I Don't Know What To Do Anymore (I Really Need Help)

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    • I Don't Know What To Do Anymore (I Really Need Help)

      this is really long and really complicated, but please bare with me

      my life lately has been so complicated because of this girl. We had feelings for each other for a long time and we went out for a while this year. we were so happy together, and then out of nowhere, she dumped me in a bathroom. she said that her reasons were because of things that have happened to her in the past. she was raped a few years back so she said its harder for her to get close to people. after that, things became pretty chaotic. she really wanted to be friends with me afterwards and so did i, but my emotions were really getting in the way. a couple days after the break up, her best friend told me that she told her that she needs someone who better understood her situation. hearing this really hurt me because she claimed that she just couldnt be with anyone because of what happened to her in the past, but then it became personal when i heard that. i started acting really awkward towards her because i was just so hurt by hearing that. in doing this, i think i pushed her away, but she just didnt understand how i felt about all this.

      and then we didnt speak face to face for about a week after that. then out of nowhere, she texts me saying that someone told her that i supposedly said that she only went out with me to establish her bisexuality, and that is suuch a lie. and then someone else told her that i started cutting over her. another lie. after that she just wanted me to never even try to be a part of her life. I didn't even do anything and she accused me of all this stuff. i didnt know what to do. i was so confused

      her best friend told me that the only thing my ex wanted me to do is move on, so in trying to grant her wish, i tried to, and i was a huge mistake. i dated this guy briefly for a few days and she found out about it. she was so upset. she claimed that she felt used and that she was just a rebound from something prior. and because of those things, i lost her for good.

      After all of this, i was just so puzzled, down, confused, angry, and pretty much anything word associated with those. None of this made sense at all. I had been trying to figure all this out for about over a month now. until recently, i just couldnt figure it out. But after a few observations and a conversation or two, i think i've finally figured this whole thing out

      well okay, so my ex's best friend is always wild, crazy, flirty, and all over me whenever we hang out. she even gives me lap dances sometimes.i mean, at first, i thought she was just playing around, but after talking it out with one of my best friends that know her, i didnt realize that shes so serious whenever she does it. we really think that she has a thing for me, but she wont admit it. she keeps claiming that shes 100% straight, but we're starting to see right through it. i mean, whenever im not around, shes so calm and collected.

      a little after i found that out, my best friend told me that my ex had told her that her best friend was the one that told her the lies that got her mad at me in the first place. I was able to put two and two together. we really think that my exs best friend told her all these lies to just push her away from me. so maybe she could have me for herself. I mean, i dont know if its true, but its the only thing that really makes sense in this whole situation.

      and thats where i am now. i dont know what to do. i really want to confront her about her telling my ex those lies, but i dont want her to get mad at me for accusing her and word of it possibly getting around to my ex. and yet again, im so mad that i really want to.

      and another thing is the guy that i dated for a few days started talking to my ex and he tried to "get us back together". i really think that it just made things so much worse. she started telling him everything that happened between us and she doesnt even know him. she keeps telling people that she is waaay over me but from the way that shes acting about it, it sure doesnt seem so. shes just so confusing!!!

      and ever since this whole break up thing, shes really been starting to mess up. shes been ditching a lot of her classes and not even trying to do well in school anymore. i see her walk around school sometimes during class and i just want to go up to her and talk to her about all this, but she doesnt want me to even be near her.

      god, i want her back in my life so badly, but all these obstacles are in the way. i want to tell her about her best friend lying to her, but i dont want to ruin their friendship. her best friend might have a thing for me and it'd just make me look worse that i already do. if i even try to talk to her, she'll just end up pushing me away again. I really love her but it doesnt even seem like she cares. im worried sick about her but i cant even get near her. I've given her so much time to herself and she still isnt willing to even talk to me.

      i know you guys are gonna say to give up on her or just wait more, but i just really need an answer that isnt one of those. please help me. what can i do to fix everything to the way it was before?

      I Want Something Good To Die For, To Make It Beautiful To Live
    • Re: I Don't Know What To Do Anymore (I Really Need Help)

      I know it must be hard, but you have to disregard the awkwardness and her refusals to plough on and speak to her. There's been so many misunderstandings and it's hurt both of you. In order to reconcile your relationship, or even to just give her a sense of who's a real friend, then you need to communicate clearly and boldly to her whatever you've found out and/or realized. She deserves to know.

      There's no guarantee you can fix this to the way things were before. Trust and loyalty is not so easily gained...but harder to take back once you've lost it. You have to take it slow. For the first step, keep approaching her to talk until you can sit down together and have a serious conversation.

      Good luck with it. If you really care about her, you'll persevere until she understands the message you're trying to convey.
    • Re: I Don't Know What To Do Anymore (I Really Need Help)

      You really need to talk to her. Lack of communication has brought you so many misunderstandings which has ultimately led to all these problems. You need to clear the air with your ex. Let her know how you feel. Neither of you can read minds and you won't know what the other is thinking until you speak up. Now, if she won't even let you near her then perhaps you can write her a letter explaining everything. I think it's her responsibility to handle her best friend. It wouldn't be wise to confront the friend if you don't know if it's true, that would only lead to more problems. Communicate with your ex first. Good luck.
    • Re: I Don't Know What To Do Anymore (I Really Need Help)

      Kase and Jasmine are both right. You NEED to communicate with your ex. Right now it's just a he said she said thing, and that's not going to end well. You two need to talk directly and find out the truth.

      She may be against talking to you again, but tell her that you would really like to just discuss this and sort things out. Afterwards, if she still doesn't want to talk to you, then it's her choice. But hear you out first.

      Good luck, I hope things work out for you. =)

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