Promise Ring?

    • Promise Ring?

      I've been with my boyfriend for 9 months- and he knows I want to get married. We're still pretty young, and right now an engagement is out of the picture, obviously We've sort of been talking about moving in on and off- so that might happen eventually when I finally get my audi and start working when I'm one school.

      Anyways so last night I told him it was time for a ring (promise ring) and he seemed more than willing and told me he would be willing to spend $10,000 on a promise ring.

      I fell in love with a birks ring that was like $2000.

      I think he'll get me one soon but I feel like $10,000 on a promise ring would be silly- however tonight he said when he does get engaged, he'd probably be wanting to spend like a couple hundred thousand on a ring.

      So what do I do?
    • Re: Promise Ring?

      Forget the 2k ring and just get a cheap $50 one :P

      You've only been together 9 months. I still wear the ring my boyfriend got me 3 years ago and it was &30 (yay for sales) Recently for Christmas he bought me a silver ring with small diamonds on it and it was about $100.

      I mean, sure we do somewhat have plans to get married, but we're in college so we don't have as much money to throw around. Besides, why should value matter? It's the thought that counts, no? As long as it's durable enough to last for a while, I think that's good enough (mine's sterling silver, and it looks worn, but I love this ring)

    • Re: Promise Ring?

      I totally agree with the above - there's no point in buying an expensive ring after 9 months, I still have both the rings my boyfriend bought me and they were both under 100euros.

      Price doesn't mean a thing if the feelings aren't there to go with it - and to be honest I'm surprised you'd even accept a gift from him that's that expensive - I never would.

      Remember - a lot can happen in a short space of time, imagine he spends that money and then you leave him for someone else? That would be awful.

      Anything's possible, remember that.
    • Re: Promise Ring?


      2k? Why not call it an engagement ring if you're planning on getting married anyway?

      I never really saw the point of promise rings. It's basically a pre-engagement ring. What does it signify? That you promise to ask them later what you could be asking now?

      "I don't want to get married yet, or even ask you for that matter, but I promise I will eventually, and if i give you something shiny, will you overlook the fact that I'm putting this off as long as I can?"
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: Promise Ring?

      The price doesn't make the ring, honey. Especially if it's just a promise ring. I would say go for something super cheap if getting one at all. That way he can spend more on your actual wedding set. I'm not going to say that I don't like nice jewelry cause trust me, I could drop a paycheck at Tiffany's easy. But I say just wait. Why bother with a promise ring anyway? Get the better engagement ring. You'll be wearing it longer anyway.
    • Re: Promise Ring?

      The price makes the diamond. Bigger the price, bigger the diamond.

      I don't think my boyfriend would buy me a $30 ring or a $50 ring.

      He's spent $2000 on a trip to mexico the first week we started dating for me
      and bought me $2000 boots for my birthday.

      a two thousand dollar ring isn't a big deal for him, he drives a $400,000 car.

      I don't want him to spend ten thousand on me though.
      Like a thousand or two I guess.

      I found some that I really like at birks.

    • Re: Promise Ring?

      He likes to spoil you ... Well, so does mine but he spoils me with affection, not money.

      The fact that he spends all this money on you, and you let him only says to me that you're just a gold digger.

      Instead of getting a promise ring why not just get married already? I mean, he's rich, right? So you could probably just sit back and enjoy the high life right now if you want.

    • captain_kurenai wrote:

      He likes to spoil you ... Well, so does mine but he spoils me with affection, not money.

      The fact that he spends all this money on you, and you let him only says to me that you're just a gold digger.

      Instead of getting a promise ring why not just get married already? I mean, he's rich, right? So you could probably just sit back and enjoy the high life right now if you want.

      Are you freaking kidding me.

      I'm not a gold digger. I love him for him. What is the difference between some girls boyfriend spending $30 on her and my boyfriend spending $2000 on me?
      Considering the amount of money my boy has- $2000 to him is like $30 to someone elses boyfriend.

      So maybe you shouldn't make rude accusations and accuse me of not loving my boyfriend and using him.

      We love each other so much- and that's why he wants to get me some bling bling. haha.

      I told him you guys on here suggested I get a $50 ring and he started laughing and he was like "I would never do that. Did you tell them that?"

      And we aren't getting married anytime soon.
      I want to get married at like 25. I want to solidity my career before I walk down the aisle.

      JennyColada wrote:

      At your age, having an expensive ring with a large diamond is just too mature. That doesn't suit your age at all.

      Lol. You don't know how old I am.

      What is up with all these retarded assumptions?

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