I reallllly need help with this :(

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    • I reallllly need help with this :(

      Ok so a kid in one of my classes sounded like he was joking, but he asked me to make out with him (that was one of the joke) i said no.... Then he asked me to go out with him (and i have to say he aint bad looking and he has a awesome personality) but i cant tell if he was joking cuz i said idc and he said is that a yes i then nodded.... Im confused
    • Re: I reallllly need help with this :(

      art_051 wrote:

      Hes probably saying it as a joke so if he gets turned down he can say he was only joking, hes probably just nervous, send him a text or something or call him, see what he says

      I'm gonna go with this ^

      You can't really tell if it's a joke or not with some people. Sometimes, people like to put on a huge mask to hide who they are or how they feel and they use comedy as that mask. He probably wanted to see what you would say/react if he jokingly asked you to "make out with him" or "go out with him", because he probably does like you; but you never know for sure unless you go for the straight-forward approach. The thing is is that if you rejected him, then he wouldn't look quite as humiliated if he wasn't joking. If you are confused, then perhaps you should talk to him about it. Ask him if he was being serious or if he was joking, ask him to be honest with you.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: I reallllly need help with this :(

      BLiND.ZEAL wrote:

      Just be like "Are you serious or just joking?"

      But ask it in a joking manner.

      ^You could do that^

      Or you could ask a close friend of his whether or not he was joking or whether or not he likes you.
      "And This'll be the first time in a week,
      That I talk to you and I can't speak,
      It's been three whole days since I had sleep,
      'Cos I dream of his lips on your cheek"