Childrens' bedtime stories

    • Childrens' bedtime stories

      Does anyone have younger brothers and sisters to read bedtime stories to?

      Our young George wakes up, sometimes late like tonight. To help relax him I brought over one of his favourite bears, and sat reading a childrens' story to him. Now he's asleep with a contented smile on his face. :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Re: Childrens' bedtime stories

      I've just found this post of my Poppi's.

      Just want to say what a joy it is when reading a bedtime story, you see your little one's eyelids drrop and they fall asleep looking contented. It's one of the sweetest things any mother could want.

      Sometimes though, when our boy wakes in the middle of the night, thats when tired and sleepy ourselves we find it hard to get him back to sleep again. But Poppi is far more skillful than I. She gets our rascal back to sleep and tucks all his stuffies around him. :)
    • Re: Childrens' bedtime stories

      I have no siblings but most of the kids I know love me reading them bedtime stories. One of my godsons loves me to read him car magazines and his brother loves me to read the jungle book.

      My next door neighbours grandsons love to be read the three little pigs repeatedly until they fall to sleep.

      Kids just seem to love it for some reason. Maybe it's the fact that it is your voice and one of their favourite stories?

      All I know is that my godsons love those being read to them because I do silly voices.
      :freehugs: I may be a little crazy but there is method in my madness :bump:
    • Re: Childrens' bedtime stories

      Well, my favorite little kids book is If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, and sometimes my boyfriend asks me to "read" (I have it memorized, but I don't have the book here) it to him when he's going to sleep. I guess he thinks the sound of my voice is soothing.

      I am very excited to be able to share my love for that book with my future children as well.