Online Dating.

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    • Online Dating.

      so im aware that i will probably get alot of negatives comments, telling me to forget about it..and find somebody around here..thats alright..but it would be really nice if you could help me out..and not tell me how im stupid but im old enough to really make my own decisions..or whatnot..ok thanks :)
      a little about me names Sabrina, im 18. ok thats enough..ok heres my story. so i started talking to this guy online about 7 months ago. I never wanted a relationship at the time, was just looking for someone to talk to, and i like to meet new people. ANYWAYS, to the point, i like him now. and he likes me. one parents..or more so my dad. he thinks everyone online is fake, or a pedo. (the guy i talk to has a i know he isnt 40..) hes 21. so im kinda looking for people who have maybe went through this? or even people who had an online relationship..oh from eastern canada, and the guy is from louisiana, i really want to meet him. so for people who have been in an online did you tell your parents, how did they react, is the main thing i want to know. but also, did you guys end up meeting? and what was that like :)
      I'd Rather be Hated for who I am then Loved for who I am Not- Kurt Cobain (R.I.P)
    • Re: Online Dating.

      I've never had an online relationship, because I can't bear the fact that while I'm all giddy about him, he might be out there cheating on me without giving it a second thought. For you, this may be the case, considering of course, that he is actually who he says he is - a 21 year old male who lives in Louisiana. Keep in mind that there are always ways to get around showing yourself on a webcam. And if he's great like you think he is, why isn't he taken in real life? I suggest you ask yourself these questions first.

      Online relationships are tentative and unbelievably unstable once you delve into the two people's real feelings. Because you're unable to know who he really is on a personal level, you've subconsciously fabricated an illusion of your perfect guy, and superimposed it onto his image and his personality. Fancy words will fool anyone. Typed text on the internet finishes the job.

      At this point, I suggest you withhold information from your parents for the time being, because they'll only tell you the same thing. This might aggravate you even further and prompt you to be rebellious instead, because nothing's better than realizing the truth for yourself rather than a parent bellowing it into your ear. If you feel the urge to meet him, talk to someone first. It can be anyone - a trusted advisor, a friend, or someone who you know wants the best for your well-being. Think about it logically. What are the chances a guy won't prey on a healthy and charming 18 year-old girl he meets on the net? Hopefully, you'll get over this crush as the time passes.

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