Lyra's easy but wonderful trifle

    • Lyra's easy but wonderful trifle

      My darling trifle recipe is as good as it's very easy. Trifles are essentially English, and this one is truly wonderful.

      Lyra's Trifle:

      Place trifle sponges in bottom of bowl.
      Randomly pour two cans of fruit cocktail in, minus the juice.
      Make an orange jelly and pour over the top.
      Leave in the fridge to set for a while.
      Make up one pint of thick custard.
      Leave to cool for a while and then pour onto the evolving trifle, replacing in the fridge to set.
      Finally before serving, cover with whipped cream to the required thickness.

      Alternatively, if made in little glass bowls you now have individual trifles without the tricky sticky business of trying to dish up this squelchy but delicious dessert whilst keeping it in nicely formed layers!

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.