Belly Button help.

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    • Belly Button help.

      So, okay, my belly button is pierced. And my cousin was telling me about how she got hers done, it got infected and she took it out. She also claimed it didn't heal the way it should have.

      It left a scar.

      Now, the scar doesn't look too bad and it's something I think I can live with.

      But do all belly button piercing scar infected or not?

      Is there anything you can do to make the scar less noticeable? (Like putting those creams on that are supposed to help.)

      I mean so far, my piercing seems to be healing quite well; it's not sore or anything and hardly red anymore and I've noticed I can put more pressure on it. Like sleeping on it and stuff. Although, today I made it quite sore but doing something I shouldn't have. :\ But now it's feeling a little better; I'm sure it'll be fine by later tonight or tomorrow. I just won't be putting anymore pressure on it.

      Also, is it true that after a year, if you want too; you have to re-pierce the belly button because the body rejects it?

    • Re: Belly Button help.

      All these things totally depend on the scenario.

      - A piercing will scar and/or get infected if you don't take care of it properly, the piercer did a poor job, (Cleaning it regularly, etc) or if the piercer's tools weren't sterilized.

      - Idk about making a scar less noticable.

      - A bad piercing will get rejected by the body. This happens quite often if the piercer is not an experienced one, esp with surface piercings.

      - Just leave it alone until it heals a bit.
    • Re: Belly Button help.

      I've hardly been touching it so I think I'm pretty good there. I only touch it to clean it basically and that's it; I usually clean three times a day rarely two. I haven't even had the piercing a week yet; it'll be a week on Tuesday.
    • Re: Belly Button help.

      Just watch you don't over clean it, thats something I was told about, some people overclean and the body doesn't heal right because of it or something.. she explained it all but its been 3 years so I kinda forgot.. Mine healed perfectly without a scar, until almost a year ago it got caught and the inside of the piercing got ripped open, yeurgh so now I just let it heal over, might get it redone sometime but don't know. Mind you I was lucky when I got mine done, I didnt bleed and the redness went away the same night I got it done, healed very nicely very quickly.

      Also, if it does get infected don't do what your cousin did and take it out.. depending on the infection that can cause an absess making the problem a lot worse, go to your doctor first because you might have to leave the piercing in while you use an antibiotic cream so an abcess can't form.
    • Re: Belly Button help.

      My friend got her belly button pierced and her nose pierced at the same time, and they're both infected and disgusting, but thats only cause she cleans the holes with lots of soap.

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    • Re: Belly Button help.

      had mine done about a month ago something like that and it was fine , hardly red not infected.

      It WILL only get worse before it gets better , it sounds gross but it will start to puss ukky stuff lol just take salt baths and clean it no more than 2wice a day.

      I have taken mine out to heal over now because i was in so much pain, the scar is tiny and nothing to worry about , you can use BioOil to help but it wont do to much to it.

      How do you mean do u have to re-pierce it ?
      unless you leave it to heal you wont have to have it re-pierced, whilst the bar is in it can heal around the bar causing the bar to be stuck in but u just wet it and clean it and its fine.

      that any help to you?
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    • Re: Belly Button help.

      glad to help :)

      just be prepared for it to get worse babe , it will get red again , start to puss horrible stuff if you can get through that it will be great , i was just unlucky mine caused me so much pain i couldnt deal with it lol

      oh no you dont have to have it re-pierced, once its done its done only time u need it re-pierced is if it heals over when you take it out!
      :love1: [SIZE=3]Love Is When You Dont Want To Go To Sleep , Because Reality Is Better Than Any Dream !![/SIZE] :love1: