How to make yourself throw up?

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    • How to make yourself throw up?

      Need some pointers on how to make yourself throw up. I decided I'm too fat to be likeable recently, and skipping meals and trying to starve myself isn't really working, so I'm gonna try to make myself throw up.

      I know, I know, eating disorders are bad, dangerous, etc, etc.
      I know, and I don't care. You're not going to change my mind.

      So how to make yourself throw up? Give me some pointers on doing so.


      Phuck Buddy;170054 wrote:

      next time he shakes you tell him
      "STOP! YOU'll HURT THE BABY!" and that should calm him down for a little while


      mellow;50795 wrote:

    • Re: Make yourself throw up?

      Oh. Never mind!

      I did it.

      Wow. Kinda ironic-
      I used the back end of my toothbrush to gag myself and make myself puke, and now I just used the front end to brush my teeth.

      Now my toothbrush has multiple uses! Weird.


      Phuck Buddy;170054 wrote:

      next time he shakes you tell him
      "STOP! YOU'll HURT THE BABY!" and that should calm him down for a little while


      mellow;50795 wrote:

    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      RedAlert wrote:

      This thread is absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe you would come to a forum and ask such a question.

      Yeah, whatever.
      Fuck you with something hard and sandpapery!

      Phuck Buddy;170054 wrote:

      next time he shakes you tell him
      "STOP! YOU'll HURT THE BABY!" and that should calm him down for a little while


      mellow;50795 wrote:

    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      The toothbrush is the best way to do it.

      But I'm not going to give you other ways how to do it. I won't be the center of a guilt trip because you decide to wreck your life. That's your problem sweetie not mine. I think you should have had a little more self respect for yourself instead of coming onto a board and asking a fucked up question. Once again your problem not mine. And I'm waiting for you to come back with an amazing comeback on how I should go fuck myself or better yet kill myself.
      Save the fucking drama.
    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      Just to let you know that making yourself throw up screws up your esophogus really bad and can lead to long term medical problems that can be very serious (such as losing your teeth because of the acid in your stomach coming against them so frequently)

      My beautiful daughter Megan

      My girl, and my baby girl
    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      I have just a few things to say. If you were truly serious about How to make yourself throw up? (which I personally don't think you are) then you wouldn't be asking people how to make yourself throw up. You would be looking into it yourself. By the way, people aren't going to just give you information like that so you can hurt yourself. Most people aren't messed up like that to encourage an eating disorder.

      You stated that you wanted to lose weight to become likable. Eating disorders aren't about becoming likable, they are a fight for perfection. In most cases, the root of genuine eating disorders is not an obsession with being 'the image of beauty.' It is perfectionism. It is some warped perception of what one must do in order to achieve perfection. People with eating disorders are generally also, as you've probably gathered, perfectionists, and are already quite accustomed to setting goals for themselves which they are cognizant are likely out of their reach. Anorexia or bulimia come into play where the obsession for perfection becomes fixed on body image, for whatever reason, at which point all other purposes begin to degenerate. It becomes an eating disorder because weight is ongoing, whereas other obsessions, such as school or work, must eventually come to an end with dead lines and due dates.

      Do you think that when you manage to reach maybe a lower weight goal that you'll be happy? NO! You'll be satisfied in having accomplished something for once in you're life. When all else fails, which it most likely will, you will still have freaking starved and run and purged and pilled away everything in my body. You won't be proud of yourself- there's only shame in ana and mia, and the selfishly sick mentality that incites it- but you'll have something, something big under my belt. I'm not proud to be bulemic, I don't ever expect to be an image of beauty, because beauty externally requires so much more than the body.

      Take this from a person who is bulemic! Never talk about it the way you did. Never pretend that you have an eating disorder when you don't. Never joke about it or pretend that it's no big deal, because to some people, it's life.

      To make yourself throw up is not at all good. Don't do it....
    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      I read it alissar, but appearantly u didn't understand it!!!! She wants to lose weight juz to be loved, and I consider that as a really really bad thing in our society these dayz, I mean girls are settling with eating desorders just to they get attention from da boyz!!but we need to be more attentive, we need to respect our selves!!this is a serious thing!!that's really like a tumor!!it can kill us, but still, we can fight it!!
    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      :eek: You can say cusswords on the forum?!?!?! Dang... I've always thought that their was a little filter thingy-ma-bob... o well...

      Uh...yeah... so... at risk of being attacked with a spork, or burned at the stake... or whatever people do... I will just say that you totally need to love yourself and your body as who you are. If you need to lose weight... Get up off your lazy butt and work out in the morning!

      *cough*.... sorry...
    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      totaly agreed with *looks up* i myself (a guy) am "a little" over weight but meh i'm working on it, not loosing weight yet but gaining dramaticaly less weight then i used to
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    • Re: How to make yourself throw up?

      seems like you've not replied for some time but let me tell you that i was throwing up often [won't tell you how] before.. but then nothing changed in my weight, maybe it's because i ate normally and maybe even more because of hunger ... whatever.... the only feeling i got from making myself throwing up every time at school [at the time] was feeling bad, feeling ashamed and feeling like shit. i was afraid someone might know what i do in the toilets everytime i go there.. through i rinsed my mouth lots of times.. i still had to eat a candy to let go of the smell [that was going in my mind].. throwing up is NOT a good idea... and eating disorders ARE serious..
    • Re: Make yourself throw up?

      Join weight watchers and a gym if you want to lose weight. My parents are just following the Weight Watchers plan and walking on a treadmill for half an hour a day, and my mom's lost over 40 lbs in the last month! Same with my dad! When you starve yourself and puke up your food, your body stores fat. Eat healthy, eat regular meals, and exercise, and you'll shed the pounds so much faster than killing yourself. When you make yourself puke and stuff, it's telling your body that it's not going to get food for a while, so it stores as much fat as it can to keep itself alive. Think about what you're asking people. You'll be in a hospital bed before you are happy with yourself, and that's the truth. It's a disease, eating disorders. And it'll poison your mind, so you'll never think you're good enough. And once you start eating properly again, you'll gain a bunch of weight back.
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    • Re: Make yourself throw up?

      Here's the honest truth why throwing up is so horrible.

      Your body is use to having food expanding your stomach lining. That is the line that wraps around your stomach(google). Anyway, your stomach has learned how to expand over the years that you have been eating whole food. Not counting the baby food and you know that other small bits of food. Now, when you start to puke it up your stomach lining starts to form around the food that remains into your stomach. This means that when you try to push food too big for your stomach lining it creates pain. Horrible pain, like having someone punch into you with extreme force. Most people start throwing up just to lose weight. But in the end in will turn into this huge problem where it hurts too much to keep food down. This happens when people are trying to stop having an ED and it takes doctors to help you expand your lining again. It's a habit. Make sure it's the choice you want to look back upon in a few years.
    • Re: Make yourself throw up?

      AH! Don't start that, its a horriable thing. I got my girlfriend outta that habit just by loving her the way she is. Don't change yourself for other people, that leads to getting hurt.
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      ~With a message that i never want to send~
      ~To be free from all of this~
      ~I want you to quicken my end~