Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

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    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      I'd stay with her, Your equally as responsible for that baby as the mother is. Plus I couldn't even think about leaving my child like that and having it grow up without a father. abortion in my mind being basically legal homicide is in no way shape or form an option for me, but that's just my opinion.
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      First off, I wouldn't be getting any girls pregnant, because I wouldn't be having sex at such a young age. Secondly, IF I did have sex, I would be using a condom. Thirdly, IF the condom was defective and I got her pregnant, it's my child too, I have to take responsibility. Plus, I wouldn't be having sex with someone I wasn't deeply in love with anyways.... Can't abandon someone you're crazy for, now can you?
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      fourn7wenty wrote:

      no, it depends if your a jackass or a man. stay..and love her?
      You don't necessarily love a girl you get pregnant. Just like you don't necessarily have to even stay with her. My boyfriend got a girl pregnant on a one-night stand, and even though he's not with the girl he knocked up, he helps take care of his daughter and already has money put away for her future. Don't need to be a husband to be a dad.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      JennyColada wrote:

      Am I the only one who doesn't automatically think that a guy is a jackass to be honest enough to realize that he isn't mature enough or ready enough to handle everything that comes with a child? Sheesh. Some of you are so quick to jump on the judgment train.
      But part of being a decent parent and a decent person is putting aside your own problems and still stepping up to the plate to do whatever you can when necessary. And any guy - or girl - that doesn't do that doesn't ever deserve to have kids. Take some kind of responsibility for it, whether that means putting it up for adoption, aborting it, or taking care of it. Don't just ignore it like it doesn't exist when it's your goddamn fault that it does.

      As I said before, my boyfriend found out he was a father to a two-year-old when he was 20, and he didn't believe he'd be any good as a father. He still doesn't. But he helps take care of her and does everything for her that he can anyway because he loves her and it's what he's supposed to do as a decent, responsible human being.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      the easiest thing in a mans life is to walk away.
      and a large majority of them do cause they don't want the responsibility.
      all of you could say you would stick by the girl you got pregnant, but reality is quite a few of you wouldnt. im not doubting any of you in what you say. its just how it is, how the world works, the kind of society we all live in.
      personally i think if you get yourself in that situation you should take responsibility for your actions, the fact you have created life, your blood.
      but hey, the world cant be perfect can it?
      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:

      But part of being a decent parent and a decent person is putting aside your own problems and still stepping up to the plate to do whatever you can when necessary. And any guy - or girl - that doesn't do that doesn't ever deserve to have kids. Take some kind of responsibility for it, whether that means putting it up for adoption, aborting it, or taking care of it. Don't just ignore it like it doesn't exist when it's your goddamn fault that it does.

      I don't think that there's anything wrong with someone being honest with their weaknesses. As much as we all SHOULD be strong enough people to be "decent" doesn't mean that we are. Isn't it better for someone to recognize that than to lie and fail miserably and hurt even more people in the long run?

      Some people just aren't strong enough to deal with pregnancy, and I'd rather know that from the get go than be lied to. There are plenty of things that I am not strong enough to deal with: I've left a boyfriend due to him smoking, due to him drinking, or even due to my own issues with school. Sure, it sucks to be left high and dry when pregnant (I've been there), but sometimes it just happens and it's better to KNOW that the guy isn't going to be there than to be lead to believe otherwise.

      I think it's unfair to magically expect every guy to do XYZ and to be ready for everything that comes with pregnancy. We can't expect that from women, and we can't expect that from's just that women have a harder time "walking away", since it's their bodies (but you can sure as hell bet that if I could then I I can't exactly fault a guy for doing what I wish I could do).
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      To all you people who say people wouldn't actually stay around even if they claim they would, here is proof that you are wrong. I have said for years that I would stick around. Now she is pregnant, and I couldn't be happier. Even when she didn't want me to be around any more, I told her I would not leave my unborn child. And I won't.
    • Re: Boys: What if you got a girl pregnant; Would you..

      If I was was straight and had a kid, I would stay with her and take care of that child, and be the man any father should be. Anyone who wants too have the pleasure of sex, should be willing too accept the manly responsibility of caring for and loving his child, no questions asked.