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    • i have a friend that her boyfriend cheated on her with my girlfriend but im not sure if this is tru because he is being a dick head and making up all these other lies i have studied reading body language and im am very good at reading peoples facial emotions but im not to good with reading other parts of the body i want to find out the truth but i dont wanna get cought because i have a good relation ship with my girlfriend and she will hate me if she finds out i went behind her bak . should i do it or not
    • Hold up.

      It's not going behind her back if she could be cheating on you. And it's not going behind her back if the guy she's cheating on you with is cheating on your friend. To get to the bottom of this is to be a good friend; not only that, it's to satisfy your (most likely endless) curiosity and to relieve your anxiety. You deserve to know the truth, nothing less. It's only common sense that you should want to and need to figure out what the heck is going on, right?

      So do it. Don't feel guilty, you're just making sure everyone gets what they deserve. If it turns out that your "girlfriend" is cheating on you, I'm sure you'll be too preoccupied hating her rather than vice versa.
    • The only way you'll know is by speaking up and getting to the bottom of it. Reading signs isn't going to get you the truth. She cheated on you, are you really that concerned with going behind her back? She obviously betrayed your trust and isn't loyal. You can either continue trying to read signs and not know the truth, or you can talk to this friend or one of them about it. The decision is up to you now. You have every right to get to the bottom of this.
    • try setting a trap for them!
      works everytime.

      and check phone txtmsgs and calls.
      heres what you do.

      check her phone logs for 1 weeks period or 2.
      chances are if they are still cheating, then within 2 weeks they will cheat again.
      if you see that they have been contacting each other, check about the times and the days. if its days you dont see your gf and they have been communicating, it could be a sign. check at what hours. and for how long. they are all signs.
      then lastly, ask her about the days you know they have been in contact... ask her what she did and if she got any new news about your friend because you havent herd from him in a while. thats when she will LIE! bam if she does, then shes hiding something! what else can it be? you do the math.