A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

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    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      You can alleviate some people's urges by putting on clothes.

      Also, what about happiness then? If the whole human race was depressed, then no one would be motivated to do anything. Would you consider that essential?

      Depression doesn't really have anything to do with the need to live.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      The Guardian wrote:

      It is their land... After all they do have the right to force you off it, on the pretense of trespassing. Where I am from, they have the right, after warning you three times, to shoot at you as a warning after that, they can shoot you.

      What about in a store they do not own?

      I'm talking about around town, not dancing nude in my neighbor's yard.

      Also, can I dance nude in my yard? What if someone walks down the sidewalk and is offended I'm doing it on my own property? I'd still get a fine for public indecency just because other people could see me.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      What about in a store they do not own?

      I'm talking about around town, not dancing nude in my neighbor's yard.

      Also, can I dance nude in my yard? What if someone walks down the sidewalk and is offended I'm doing it on my own property? I'd still get a fine for public indecency just because other people could see me.

      That is the owner of the store, thus he has the right to dictate.

      Go ahead, though I would watch out for complaints, and media.
      [CENTER]We're the first to fight, the last to leave. We're your worst nightmare, and your greatest blessing. We are the US Marines!
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      Umm.. yeah, but the point is your common sense is not the same as someone else's. How can you even try and argue that your common sense is more right than theirs?

      I'm not.

      But how can causing physical and mental violation/abuse possibly be, "Okay," in any sense, common or otherwise?

      There are some things that are just not right. Do I have the right to kill slugs just because I have the ability to and feel more powerful than them? That's not fair to the slug. Just as it's not fair to rape someone. It's just not, "Okay."
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      I'm not.

      But how can causing physical and mental violation/abuse possibly be, "Okay," in any sense, common or otherwise?

      There are some things that are just not right. Do I have the right to kill slugs just because I have the ability to and feel more powerful than them? That's not fair to the slug. Just as it's not fair to rape someone. It's just not, "Okay."

      Going to school and working puts a lot of stress on students and workers and hurts them mentally and physically. How is that okay?

      How are any competitive sports like boxing or judo that can be dangerous be considered okay?
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      Going to school and working puts a lot of stress on students and workers and hurts them mentally and physically. How is that okay?

      How are any competitive sports like boxing or judo that can be dangerous be considered okay?

      How are competitive sports okay? The players know what they're in for. When you step into the ring of a boxing match, you know you're probably going to get the crap beat out of you. You know there is a chance you will get seriously hurt.

      When a student applies for a job, he knows he has to balance his schoolwork, home life, job, etc. When he applies for this job he knew he was going to be put to work. The job isn't causing physical and mental abuse. They aren't (or shouldn't be) making him do much more then what he signed up for. It's not the employer's job to balance his life for him. If he knew better and did it anyway, then he's an idiot.

      Please show me where a woman walking down the street KNEW she would be raped or SIGNED UP for rape. I'd like to see the papers.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      How are competitive sports okay? The players know what they're in for. When you step into the ring of a boxing match, you know you're probably going to get the crap beat out of you. You know there is a chance you will get seriously hurt.

      When a student applies for a job, he knows he has to balance his schoolwork, home life, job, etc. When he applies for this job he knew he was going to be put to work. The job isn't causing physical and mental abuse. They aren't (or shouldn't be) making him do much more then what he signed up for. It's not the employer's job to balance his life for him. If he knew better and did it anyway, then he's an idiot.

      Please show me where a woman walking down the street KNEW she would be raped or SIGNED UP for rape. I'd like to see the papers.

      It's against the law to not go to school.

      Lots of people don't want to work, but are forced because they need the money to live.

      They're not choices.

      You're making the mistake in believing that your common sense is the right common sense. Your common sense is as right as anyone else's.

      And women KNOW that there's a possibility of them getting raped. Just like how many athletes KNOW that there's a possibility that someone will break the rules and come after their face.

      Most people also underestimate the pressures of the real world. It's not as easy as you make it out to be.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by nikitashot ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      It's against the law to not go to school.

      Lots of people don't want to work, but are forced because they need the money to live.

      They're not choices.

      You're making the mistake in believing that your common sense is the right common sense. Your common sense is as right as anyone else's.

      And women KNOW that there's a possibility of them getting raped. Just like how many athletes KNOW that there's a possibility that someone will break the rules and come after their face.

      Most people also underestimate the pressures of the real world. It's not as easy as you make it out to be.

      You do have a choice to get a job. You don't have to get a job if you don't want one, even if you need money to live. This is why we have homeless people. It's you problem if work is too stressful for you.

      Life is tough, you have to deal with stress on a daily basis, but it's not abuse.

      And sure, it's against the law not to go to school. Does that MAKE it stressful? No.
      School is not stressful for me, I'm sorry if it is for you. This is a personal factor.

      So if school is too stressful for you to get a job, you are an idiot to get one. If you are a minor, your parents or legal guardian(s) still have to legally provide for you.
      If they raised you correctly and not to be a lazy bum, work won't be too hard for you. Millions of people have jobs and can still deal with stress, sorry if you are 1 person who is too spoiled to understand you have to work for your money. We call it "Hard Earned" for a reason.

      Yes, they know there is risk, but they don't know for 100% sure. If you sign up for rape, you 100% for sure know you're getting raped. And if they know walking out nude increases those chances, then they still know the risk they are taking. I still don't see why this is a problem.

      I'm not passing of my common sense as more right than anyone else's.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Just_A_Dude ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      You do have a choice to get a job. You don't have to get a job if you don't want one, even if you need money to live. This is why we have homeless people. It's you problem if work is too stressful for you.

      Life is tough, you have to deal with stress on a daily basis, but it's not abuse.

      And sure, it's against the law not to go to school. Does that MAKE it stressful? No.
      School is not stressful for me, I'm sorry if it is for you. This is a personal factor.

      So if school is too stressful for you to get a job, you are an idiot to get one. If you are a minor, your parents or legal guardian(s) still have to legally provide for you.
      If they raised your correctly and not to be a lazy bum, work won't be too hard for you. Millions of people have jobs, sorry if you are 1 person who is too spoiled to understand you have to work for your money.

      Yes, they know there is risk, but they don't know for 100% sure. If you sign up for rape, you 100% for sure know you're getting raped.

      I'm not passing of my common sense as more right than anyone else's.

      But you are passing your common sense as more right if you're calling people stupid for not following your common sense.

      There are cultures where kids aren't expected to go to school and are taught how to hunt instead. They don't have a currency system either, so money to them doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't consider them stupid.

      And there are lots of kids that go to school and are bullied every single day. Stress from school is not only from academics, it's more than that.
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      But you are passing your common sense as more right if you're calling people stupid for not following your common sense.

      There are cultures where kids aren't expected to go to school and are taught how to hunt instead. They don't have a currency system either, so money to them doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't consider them stupid.

      And there are lots of kids that go to school and are bullied every single day. Stress from school is not only from academics, it's more than that.

      Well, I'm a U.S. resident, this is mostly about the U.S.

      And in fact, I believe the people who don't have currency are actually smarter than us.

      And I'm not calling people stupid for not following my common sense.

      "And if they know walking out nude increases those chances, then they still know the risk they are taking."

      That would be following their own common sense.

      And it's my fault if the kid doesn't report the bully?
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      Well, I'm a U.S. resident, this is mostly about the U.S.

      And in fact, I believe the people who don't have currency are actually smarter than us.

      So then people in the US should only follow your logic?

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      And it's my fault if the kid doesn't report the bully?

      Who said it's your fault?

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      And I'm not calling people stupid for not following my common sense.
      "And if they know walking out nude increases those chances, then they still know the risk they are taking."
      That would be following their own common sense.

      Here's what you said,

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      So if school is too stressful for you to get a job, you are an idiot to get one.
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      So then people in the US should only follow your logic?

      No, but that doesn't mean they should be completely illogical, either.

      I'm not trying to pass my common sense off as, "more right," I'm simply stating my views and opinions, and you're accusing me of doing something I'm not.
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      nikitashot wrote:

      Here's what you said, "If school is too stressful for you to get a job, you are an idiot to get one."

      Yes, I did. If school is too stressful for YOU, and YOU know YOU can't handle a job, YOU are stupid to get one. Especially if you are talking about kids in K-HS, they have a parent or (a) legal guardian(s) to watch over them and provide for them. If their parents suck, see my section on parenting. (even though it doesn't directly challenge parents who don't provide for their children, I don't think)
      [center]Teenhut's Pokemon Fanboy
      Have we lost all Common Sense?
      :rockon:I play the guitar.:rockon:[/center]

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Just_A_Dude ().

    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      Just_A_Dude wrote:

      Yes, I did. If school is too stressful for YOU, and YOU know YOU can't handle a job, YOU are stupid to get one. Especially if you are talking about kids in K-HS, they have a parent or (a) legal guardian(s) to watch over them and provide for them. If their parents suck, see my section on parenting. (even though it doesn't directly challenge parents who don't provide for their children, I don't think)

      That's still based on your common sense.
    • Re: A Little Thing Called Common Sense ~by~ Just_A_Dude

      What the fuck kind of shit?

      You have a choice to get a job? YOU HAVE TO GET A JOB TO LIVE IN THIS MONETARY ECONOMY OF OURS. Do you think the homeless like being homeless? Who would want to fucking hire a dirty-ass hobo?

      Working any fucking job from 9-5 just to be able to buy food and pay the rent, and paying for people to take care of you in hospitals, paying so your teeth wouldn't fall off, paying so you wouldn't look like a hobo.

      We're fucking wage-slaves don't you see? Yes some people like their work, but who would fucking work if we didn't need money just to survive?

      Gosh you're a dumbass.