HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

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    • Re: HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

      Think Back; are you late on you're period? Have you recently had sexual intercourse? If you answered yes to either of these, then I'd suggest taking a pregnancy test. This is the most accurate way to determine if you are pregnant or not. You can also go to your doctor. He/she is there to help you and can answer any questions you have about pregnancy. Again, tests can determine if you are or not.
      ~Best of Wishes.
    • Re: HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

      This can be a really stressful time, so the first thing I'd recommend is to take a breath. This isn't the end of the world, even if it feels like it at this moment. I was pregnant once (had an abortion, so if you have any questions about that I'd be happy to give you all the information I have on it), so I can really relate to how you're feeling.

      You're not alone in this, and have friends, family, and tons of people online who are happy to work through your thoughts and emotions with you.

      Your best bet right now is to find out for sure. If you have missed your period, I'd recommend taking a pregnancy test. If your period is not yet due then you can try a pregnancy test (some brands are good up to five days before a missed period!), but I would recommend testing a second time later on, even if you get a negative result. Depending on what you had sex, you could even try using the morning after pill (if you had the sex that you think may have gotten you pregnant less than five days ago).

      For all you know, there is a huge possibility that you're not pregnant, in which case you can chalk this up to a learning situation.
    • Re: HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

      Vicky-te wrote:

      I am pregnant. I took 3 tests today and they all came back positive.

      I'd recommend that you'd go see a doctor immediately, it doesn't have to be with your parents, but just to see what options you have available to you. Obviously there is either Abortion (I recommend if you are not ready for a child), Adoption, or continuing to have the child (Terrible if you are not ready, great if you are, but it sounds like you aren't.). A doctor will tell you what is available and what options you have for you, also, they might be able to help you through it emotionally. Remember, if you are not ready to have a child, I'd highly recommend abortion... :\
    • Re: HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

      Just went to the doctors today got an emergency appointment and guess what? Im pregnant! why does this stuff always happen to me?!? I am so scared right now coz i have no idea what to do, and there's no way i'm telling my parents coz i be kicked out my house! :(
    • Re: HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

      Chances are, if you live with your parents then you probably aren't of the adult age yet, in which case you may need to get parental consent/help with your choices.

      A lot of people are pleasantly surprised by the reactions that their parents have when facing this news. Although they may not be overjoyed (after all, I'm sure they had many other plans for you), it's really something that they need to work through with you, as they don't have any other choice. It's probably not even legal for your parents to kick you out (if you are under the adult age).

      Have you thought any about what choices you'd like to make from here? Perhaps you could even speak to the guy and find out his opinions, and work through this together (sometimes it's easier to speak to your parents when you have someone by your side).
    • Re: HELP! I'm in need of advice urgently

      Vicky-te wrote:

      I am pregnant. I took 3 tests today and they all came back positive.

      Okay, this isn't all that bad of a thing, being that you are okay with your pregnancy. Remember, there are always 3 options of things you can do, all with positives and negatives which differ from each persons point of view and morals.
      One: Abortion- while it might not seem like a "right" thing to do, it is an option. I know there are plenty of pro-life and pro-choice people, but it really depends on you. Can you support the baby when you have it? Are you physically able to have the baby? Will the birth directly affect your health/cause health problems? I won't touch any further on this topic, being I don't want to push my views on the subject.
      Two: Adoption- If you are anti-abortion, but still unable to support the baby this is always an option. Adoption allows for the proper birth of the baby, but if you find that you are unable to properly care for the baby or cannot financially support him/her, this can allow a bright future for your child. Adoption is usually safe and is generally helpful. It may be a hard choice to give up something you've held for months, but it is always a choice.
      Three: Normal- What we all generally go through, staying with our birth mom. This is a choice if we are completely 100% sure we can support the baby and ensure for its well-being.
      Now, I'm sure you are very confused and upset. There are people there to help you. I would recommend going to a doctor and he/she will support you step-by-step.
      Wish you luck! :]