Moving Schools !

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    • Moving Schools !

      Hello there.

      Okay, so I'm sure all of you have heard of the credit crunch, right?
      Well, I've been going to Private schools all my life and now my parents have been forced to take me, my twin brother and my sister out of our school and put us into the local State school.

      I have really no clue what State (Public in US) schools are like, what people's reactions will be towards us, the school does have a reputation for not liking Private school pupils, I've been walking past the school on my way home for three years and I've always been shouted at or pushed about! :rolleyes:

      So really the question is, has anyone else been through a similar situation; or simply, what are State schools like?


      -Oliver :cool:
    • Re: Moving Schools !

      What are state schools like? Their like the real world. I'm pretty sure most people here go to state schools. Your in the UK not afghanistan, we have some of the best schools in the world. You sound like you need to go to state school and experience it. It's also pretty damb unlikely that the pupils there are going to recognise you. I do sympathise with you having to move school because that must be shit but your view on public school as some kind of barbaric place offends me. I know you didn't say that but it's the impression I get.
    • Well dude, its not going to be easy.

      Erm, state school won't be much differnt. It's not as strict and you will be surrounded by a lot of bad behaviour and bullyin and stuff.
      The trick is to NOT TELL ANYONE that your from a private school until you get close friends coz nobody likes the "little posh boy"
      It will be fine. trust me. It's not like you and us. Your settle in nicely, its rele not that differnt! You just have people from all different types of background.
      You can still acheive the same grades, you just may have to work harder.
      Thats all I can say.
      James xx

      joe m wrote:

      Your in the UK not afghanistan, we have some of the best schools in the world. .

      Yeah if your into bombs and guns and stuff.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Tsunkatse: merged double posts ().

    • Re: Moving Schools !

      I don't think Public schools are barbaric! I just wanted some advice about fitting in, etc. Sorry if I caused any offense, but I'm just clueless, so please don't blame me; and sure, maybe I do need to go to a Public school for a bit, but seriously, my upmost apologies for any offense.
    • Re: Moving Schools !

      I don't think Public schools are barbaric! I just wanted some advice about fitting in, etc. Sorry if I caused any offense, but I'm just clueless, so please don't blame me; and sure, maybe I do need to go to a Public school for a bit, but seriously, my upmost apologies for any offense.

      most people won't care
      you will just be the new kid in school
      and they will see if your interesting or not
      "Something to relieve the pressures of their everyday life, like having to tie their shoes. "
    • Re: Moving Schools !

      It's a different experience to different people (of course), but you should be able to take something away from this experience. The change from a private to a public school is pretty huge, but have an open mind and an open heart.

      I don't think Public schools are barbaric! I just wanted some advice about fitting in, etc. Sorry if I caused any offense, but I'm just clueless, so please don't blame me; and sure, maybe I do need to go to a Public school for a bit, but seriously, my upmost apologies for any offense.

      Fitting in can be hard, but my best advice is to be yourself. Always be yourself and never let anyone falter that. Meet new people and let them know you, if they like you - that's cool; if they don't - don't let 'em get you down.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]