How did you come out?

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    • How did you come out?

      I'm bisexual and some of my friends know that I am, but other than that people jsut assume i'm heterosexual including my family. So I was wondering for those who have come out if they could share their experiences so I could get some ideas on how to go about telling people. Also what were people's reactions when you told them were most of them accepting?


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    • Re: How did you come out?

      Well the first person i ever came out to was my first BF. of course we weren't together when i told him lol. But it was easy cos we were on a jamboree (scout camp... it's actually a lot coller then you might think lol) There were 10000 other scouts there and he was in my troop, how lucky was that.

      Anyways we bacame good friends and we had a lot to talk about because we both lived in the same city. We were sitting outside at the cafe' thing they had going there drinking coffee... mmm coffee, when he told me he was gay. And i said wow really? i'm biexual, and bam it went from there.

      But i actually didn't tell anyone else for ages, after we split actually, i was just too worried about there reactions. But i eventually told my close friends at school. they were great. It was a bit awkward for a while but they all accept me now. I'm sure more people know... but i havn't specifically told anyone else yet.

      I really want to tell my parents but i'm afraid of their reaction. I don't think they'll have quite the same understanding nature as my friends.

      But i suggest if your ready tell as many people as your comfortale telling it feels a lot nicer to be around these people when your not hiding your feelings.
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    • Re: How did you come out?

      If your bisexual, I don't see why there is a need to come out unless you are in a commited relationship with a member of your own sex...

      Personnaly I didn't come out since I'm bi, my parents aren't aware (at least I don't think so) I enjoy sex with girls and boys. Why label yourself? I guess if you feel the need to tell people, go ahead if you'd feel better.

      If I come out to my friends, I'm thinking my "boy" friends will change towards me and try to get me into a threesome or get a show!! :p

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Amelie ().

    • Re: How did you come out?

      JCpatriots wrote:

      I'm bisexual, and haven't yet come out to anyone. There's a good chance I will this week, since I am on vacation and me and my mom will be home alone. That would be a good time for me to tell her.

      But I dunno.

      My mum doesn't know I'm bisexual either, though some family members do and all of my friends too. Good luck with talking to your mom x
    • Re: How did you come out?

      Im bi curious, and I haven't told my family and I'm not going to! They would never accept it, that for a fact. But I did tell two of my friends. The one has never reacted to it because I sent her an email telling her so she never responded on it" that sucks" though we are still friends. And the other one it took me 2 hours to get it out. I was just so nervous to not lose her because of it. But she was perfectly fine with it, even more fine than I am with it. She's the best! :)
    • Re: How did you come out?

      I am a lesbian and it was when I was still in highschool. I was the first to come out at my school, which is a private school filled with a bunch of conservatives, so you could imagine the kinda negative reaction I received. It was first to my best friend, she was very understanding. Then to my other friends, word gets around pretty quickly at a small school. Girls would stay away from me when changing during P.E., guys would ask me about threesomes.
      But on the plus side, after I came out everyone else in the closet slowly gained the confidence to as well. Not to mention some of the chicks (who I would never expect) wanted to expirement with me.

      Parents are another thing though. That was a TERRIBLE experience.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: How did you come out?

      I came out to my best friend just randomly and it turned out she was too . Was just spur of the moment Lol. I came out to one of my guy friends too.. And again.. He was too haha I guess I was just lucky lol . It was good because we finally had people we could relate to. I thought I would come out to someone else but all she did was make fun of me, and she thinks I take it as a joke but it gets to me sometimes..

      But on a lighter note, I think people come out, even if they arent in a commited relationship, because it just makes things easier, and it doesnt feel like you are hiding anything anymore.

      I could never come out to my parents.. Not anytime soon anyway.. No parents, no family.. Although I am pretty sure my brother knows that I am Bi.. Well I'm pretty sure he thinks im Seriously Gay.. But it doesnt matter to him so its all good :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Atiuan.Koko: added in more ().

    • Re: How did you come out?

      i didn't really come out.... i think my mom always knew that i was liked boys and so when i had my first (bf) who was my best friend too, i could talk to her about it and so i think she knew from start

      Alex;2413509 wrote:

      Polish people are awesome, might I just add.

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