Stop the screaming!

    • Stop the screaming!

      This is really scary and it's starting to freak me the fuck out.

      A few weeks ago I went to take a shower. I got undressed and my chest was completely normal. Wasn't red nor had any marks on it. So, I got in the shower and was washing my hair, what little hair I have. Anyway I turned the water to cold a little bit and hear a low scream in my ear. I turned around fast and saw nothing. I then continued to wash my hair but stopped because the screaming got louder. It's strange because banging noises began to arise but no one else heard them. So, I get out of the shower and look down. All over my chest and legs are scratch marks. Appoint from the cut marks and the blood but yeah. I saw nail scrapes in my skin.

      Now sometimes I hear loud screams. I see faded shit in front of my face. I think nothing of it. Maybe I'm freaking out and making myself believe things are there. I tell people and they say that I'm just overthinking. Which I do, but whatever. I hear a young girl's cries at night when I'm sleeping. She is yelling no and shit. I'm scared most of the time, yes.

      Do you think it's normal or no?
    • Re: Stop the screaming!

      Understanding your Demon:

      (Taken from The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS))
      Get to Know your Ghosts - Demonic Haunt
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
      Demons are one of the known inhuman entities out there. Fortunately, they are a rare occurrence.
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They are usually very easy to identify as long as they are not hiding. When it is a demonic haunting you typically notice a revolting stench similar to rotted flesh or sulfuric acid. They often let loose a growl that sounds like it is coming from everywhere at once. They like to make contact by pushing, shoving, hitting, and even scratching. The whole air in the affected area will feel thick like fog and the temperature will drastically change, typically becoming warmer. [/FONT]
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]These creatures are very strong, unlike human spirits, and they don't mind showing it. There have been cases where people have been thrown through the air and even attacked. Apparently, their main goal is to break down a person's free will in order to make way for possession. This can take days, months or years, but time is of no concern to them. [/FONT]
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They have a hatred for mankind that dates back to the days of God and Lucifer. They have lived for millennia and will be here long after we are gone. So, you must understand that though you may be able to get these creatures to leave a dwelling with religious provocation you will never destroy them. They could go to the next place down the road if they choose, most likely they won't because distance is not a problem for these creatures. They could go from Maine to California on a thought. [/FONT]
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They can take on any form they wish, but mostly commonly it is a half man, half animal form. They will have the head of an animal, the torso of a man, and the hairy legs of an animal. When they are approached by an investigating paranormal team they may feel threatened and appear in a human form to keep the home from being blessed and stop the use of religious provocation. [/FONT]
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]During an investigation you need assess the situation more by what happened before you arrived than what is actually going on during the time you are there. Demons are capable of changing form right in front of you from a human form to an inhuman form. They neither male nor female, but then can change that to meet their needs. People mostly see demons as black masses standing in doorways or near rooms. Sometimes they are called shadow devils. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
      [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]-Jason (TAPS) [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

      I am sorry to say you will have to be very religious inorder to get rid of this, but you dont have to belive in God to do it.

      Salt, water, crusifix.

      Warning: This is very dangerous. It is very common to experiance rebelion in the means of physical contact and emotional distraught.

      Enter room of direct activity. Mount crusifix on the wall. Take the salt and spread it around the walls and the doorway throughly. Whilst spreading reciet. "In the name of the father, and of the son Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Ghost, I bless this room." Take the water and then bless it by forming a crusifix over it with your right hand and recite "As God blesses the water to baptise his childern, I ask of him to bless this water. In the name of the father, and of the son Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Ghost." Take the water and sprinlke around yourself and around the room. Recite Matthew 25:4 "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." Recite the Lord's Prayer "Our father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive thouse who tresspassed against us. And lead us not in to temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen." {Note: Strange things may happen here. Be warned} If rebelion occure, do not run away, this will cause the demon to become stronger. If needed, call local church. It is best that you record this. Leave room when activity is setteled, or the room feels normal.
      [CENTER]~In a world that i dont want to know~
      ~With a message that i never want to send~
      ~To be free from all of this~
      ~I want you to quicken my end~
    • Re: Stop the screaming!

      Whoa! That's freeky!
      Everything you've said has happened in my house, exept for the agressive contact. I hear a young girl crying, sometimes screeming, and there are rare time when she bangs on my door at night, it mainly comes from the corner of my room... AND IT SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!

      I have spoken to her once, she told me she was trapped, she told me she doesen't "believe" (I'm guessing she doesen't think, or doesen't want to accept, that she's dead.)
      I have read up on some of this ; These "ghosts" are people who've died, but still remain in our world, usually for one of these four reasons: 1: They do not believe they are dead. 2: They believe they are dead but refuse to accept it. 3: There is a time after you die where you stay in this world, waiting for god to summon you to heaven....or hell. 4: The "ghost" could be an entity sent by Satin, these "ghosts" are known as "Demons". Their eyes are usually black, they are usually in the form of an adult male wearing a tuxedo or something black, if not, They are usually in the form of a child, these forms have no common clothing or features. They try to pursuade you to do wrong things. The more you listen to their demands, the stronger they hold over your mind. Sometimes they get you to the point were you start attacking your family members, even sexual assault! The "Demon" Could eventually get so powerful that it takes the form of a family member.

      Just letting you know that you're not the only one.
      and No, it's not normal at all, nothing about it is normal. We just have to live with it.
    • Re: Stop the screaming!

      Good Gosh, Fay, I would be terrified, too! I've had something similiar to that happen (no physical contact thank goodness) but I was in the shower & got the feeling that someone was watching me, and then the water turned abnormally cold for about 10 seconds, then back to hot. Shit like that freaks me out. Have you told your parents or anything about it? Maybe they've noticed something, too.
      brodie: ladies and gentleman, this tall drink of water headed my way is a pillar of the shopping community who informed me earlier today of a nefarious plan of his to screw my girlfriend in an extremely uncomfortable place
      gil: what, like the back of a volkswagen? -MALLRATS
    • Re: Stop the screaming!

      It could be spirits or whatnot, but I personally think it could be in youre head. Theres nothing wrong with that, maybe you should talk to someone who can do something? if thats not an option, try meditation, or something like that as thinking time (when i smoked, it was a cigarette i used as time to think, or just being in the shower, or walking), and see if you can resolve it that way.
      And Fey, sweetie, i dont mean that as in youre crazy or stupid, i just dont believe in ghosts or spirits haunting someone. No offence ment, promise.
      Yes I do! (no I dont)
    • Re: Stop the screaming!

      In all seriousness, there are documented cases of demons. We learned about them in Cathecism Class... Look some up. I would stop by your local Catholic Church and ask a Priest about them. There is no need to worry about confidentiality with a Priest, just tell him that you want to keep it quiet, they are good about that. I would recomend it just because, sometimes they can be helpful.
    • Re: Stop the screaming!

      I went into the bathroom a few days ago after my friend told me what to do and I heard nothing for the first few minutes. But then I started to hear low whispering over by the shower. And when I run my hand over the shower I feel this pushing against my hand. I'm thinking about going to a church because it's seriously getting worse.