everything with ones girls should be beautiful, every happy time, every hardship, every thing you do you have with her.
      But the trust she would have to have to let her man do these things and calmly and happily smile at him is beautiful.
      The action is irrelevant in some respects, pleasing and nifty, but truly just the interactions between both her and him are what matter.
      I miss being that close to someone.
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      i like a girl everytime.Girls are my world :). i wanna be friend of different country's girl :lol:

      and when i like a girl i see her like a Katy Perry or Tila Tequila :D but i dont want her signature :lol:
      [CENTER]Only God Can Judge Me !

      16 Year-old | Male | From Turkey
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      hmmm, i do like some stuff that a girl does, like her habits.
      i think its cute when they play with their hair for example
      [SIZE=2]'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.'[/SIZE]
    • Re: Guys: When you like a girl...

      i dont like girls

      but i dont understand all the hoody talk on here. i fucking hate hoddies. no respect for any guy or girl who wears a hoodie. fucking scene kid bullshit.
      [CENTER][FONT="Garamond"]This is the part of me that needs medication
      This is the part of me that believes in heaven[/FONT][/CENTER]