I need some advice on asking this gal out

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    • I need some advice on asking this gal out

      Ok, there is this girl at my school that I really wanna ask out. I like her because she's pretty (:p) and nice. Almost everybody in my grade knows that I like her (thanks to one of the girls *begging* my 'friend' via sms to tell her who i liked :mad:) exept well....the girl that i like, lol. I don't talk to her very much, I'm kinda shy (to her in particular). :( But I need to talk to her more and get to know her b4 I ask her out. Here is how much I know her: I know her name, I've talked to her sometimes at P.E., I put a love letter in her locker for valentines day too :D.

      What should I do when:
      1- Sometimes she sits on the bench (alone, away from the rest of the girls XD) at recess.
      2- (b4 we go 2 lunch at my school, we all sit on the chairs in the main room 2 say a prayer.) Sometimes she sits alone on the 2nd row of chairs.
      3- In class and most of the time in PE she looks at me randomly. She doesn't smile and blush then look back, but does that mean she might like me? Example- One time it was raining outside, so for pe we were in the lunch room watching a sports movie. I was sitting on a lunchroom table watching the movie on the TV. She was in front of me, about meh....7 ft away. She kept looking back at me, and the TV wasn't even in my direction if you looked at me. Does that mean she may like me?
      4- Today (March 24 2009 to be correct ;)) We ('we' as in my whole grade) were in pe, playing lacrosse or however u say it. One of the girls on my team randomly (i didnt ask her to do this) asked the girl i liked (kinda out loud) if she liked me. She said "No", but is that true? She may just be saying that because of the fact she was near a bunch of other girls and practically everybody could that girl ask her. So was she just lying because shes bashful and didnt wanna say it in front of everybody?

      Anyway, I need to talk to her more and become her friend b4 i ask her out. Im in PE with her, recess, L.A, Math, and of course lunch. When should I talk to her, and what should I ask her to kinda start a friendly conversation. And what should I say (nothing totally perverted or sexual that would gross her out) to flirt with her?

      When I do ask her out, I know exactly what to say.
      So, what should I say to start a friendly conversation with her? (and when?)

      Srry that I sound so *desprate* in this thread, but really i am not. I'm just very curious, and I needed some advice from ppl who have 'dating experience'. :wink:
      I would heavily appreciate any help.

      P.S One thing that surprises me is that the 'nerd' in my grade who is 110% ADDICTED and talks about all the time (even with girls [bad idea]) Star Wars. I don't understand how the hell he has a (kinda hot) girl that hangs around him and touches him. (not in a inapropriate place, more like a hug lol :D)
    • Re: I need some advice on asking this gal out

      a_person_on_teh_intornetz wrote:

      Is that true with most girls, or all of them? I just don't get it- I went from being kinda nerdy to being cool, and funny. (But personally, I like being cool n' funny more, its more like myself :D)

      All girls who aren't open with their nerd fetishs are closet nerdsexuals.

      But to answer your main question:
      You can sit and analyze everything until you make yourself crazy, or you can buck up and ask her to the movies. You don't need a deep friendship to go on one date with someone, and it sounds like you guys talk quite a bit and get along well. Just ask her, and whatever happens, happens. Over thinking is just going to frustrate you
    • Re: I need some advice on asking this gal out

      Faucet wrote:

      All girls who aren't open with their nerd fetishs are closet nerdsexuals.

      But to answer your main question:
      You can sit and analyze everything until you make yourself crazy, or you can buck up and ask her to the movies. You don't need a deep friendship to go on one date with someone, and it sounds like you guys talk quite a bit and get along well. Just ask her, and whatever happens, happens. Over thinking is just going to frustrate you

      Actually, we really don't talk that much. But we do get along, and she doesn't think I'm weird. (Any ideas to strike up a good conversation without scaring her?)

      Anyway, why do u think she turns her head and looks at me a lot?
      And when asked if she liked me or not, is the reason she said "no" because she was around about every girl in my grade and practically everybody could hear her?
    • Re: I need some advice on asking this gal out

      Lisa123 wrote:

      you seem so sweet.. I hope she says yes :)

      Thanks :). Do u think she likes me? Lol :p

      I'm currently planning to say somthin like "Hey <her name here>, I have a question. I was wondering if over the weekend (or on Friday because my school has a field trip planned but it's gonna rain hard and it will get canceled) you wanted to hang out together and go see a movie (or something other than that), because you seem really nice and I'd like to get to know you better. <wait for her responce lol>

      P.s do u think her parents will let me take her to the movies?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by a_person_on_teh_intornetz: For teh Lulz ().

    • Re: I need some advice on asking this gal out

      ComplicatedMind wrote:

      Who cares if her parents will let her go to the movies, that's not your problem. At least you know and SHE knows that your willing to give each other a chance and that it is one step closer to knowing each other.

      Ok, I'll try asking her sometime this week. It's best not to ask when she's around anybody (including teachers), right?
    • Re: I need some advice on asking this gal out

      ComplicatedMind wrote:

      Yea, it is probably better if you two are alone.

      Yea, thats what i thought ;)

      This is for the girls mostly (and the boys if you know what ur doing lol): What can I do when im asking her out to 'charm her'? :D (Like something like a flirt to say to her while im asking her out.)

      P.S. @ ComplicatedMind LMAO at ur profile GIF :lol:

      The post was edited 4 times, last by a_person_on_teh_intornetz: I edited the post for teh LuLz. ().