popularity help?

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    • Re: popularity help?

      Aannddyy wrote:

      That 'doesn't matter. If someone's wants to be popular just to be, popular, then they should stop and take a long hard look at themselves.

      You think being popular is a bad thing? Something to be looked down upon?

      Aannddyy wrote:

      If they feel uncomfortable around a group of people that they're trying to fit into, then of course.

      And what if they don't fit into any of those groups? (Which is the answer I was looking for)

      Aannddyy wrote:

      |E.g. I feel uncomfortable wearing necklaces, so I don't wear them just to look good.

      Ok that has nothing to do with being comfortable around people, wearing a necklace or not isn't going to change who you hang out with.
    • Re: popularity help?

      doolie wrote:

      You think being popular is a bad thing? Something to be looked down upon?

      No, trying to be popular is different...

      doolie wrote:

      And what if they don't fit into any of those groups? (Which is the answer I was looking for)

      I repeat, trying to be popular is (to put it simply) stupid.

      doolie wrote:

      Ok that has nothing to do with being comfortable around people, wearing a necklace or not isn't going to change who you hang out with.

      It was an example, I don't wear necklaces to try and fit in.
    • Re: popularity help?

      Zony66 wrote:

      Ive tried being myself, being cool (calm and mellow) and that doesnt work, and it seems like the only way to get popular with the girls (or at least be friends) is to sit with every one of them. (4 that i auctually care about) but i almost never get paired with them. Ive got 1,i need 4 more to get to a good positions to ask out one. How can i get popular fast? It sucks, cause i see one of my friends basicly getting a huge hug every day from 1 of the 4

      P.S. Im a bit over average size.

      Being popular won't solve your problems.

      Do you really wanna' be the center of all the rumours, conversations etc?
    • Re: popularity help?

      I never understood people who try everything to be popular.

      Fortunally; cliques don't seem to be as present here in Belgium. Everybody just hangs out with everybody so it's easier for people to be themselves.

      Honestly what's the freaking point of trying to fit in the group whether it’s the populars or the jocks or geeks or whatever else? If you try too much to be someone else, you'll end up forgetting who you are. There's not real point in forcing yourself to act a certain way, you'll only feel even more uncomfortable than ever.
    • Re: popularity help?

      jaco123 wrote:

      maybe you should do something new, like learn guitar or sports.

      I agree. I'm not necessarily saying that by doing that kindof stuff you'll become more popular, but you'll definitely be more exposed to new & different kinds of people. I've made a lot of friends thru sports & extra-curricular activies and by doing that, I wasn't forcing myself to be anything I'm not.

      Plus, being part of a team or joining a club helps you find friends who you'll have a common interest with :)
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: popularity help?

      You can't just instantly become popular. You start out as an acquaintance with people and then become their friend. Then you know their friends and they meet your friends. Eventually you'll have a web of friends. It's not something that happens in a month's time.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: popularity help?

      I'm a senior in high school and the best advice I ever got about it was from my step sister telling me to never peak in high school because the rest of your life will be boring. 99% of the high school quarterbacks who think they're the shit will get any girl they want in high school and they'll be popular, yeah, but after they graduate, they turn into losers in real life. Popularity's overrated anyways, if you're content with yourself and the people you hang with, you got nothin to worry about.
    • Re: popularity help?

      I don't consider my self popular, but i have lots of friends.
      Popularity is not needed to get close to each of your friends.
      Do something that you think that they might appreciate you, but don't do it just cause you want to get popular. Do something like they really are your friends and not just a tool.
      For the asking out part. you don't need to complicate it by doing that. which one really tugs your heart is the one that matters the most. if there are none in all of them. then they're probably not the girl that u should go out with. but its not my job to judge. so go with whatever makes u happy. haha
    • Re: popularity help?

      I alwaysss used to be insecure about saying the wrong things and being cool until i found out that only made everything alot worse. people see right through all of that and shoot you right down. i got a TON of friends just by acting like myself. i can act like an idiot all i want and if people make fun of you fuck it who cares. be yourself youll se results in a few days or weeks ;)
    • Re: popularity help?

      Find common interests with them. Talk about these things.

      Be sweet. Compliment them. Flirt with them. Not too much though.

      Impress them in some way. I find that my piano and guitar both tend to be chick magnets. Unfortunately for you, if you don't already play either of these well, then this obviously won't work. There's other ways to impress them though, just find something that works.

      Don't worry about being popular either, I'm not the most popular guy in school. I'm totally happy with my friends and wouldn't change anything about my popularity for the world.