Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

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    • Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      (I think this comes under the 'health' section)

      Well I was at a house party last night, with alcohol.
      And there was this really small girl there. I mean, she's 16 (which is older than me) but she's just like tiny if you get me.

      Well her body took the alcohol a bit worse than ours did and she was fucking out of it. She kept falling over, tried to get on boys (including me) then she had an energy outburst, then she went all dopey and then started to cry LOADS.

      Someone at the party; a girl, just looked after her for a bit, gave her water and cuddled her and stuff.

      Then she like came onto me REAL strong and like I couldn't get her off so I slightly slapped her face and said "your fucking up a good party. stop making yourself look like a twat. these are your friends so fucking treat them like it, now keep on your own two feet and go have a good time before you fuck up even more"

      Now I know what I did was harsh, but I don't regret it. I'm gonna talk to her soon and make sure she knows I'm not a violent person; but the thing is I could see the nice act wasn't working; and I think I got through to her. She like, almost behaved herself after I had had a word.

      Basically, it made me realise people react to drunk people in different ways.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by COK3CAD3T ().

    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      When I got a chance alone with her, I pinned her down to the bed and slightly slapped her face and said "your fucking up a good party. stop making yourself look like a twat. these are your friends so fucking treat them like it, now keep on your own two feet and go have a good time before you fuck up even more"

      I don't condone what you did. It was an appalling thing to do - shout and scream and swear like that. And I bet there'd be no way you'd have treated that poor girl like that with people present. :mad:

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      Depends which of my friends it is because everyone acts different when drunk. I once tackled my friend to the floor so I could take his car keys away from him. Here's the best quote ever by him:

      "Guys I'm fine! I can drive! Just give me 5 minutes to sober up!"
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      When my friends are drunk I tend to ignore them unless they're really bad, then I look after them. Normally they're all okay, but one of them is a complete ass when he's drunk. It REALLY pisses me off. I can understand how you would of felt but that might of been a bit harsh. :sarcastic_smiley:
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      You can't be kind to drunk people. They're intoxicated and will do whatever. Retards. I would have done the same thing, in fact I have before.
      Anywho, I'm really tolerant of alcohol and don't drink to get smashed. I'm usually pretty sobered up by the end of the night unless I fall asleep and don't get hangovers, so I'm just taking care of or yelling at people.
      You can't put your arm around a memory.
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      shelb angs wrote:

      You can't be kind to drunk people. They're intoxicated and will do whatever. Retards. I would have done the same thing, in fact I have before.
      Anywho, I'm really tolerant of alcohol and don't drink to get smashed. I'm usually pretty sobered up by the end of the night unless I fall asleep and don't get hangovers, so I'm just taking care of or yelling at people.

      That's not true. A lot of people are still pretty chill when they are drunk. And sometimes you really need to be nice to drunk people if they are depressed or they will go and do something stupid.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      Iceman_ wrote:

      That's not true. A lot of people are still pretty chill when they are drunk. And sometimes you really need to be nice to drunk people if they are depressed or they will go and do something stupid.

      I am chill when drunk, so I have to go around and smack the people acting stupid. Kids are stupid and more stupid when intoxicated. 'Nice' doesn't work.
      You can't put your arm around a memory.
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      Gah I know the feeling was at a house party last night n had to spend 2 hours looking after 5 other girls who clearly shouldnt have drank so much so quick, they were all in the bathroom cryin n throwin up but 1 was determined to go n fuck someone, anyone had to keep stopping her cos she ws driving ppl up the wall.. but never slapped anyone just kept them all with there heads in th bath to be sick n making sure they all drank water n got home alright.
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      I can't believe you did that. Dealing with a drunk person is like dealing with a child. They don't know any better, and slapping them certainly isn't going to help. Especially since she is a girl and you are a guy. I swear I would have punched you if I were to witness you hitting a girl.

      I am a huge drinker, so my tolerance is extremely high meaning my friends are usually drunk before I am leaving me to take care of them. I usually give them water and a little bit of food to cure the hang over. If they get all emotional drunk on me I calm them down and tell them it won't seem so bad in the morning, the alcohol is causing them to react a bit differently than usual. I hold their hair back when they throw up, and if they puke on themselves I clean it up. I also make sure they fall asleep and don't choke on puke, and put a trash can next to them just in case.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      I think it was a bit wrong to slap her but when drunks get hysterical there isn't much else you can do.

      One of my mates is drunk pretty much all the time and when he starts all the crap i just hit him. It seems to work. If i was drunk and trying to fuck anything with 2 legs i think i would prefer being slapped to finding out i was pregnant because of my stupidity.
      :freehugs: I may be a little crazy but there is method in my madness :bump:
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      mixandmatch wrote:

      i think it was a bit wrong to slap her but when drunks get hysterical there isn't much else you can do.

      One of my mates is drunk pretty much all the time and when he starts all the crap i just hit him. It seems to work. If i was drunk and trying to fuck anything with 2 legs i think i would prefer being slapped to finding out i was pregnant because of my stupidity.

      yes :D
    • Re: Drunk Friend? What Do You Do?

      Lol all i can say is go you. Seeing as alot of people don't agree with you i'm just wondering if any of them actually realise what would happen if you didn't do that.

      Slap or get pregnant? I know which one I'd choose.

      Hell i'd love to be drunk around you =D
      :freehugs: I may be a little crazy but there is method in my madness :bump: