Why Social Networking?

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    • Why Social Networking?

      Hey everyone! I'm new here, so just saying elo :) Not sure if im in the right place here but i was wondering if you could help me with a project im doing?
      It's about social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, Bebo etc. and I was wondering if you use any of these sites, which ones do you use? and especially, why do you use them?
      Also, how do you feel about possible employers checking your profiles before they meet you/ call you for an interview?

      It doesnt have to be a long answer or anything essay like :p just a few words would be very helpful :) thankyou very much for your time :)

    • Re: Why Social Networking?

      I use Facebook.
      I originally started because my friends wouldn't leave me alone, it was constantly "OMG You HAVE to get facebook!" but then it became useful for...


      ... ....

      Okay. It never became useful, but it is addicting! Never has doing homework been so hard with it as a distraction xD!

      But no, I think I use it mainly as a place to hold pics, and creep what my friends are up to! xD q: Jk about the creeping thing. But ya, it can be useful for keeping in touch since you don't have to type to people directly, yet you can have more fun with it than just a conventional email.

      As for employers looking at it... well. Mine is private so they can't see it. Not that it matters, I'm not really hiding anything, just keeping out the people that hate my guts ;)

      Sorry I couldn't be of more help xD
    • Re: Why Social Networking?

      lucie3606 wrote:

      I was wondering if you use any of these sites

      I do use one of them.

      lucie3606 wrote:

      which ones do you use?

      I use Facebook.

      lucie3606 wrote:

      why do you use them?

      I use it mostly to keep in touch with friends and to store photos.

      Soon I will be out of middle school, and because of the massive amount of high schools here, I'd be lucky to have one or two people from my class be at the same high school. Without Facebook keeping in touch with my friends after middle school would be a very difficult thing to do. It's just not realistic to phone 30 people a day to ask them how they're doing. Instead, I can just log on to Facebook and see what's going on.

      Sometimes our hard drives fail, and I keep a lot of photos on my computer. It's nice to be able to have sort of a backup in place. So, if my hard drive ever goes dead like my previous hard drive did, I wouldn't have lost something very valuable.

      lucie3606 wrote:

      Also, how do you feel about possible employers checking your profiles before they meet you/ call you for an interview?

      I think it's very inaccurate. People are very different on the internet than they are in real life. I think people judging other people for something formal such as a job over the internet is a very bad idea. Most of the time people use the internet to relax from exactly things like work, so they are informal and joke around. So yeah, I'm not a fan of it. Personally, I only have close friends and family on my Facebook friends list. Anybody else I just ignore their friend request. A future employer would never get inside of my friends list unless we became very good friends.