She didn't take me seriously

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    • She didn't take me seriously

      Hi, new to this forums and I hope to get to know you guys, but I do have a serious problem.

      I had a crush on this Korean girl one year ago, and forgot about it over the summer. Then later, my friend befriended her and introduced her into our small group. Since then, my crush developed more and more and I finally tried to ask her out last Monday.

      When I asked her on a date (I had a rose and a stuffed animal that she always wanted), I received something I did not expect: No answer. She sat there and laughed because half a year ago, one of my friends asked her out jokingly in a similar way saying, "The thing with my girlfriend was just a ploy to get you jealous". When my friends later tried to tell her that I was serious, she still thought that we were yanking her chain.

      So the question is, how do I ask her out now when I run the risk that she might not take me seriously? Really, at least I want closure rather than no answer at all ><. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated :).
    • Re: She didn't take me seriously

      Sit her down, look her in the eyes, and tell her that you're absolutely serious. It might be due to previous experiences that she's guarded her emotions against such relationships to prevent herself from getting hurt. I agree, closure is always better than nothing at all. So all you have to do is to communicate. If she doesn't believe you, persist until she either understands or hints at you to back off.
    • Re: She didn't take me seriously

      I would tell her straight up quite honestly. Do it in a neutral area like a restaurant or coffee house, not either one of your guys' houses. Remember, stay confident and project that you're serious. If all else fails, just tell her you need closure and that you'd be happy just staying good friends.
    • Re: She didn't take me seriously

      Thanks for the advice guys, I think I'm going to do it tomorrow when we go back to school :). There is one more thing though, I get how I should display that I'm serious but I'm now confused about the appropriate place/time to do it. I feel I shouldn't tell her when she say invites me to watch another movie with her or something. Should I go to a public area and if so, how would I invite her or entice her to go? Thanks again for the advice you gave me :).
    • Re: She didn't take me seriously

      This should probably be handled as a situation where you're the initiator. As in, you invite her out for lunch or a private date. You don't need to "entice" her to go anywhere. Just casually ask the question - Would you like to go somewhere with me? A restaurant works pretty well.