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    • to put a long story short i thought i was straight up until today, me and my best mate were messing around as usual (play fightin) n then he asked me if i wanted a shag (he does a lot but we usualy joke around) and i said yer.. then it led to more than just play fighting. Basicly we had sex on the condition that I was to take it aswell. i thought he was still jokin around as we have done all the other times, but this time he took his trousers down and i f*cked him, dont know y i did, probly cus i havnt shaggd in months, but then it was my turn to take it, he said it hurt for him a lot.. but for me it didnt hurt at all :S if anythin it felt nice, is this just a stage im going through? i wudnt even dream of doin it with anyone else, he the onli one i did it with (twice today) n i dnt think ill do it again. is this just a "phase" im goin through? or am i bi? cause i still like girls, we both do so cud this just be a phase or sumfin? :confused:
    • Re: Ummmmm?

      x_x... Sexuality is something that you decide for yourself...
      That being said, I believe you would have to be pretty stubborn to not consider yourself bisexual... I mean... it would be one thing to think about it but to have sex with your friend... twice... in one day is kind of a give away x_x...
      Give it time though, as a preliminary verdict I would say yes, your are probably bisexual... but let yourself come to terms with it based on the future, not one days... fun...
    • Re: Ummmmm?

      randomperson16 wrote:

      to put a long story short i thought i was straight up until today, me and my best mate were messing around as usual (play fightin) n then he asked me if i wanted a shag (he does a lot but we usualy joke around) and i said yer.. then it led to more than just play fighting. Basicly we had sex on the condition that I was to take it aswell. i thought he was still jokin around as we have done all the other times, but this time he took his trousers down and i f*cked him, dont know y i did, probly cus i havnt shaggd in months, but then it was my turn to take it, he said it hurt for him a lot.. but for me it didnt hurt at all :S if anythin it felt nice, is this just a stage im going through? i wudnt even dream of doin it with anyone else, he the onli one i did it with (twice today) n i dnt think ill do it again. is this just a "phase" im goin through? or am i bi? cause i still like girls, we both do so cud this just be a phase or sumfin? :confused:

      Did you enjoy it?

      You're probably bi-curious.
    • Re: Ummmmm?

      I wud prolly say that u shudnt judge ur sexuality all on one day's experience...the real judge is if u would do it again, do u feel strongly about this friend (as more than a friend) , and just are u glad or mad that it happened? But really, it takes more than one instance to solidify ur sexuality...

      Best I can say is that u are bi-curious or bisexual...but that's only a rough guess...

      Sorry I'm no help, best of luck...
      Please check out my blog at or check out my youtube videos at Thanks, loves!
    • Re: Ummmmm?

      hey, chances are your bi, but is that really a bad thing? it means your twice as likely to find someone, and you get to have fun. you can be bisexually straight, bi but prefer girls. you dont have to marry a guy. :) if you enjoyed the sex, found it arrousing and would bend over and do it again, then have at it and have fun. :)

      pm me if you want to talk more, I'm always here to help.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Ummmmm?

      It is possible its a phase but usually this points to bisexuality. I would suggest just taking it one day at a time and let whatever happens happen. It will become a little more obvious over time. There are some cases where two people of the same sex become such good friends that they do something like experiment because its the only direction their friendship hasn't gone yet. Then there are many cases where those said people are gay/bi. I label myself gay for classification sake but I personally believe that anyone can fall in love or be physically attracted to absolutely anyone else. The only way to know for sure is wait for time to tell.
      20/M/Suquamish, WA, USA/Gay
      Ask me anything -
      Watch my videos! -
    • Re: Ummmmm?

      You might never have another same-sex encounter in your life, and then you could 'label' yourself as straight. But, I hope you DO have more same-sex adventures, and I also hope you don't try to put a label on your sexuality. All of us are sexual beings, especially when we are around someone else who is aroused.

      Enjoy sex... it's fun with EVERYONE! lol....