Advice for a friend

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    • Re: Advice for a friend

      Call child protective service, get help from adults to whom you can rely, keeping quiet about his matter may cause your friend to contemplate suicide. If you truly wanna help your friend then speak to her and explain to her that heaven has a lot in store for her in this life. Say to her that you got one life to live , forgive and forget the past and move on.
    • Re: Advice for a friend

      I think the only thing YOU can do for her is to be there for her. She will have to take the lead in improving her own like unfortunately. Thats the way I see it atleast. Maybe sit down and talk to her and tell her how you feel about her current lifestyle. Then encourage her to stop.

      Sorry I cant be of more help.

      Good Luck!
    • Re: Advice for a friend

      The way she's turned out (with the drugs, sex and everything) is not uncommon for someone who has experienced all that she has throughout her life. You're being a good friend by being there for her. Like Daniel said, that's really all that you could do for her personally. I'm sure she really appreciates you being there for her and everything. Have you ever spoken to her about her recent behaviour? Not only with the sex and drugs but also with regards to seeking outside support for everything that she's gone through.

      Even if the abuse and everything has stopped, it can still affect the victim years after if not taken care of properly. Does that make any sense? Even if the abuse has stopped, it can still be affecting her now and thus continue to affect her in a negative way as she grows up. Perhaps you can try to encourage her to seek help and talk to someone about it in private. It's obvious that she cannot go to her parents but that doesn't mean there is no one she can talk to. Talking to a teacher, guidance counselor or even a friend's parent is a good idea.

      Don't force her to do anything she doesn't feel comfortable doing but you need to make sure she's safe. If you're even in doubt of her safety, please tell someone immediately. Keep it up. I hope that everything works out for your friend.

      Take care.