Suicide and self harm...

    • Suicide and self harm...

      This is quite a sensitive subject so I'm going to go easy on this one.
      Recent studies show that suicide rates are at the lowest they have been since 1910, but there are still 4,700 suicides in England and Wales each year. Many more suicide attempts are made each year, and at least 1 person in every 100 appearing in hospital after a suicide attempt will suceed within a year, and up to 5 percent do so in the following decade.
      Most of those that do commit suicide are men aged 15-44.
      Now I want to highlight a point in those statistics...
      15 years old.
      Most 15 year olds have not experienced a lot in life and it just makes me wonder, why would they do it?
      I am not discriminating against anyone that have suicidal thoughts, as I have experienced these things myself.
      Surely, however, something must be done about it.
      There is the same problem with self harm, and many people say it is just a cry for attention. However, I know there are many reasons that people self harm, for example, to gain control of their pain.
      Saying all that though, nothing seems to be done about it.
      I went into hospital once for attempted suicide and I was treated like a silly child. Ok, I agree it is a selfish act and probably a waste of doctors time, but surely if every person who goes to hospital for the same reason was treated like that it would just make things worse?
      Most people diagnosed with depression are given placebo anti-depressants, which are supposed to fool the mind into thinking they're making the person feel better. There must be a better way than that!
      I just want to know your thoughts really.
      Sorry if it's really long..
      [CENTER][SIZE=5]Bexeh Boopeh[/SIZE][/CENTER]
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]//Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them\\[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      I kind of feel that some teenagers self harm just for the attention, or so they can fit in with this whole "emo" sterotype. And, then i think that some of it, generally is for a proper reason such as depression, or it's just a cry out for help, or something like that.

      But, for sucide, i have to say, teenagers like you said haven't really had much of a life, so what could be so bad tht made them want to go and attempt or even commit sucide? I know some teenagers could be depressed, i mean i am right now. But, i think some of it's just over teenage heartbreak which in my opinion is just a little too far, i mean, killing yourself over someone, when in time you'll find someone new, and probably better then your previous love.

      Well, i don't really know what else to say as i'm still have asleep, but i'll add more later if i think of anything :p
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      I do understand what you mean about the "fitting in" thing, I wanted to say it but you have to be so careful.
      I think depression has become fashionable now. There is a lot about it in the media and people want it as a fashion accessory.
      I have had manic depression from the age of 6, so I would never discriminate against someone for being depressed.
      I just think that everything has been blown out of proportion now and people are using it as an excuse for the way they behave.
      I know someone who never self harmed in his life until he started hanging around a different group of people, and it was actually fashionable to do it, so he did.
      I just wish some people would grow up and see that it is not big, and it is not clever.
      [CENTER][SIZE=5]Bexeh Boopeh[/SIZE][/CENTER]
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]//Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them\\[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      I used to do it just to be able to feel some different kind of pain from the one I used to get from being bullied. When I got beat up it hurt for a bit and then I just used to feel totally numb and nothing used to affect me. Then I thought 'Well if I hurt myself I must be able to feel some kind of pain, right?'.
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      I think whether you self harm/attempt suicide because of bad situations you feel you cannot cope with, OR whether you do it for attention, you need help either way.
      Treating someone like a child just makes it all worse.
      More people need to recognise the way people around them are feeling.
      Talking helps.
      We lack in communication A LOT, and most of us tend to keep our emotions to ourselves.
      Talking to someone outside of your family helps a lot, as I've experienced.
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      Why though Fay?
      Give me a reason?
      I know you may think life is bad because such and such has happened, but surely that's the best reason to stay alive?
      To make things right and to do the things you always wanted to do.
      [CENTER][SIZE=5]Bexeh Boopeh[/SIZE][/CENTER]
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]//Sarcasm helps keep you from telling people what you really think of them\\[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      I think, to side with Frantic, there is a growing trend of being depressed and committing acts that go along with it (ie cutting) and I just think those kid's dont understand what real depression is.

      REAL depression is something that shouldn't be messed with, I personally believe that its something one should treat as if it were a life threatening illness, because in a sense, it is. Its something that could bring you to the point to where you want to die, and will try to make that happen.

      I use to cut, and i never did it for attention, or to make my pain feel real or whatever other reason. I was actually ashamed that I was doing it, but there were times where I would become upset and I would plateau and couldn't get over that pain. Cutting and feeling physical pain was an extreme to me, once I went to that extreme, there was no where to go but down (or up, since that extreme was hitting a type of bottom) and i could think clearly again and decide what to do with myself now.
      Yes I do! (no I dont)
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      Many teenagers where I live engage in self-mutilation in order to fit in. I know that this is not the case for a select few but it has become acceptable in todays youth to cut yourself or other bodily harm, usually in visible areas so as people think different, one of which being is you fit in with people that have serious problems, you can take pain, or you are fitting into a sterotype. Suicide attempts are a little different seeing as they are actually intended to end life, but even for teenagers, most are threats and all threats should be taken seriously. Self-Mutilation and Suicide attempts in teenagers are usually a calling out for help or an attempt to fit in.
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      Alright, I was a big cutter and have also attempted suicide. I quit though. I did it mainly live in an abusive house hold and I wanted to see if anyone really cared if I got hurt. No one did, so I attempted suicide. Didn't work though. I eventually quit after 2 years because I found real friends and a Girlfriend who lived under the exact same situation. (Different story though). I mainly did it for attention, to see if anyone cared, although I didn't realize it at the time.
      [CENTER]~In a world that i dont want to know~
      ~With a message that i never want to send~
      ~To be free from all of this~
      ~I want you to quicken my end~
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      There is only one obvious fact to why i think people at 15 years (or around that age) do this. No they have not been around in the world for a very long time at the age but think about it, most people at this age are suffering bullying/personal problems etc and many say this is the hardest stage of your life (hormones etc) so i can understand why people do this. However i think there is a opportunity of a greater life ahead of teens at this age only they do not realize it. I was once in a position of wanting to pack myself in and i never thought about being young, i thought about how much stress/problems i went through and that i could no longer cope. To most teenagers the only solution is to self harm themselves because they are just not coping with their lives.
      I think some people do it for attention yes, but there could be iffy situations with that person that may be cauing them to seek attention. But i am sure anyone can understand how hard it is being a teenager, especially young teenagers but i think many forget the prospects that can come in life.
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      In my humble opinion, I doubt all the teenagers that cut are willing cutting to fit in. That's my opinion and you can disagree. But it's in facts that they don't tend to do this thing for the popularity factor. And it's sad when they do it for that reason.

      I can't say this enough. People that do not cut will not understand why a certain human being would do such a thing to their body. They might get very close to understanding it but there are questions where answers will never be displaced. I'm going to tell you something and I know I'm going to get bashed for it but oh well.

      My best friend was deeply depressed. And emotionally, I saw it. I knew from past history what he was going through. We would sit down and talk it through. He was trying to find ways of dealing with it better. I had my ways and he knew to a certain point. I kept it mostly private to myself because it wasn't everyone's business. But since I was extremely close to him, I told him the way I dealt with the shit I faced. I told him of the times where I would freak out when I had a bunch of shit smack me in the face. And I needed something to rely on. That's when I brought up the cutting thing. And he asked questions and why I did it. The whole time I was feeling shameful because I shouldn't be teaching a poor kid how to cut. But it was mainly his full brought on choice. He asked where he should cut and how he should treat for them. And I told him. Do I feel bad, no. Because it was his choice to open that new opening for himself. I did not tell him to cut but I told him of the way I dealt with my depression.

      He doesn't speak about it with me. And sometimes I wonder if he does it but it isn't my problem if he does. It is my problem that I explained it to him. I could have went into detail about vein pumping but didn't. Once again, my choice. Now, suicide is a huge thing among teens. But not just teens. I have seen full grown ups kill their selves. And part of me wants to blame society and the media for allowing TV shows and such shit to escape through the wires and to teach us about this horrible process. But we can't. Because we would have figured it out sooner or later.

      I speak as one of those kids. I am a surviver of suicide. My aunt killed herself because of a broken heart and because her kids didn't love her. No one visits her grave but I do. I didn't even know her but I wish I could. Because I am just like her in so many ways. I am fighting off a demon called "suicide". And it's tough. I have lost family members and friends to this demon. And sometimes I sit back and cry because I knew I could have helped their choice a little bit better. I understand people with this problem because I am one. I still am one. And I won't deny them. Because that's the worse you can do. I feel sorry for the attention seekers, even though they need help because they seek attention in the wrong areas.

      Whether you like it or not but this problem isn't going away. I blame mine on depression. Because before hand I was happy. I didn't cut, I was strong and everything. Once depression set in I gave up. I'm holding on to a little bit of rope. My friends, family and Alex keeps me holding on. Even the people that pass keep me holding on. It's tough. But if I continue to think I will get through, then maybe one day I will. Stronger than ever.
    • Re: Suicide and self harm...

      Fay, I agree with you.

      While I don't cut. I do understand the motivation to cut and why it is done.I have a friend who cuts, and while it worries me I don't judge her for it. And I know the reasons she does it.

      The idea that teens haven't lived and therefore do not know real depression doesn't sit well with me. I have been through some horrible shit and deal with it everyday. I nearly lost my best friend in the entire world to suicide. He was suicidal becuase he has to deal with a whole host of things. He is gay, and we live in the buckle of the bible belt. He felt completely alone in the world. Those aren't all the reasons but it is long if I was to go into it all. He has had a shitty time dealing with it all and it isn't easy. I have been to the point of suicide. If it weren't for the same friend mentioned above I wouldn't be here. He is my motivation for living. But I battle Post Traumatic Stress Disorder every day. It isn't easy, and there are days I cannot get out of bed I feel so shitty. Teenagers have to deal with a lot more than people think we do. I deal with the effects of having been raped and then sodomized at 2 separate times in my life. My friend deals with not only being gay and for the most part ostracized because of it, but a mental disorder on top. Another friend battles severe depression and the effects of sexual assault. And we are not the only ones. There are tons of other people that deal with shit. But everyone assumes that because we are teenagers that our problems are temporary and stem from a boyfrind or girlfriend dumping us. They for the most part aren't.

      I really don't know how to put into words my exact feelings on this. But this is a shortened version and as close as I can get.
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