Dating younger girls

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    • Re: Dating younger girls

      Njord wrote:

      Well there are some 5 year olds that are fine with 40 year old men. But I guess that's fine huh?

      Dude, at 18, you shouldn't even be dating under 17, whether those girls think they're mature or not, because 10 times out of 10 they arent.

      Second, you're off to college, or at least the professional workforce, and no grown ass man should be dating kids at that point in his life. I have a dozen+ girls I [that] want the fuck the living shit of [me] at my school, but since most of them are >17, it's not going to happen. Get some fucking standards and get a real woman.

      I dont mean like 40 years apart.... -_-

      more like as long ur both teens duh... <_<

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    • Re: Dating younger girls

      Well tbh, I think 13 is a little too young. I know you can't help who you're attracted to, but I think her parents would have a problem with it. Also it would be illegal to have any sexual contact with her, even if she was comfortable with it as it is classed as paedophilia as she is too young.
      [SIZE=3]Je souhaite que je pourrais trouver cette personne un spéciale. :([/SIZE]
    • Re: Dating younger girls

      Tony32 wrote:

      I dont mean like 40 years apart.... -_-

      more like as long ur both teens duh... <_<

      There's a huge emotional/maturity/intellectual/physical difference between a 13 year old and a 18 year old dude that it doesn't even make sense for those two ages to be together.

      A 13 year old isn't even in high school yet, and other than a lack of control over hormones, those two have absolutely nothing to relate to each other. He's going to college to find out what he wants in life, and she's going to be worrying over whether other girls will like her in high school.

      Compare yourself back in 7th-8th grade to where you are now. There's no way you can say you didn't grow so much as a person that you're almost completely different.

      He's just raping her inherent attraction values by being "18". There's nothing attractive about him to her other than that. Just like freshman girls who get in a cunt-fit when a senior asks them to the prom, or whatever. Only losers would resort to dating a middle schooler when they're going into college.
    • Re: Dating younger girls

      sorry man, i just couldn't resist weighing in on some of your comments, such as they are...

      Njord wrote:

      Well there are some 5 year olds that are fine with 40 year old men. But I guess that's fine huh?

      Let me throw that last word back out at you in response to your profound remark above: HUH???

      Njord wrote:

      Dude, at 18, you shouldn't even be dating under 17, whether those girls think they're mature or not, because 10 times out of 10 they arent.

      Most girls at 17 are far more mature than 18 year old guys. There's a good biological reason for that which can be traced all the way back through human evolution. I suggest you read up on it - assuming you can read and reason... simultaneously.

      Njord wrote:

      Second, you're off to college, or at least the professional workforce, and no grown ass man should be dating kids at that point in his life. I have a dozen+ girls I [that] want the fuck the living shit of [me] at my school, but since most of them are >17, it's not going to happen. Get some fucking standards and get a real woman.

      Pray tell what exactly is a "grown ass man?" Would you describe yourself as one now or in your future? Well, I would, if it's a man who's ass has grown to full-bearded maturity while his brain has deteriorated into fecal matter... Most people who reach the age of 13 or 14 are generally referred to as "adolescents," not "kids"; at least most deserve such respect. Unless of course unless you're referring to young billy goats... perhaps you have had some dates with kids of that sort yourself?

      Sorry Njord, but I'm unable to comment rationally on the remainder of your vitriolic, nonsensical vituperation (your senseless ranting). Well, one last minor mathematical point: the sign ">" means "greater than"; did you mean "less than," which is correctly indicated by the symbol "<" ? :rolleyes:

      Ok. I'm sorry. I'm just really in a sarcastic mood this evening. :D
    • Re: Dating younger girls

      matthew21 wrote:

      Let me throw that last word back out at you in response to your profound remark above: HUH???
      That remark was confusing(and a response to tony32 about age gap), I think he means that 5 year olds are comfortable being around 40 years olds, and Visa Versa. Not meaning anything sexually, but since they are comfortable around each other, why not let them date each other? (It's fucking disgusting and creepy is why but that's beside the point.)

      Most girls at 17 are far more mature than 18 year old guys. There's a good biological reason for that which can be traced all the way back through human evolution. I suggest you read up on it - assuming you can read and reason... simultaneously.
      Physiological and psychological maturity are completely different things. Just because a woman will hit puberty before a man doesn't mean she's any more mentally mature than him, there would be no way to scientifically prove that anyways because every individual, whether male or female, developes mental/emotional maturity at an individual pace. I know mature 16 year olds and immature 20 year olds, age and phyisical maturity do not equate emotional maturity.

      Pray tell what exactly is a "grown ass man?" (you fall in the category so go look in a mirror if you need a reference.) Would you describe yourself as one now or in your future? Well, I would, if it's a man who's ass has grown to full-bearded maturity while his brain has deteriorated into fecal matter... Most people who reach the age of 13 or 14 are generally referred to as "adolescents," not "kids"; at least most deserve such respect.Yes, technically a 13 year old is an adolescent, but they are definitely reffered to as kids a lot more than adolecents. 16, 17 and 18 year olds are often referred to as kids too. Unless of course unless you're referring to young billy goats... perhaps you have had some dates with kids of that sort yourself?

      Sorry Njord, but I'm unable to comment rationally on the remainder of your vitriolic, nonsensical vituperation (your senseless ranting)The same could be said about what you've written. Well, one last minor mathematical point: the sign ">" means "greater than"; did you mean "less than," which is correctly indicated by the symbol "<" ? :rolleyes:

      Ok. I'm sorry. I'm just really in a sarcastic mood this evening. :D

      Here, I'll put your mathematical point into practice, 20 > 15

      20 is greater than 15 so you are a creepy son of a bitch.(I read some of the comments you left on a 15 year old girl's profile)

      I'd say I'm sorry for all this, but really I'm not.
    • Re: Dating younger girls

      Njord wrote:

      Dude, at 18, you shouldn't even be dating under 17, whether those girls think they're mature or not, because 10 times out of 10 they arent.

      I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 18, both ourselves and our families are fine with that because it's not that much of an age difference. But according to your reckoning I'm not even mature enough to be in a relationship with someone who is so much older and so blatantly more mature than me(!)

      Get off your high horse and start living in the real world!

      About the original question, I think that 13 is a little too young. It would be like an 18 year old dating my sister and I would not be happy with that! My 13 year old cousin recently told me she's with a 16 year old and I found that slightly wierd. My suggested minimum age for you would be 15, possibly a nearly-15-but-still-14-year-old. Any younger than that and you're going to encounter problems with parents etc.
      [CENTER]Jusqu'ici tout va bien[/CENTER]
    • Re: Dating younger girls

      matthew21 wrote:

      Most girls at 17 are far more mature than 18 year old guys. There's a good biological reason for that which can be traced all the way back through human evolution. I suggest you read up on it - assuming you can read and reason... simultaneously.
      Very true. I'm 17 and refuse to date guys my age because they're just so painfully immature. In fact, when I was 15, I was dating a guy who was 19. Huge age difference, I know.

      Also, the rest of your post made me giggle. <3

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Dating younger girls

      Very true. I'm 17 and refuse to date guys my age because they're just so painfully immature. In fact, when I was 15, I was dating a guy who was 19. Huge age difference, I know.

      guys are usually less mature then girls..thats true..but age diff upto 3 years is ok..not more then that

      and thread starter
      13 year old is just too much
      just consider urself to b a 13 year old..thats just onset of teens and etc.. lol
      Instead dating a senior gal is better...