So what now...?

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    • So what now...?

      Okay, so I've liked this girl for some time now. She often flirted with me, but then she flirted with lots of people, so I didn't take it too seriously.
      Last night, I was on a school trip. It was to see a scary play in London. Anyway, she seemed to be especially flirtatious towards me, which I was happy with. However, I still didn't think she liked me, I just thought she was having fun.
      Anyway, when we got back to school and got off the bus, people were saying goodbye. I said bye to this girl, and she kissed me. I was pretty shocked, but real happy.

      The next day however, she didn't talk to me. She wasn't ignoring me as such, but she wasn't flirtatious. In fact, she made sure to speak as little as she could to me.

      So a little confused, I went through the day without prying. Then, tonight on msn, I decided to hint. I asked her who she liked, hoping that she would pick up on the fact that I liked her.

      She replied like this, "Tbh, nobody at the minute. I can't be bothered to like anyone lol".

      So I was fairly annoyed. I felt like she had led me on (which would be the second time this has happened to me in about 6 months). I signed out of msn.

      Ten minutes later, I signed in again and she had left me an offline message. She said this...

      "I was going for your cheek, so don't get any ideas. Sorry x "

      And I'm embarrassed now because she knows that I thought she liked me, when she didn't. I'm not annoyed with her, because I see no reason to be. She didn't lead me on, after all. But now I don't have a clue what to do. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    • Re: So what now...?

      There's really not much you can do here. I think approaching her about it or something to that affect would just make it awkward. Your best bet, in my opinion, would be to not let it bother you and play it off like nothing happened. Next time you see her just act normal and don't bring it up. It's only going to be awkward if you make it that way. Don't be embarrassed, you took a chance and asked, not many people would even do that. Unfortunate outcome, but now you can move on and not always wonder 'what if'.
    • Re: So what now...?

      She was trying to get someone to pull the trigger on asking her out. Even if she were to say no to the individual, least they would have asked and not regretted it and know for sure, unlike now where you have to deal with the stress.

      Firstly, the kiss on the cheek was either a sign for YOU to ask her or a sign of just her liking you as a friend. In that instance, you should have pulled the trigger. Worst that could have happened was she says "no" and you move on with your life. But since you didn't, she wants nothing to do with you because she has you dazed and you can't pull yourself out of it. She knows she has you because you couldn't pull yourself together quick enough to get back on track with flirting with her.

      Next time you see her, my advice is to play it calm, collected and slow. Don't rush, but drop subtle hints. NEVER ask her if she likes anyone because that instantly slams the door in your face. It's like standing in the middle of the road yelling "HIT ME" to an oncoming transport truck.

      If she's around you, make little to no eye contact, if she says something, attempt to get the next word in but not too offensively or rude, just nice and easy. She'll slowly try to grab your attention again because she'll notice you speaking more right after her. She'll look for the "alpha male" of the group, you need to be it.
    • Re: So what now...?

      Sorry But i didn't saw her like a serius girl to have a date :\ she seems like she is only want to have a boyfriend not to like you only... or she doesn't now inside who she like... or she just like all of you...
      could you try to dind a more serius girl?it will be better just for you :\
      [LEFT][SIZE=2][/SIZE] [/LEFT]
    • Re: So what now...?

      I don't know if this girl did this out of spite or to hurt you. I don't the intention to 'hurt' you was there, despite how it may seem. It could have just been that she got in a little over her head and behaved irrationally and in the moment, which led to kissing you at the end of the day. Despite whether she wanted that or not, that's up to her. I could understand why that may hurt you and why that might seem that she led you on. I think the only thing you can do is respect her decision and decide whether you want to be friends with her or not. You need to realize that being a teenager is very confusing for everyone and sometimes people act in the moment and engage in things they later regret. I know it sucks but that's just how life is.

      I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.