Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

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    • Re: Sexuality stresses me out... can someone help me?

      look it all could just be a phase. but if you can't stop looking or thinking about girls than you could either just be curious or you really could be into girls either way you need to know one thing......................IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT OTHERS THINK. THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS OR NOT IS WHETHER YOU ARE HAPPY. IF IT'S WHAT YOU WANT GO FOR IT.

      i'm bi-sexual and don't care what others think. i've been this way for 3 years now, but i'm just starting to come out and tell my friends and family. some don't like but i don't really care. and just like you it use to bug me too, but now i tell any one who gives me crap to shut it cause i don't care. HOPE IT HELPS.