Don't know what to do from here.

    • Don't know what to do from here.

      Okay, I'm just going to lay this all flat out. Two months ago I asked this girl out and the response was "I'm just not emotionally ready for a relationship right now. I'll still go on a date with you if you want but just as friends." So this confused some of my friends because of things she said about me (i.e. she found me cute, etc.) and the fact that she asked out a guy the next week (so obviously she was lying). So I tried something different last week and just avoided/ignored her because I don't want to like her or think of her anymore. Soon she noticed and asked a friend, the wrong one to ask btw, and he yelled to her face "HE HATES YOU BECAUSE YOU REJECTED HIM". She asked me about it and I lied and said nothing's wrong.

      Last night, I was sitting on my porch in an area secluded from the driveway. The same girl and one of my good friends were waiting for me and were talking. He brought up the topic to her of why did she reject me and she thinks that I hate her for not going out with me, but I'm just feigning a smile and pretending to still be her friend. She said that she doesn't want to date me because she got tired of her last two boyfriends because there was nothing new to know about them, and she thinks the same will go for me (she was using that "there was a spark at first when we met, but not really anymore" metaphor). This explains why she asked two separate guys to Military Ball and Prom that she doesn't even know anything about except for their respective names. Slyfully I hopped my fence and came out the front door of the porch to where they could see me. They still don't know that I overheard their conversation.

      I know I rambled on and probably bored you to death (srry :D) but I need opinions and different possible routes that I can go about this. Should I just avoid her and discontinue being friends, keep feigning a grin and pretend nothings wrong, confront her about it, etc? Btw I'm also asking this because since i'm a close friend of hers, she talks to me sometimes about asking these guys out and I just get ticked off because that unintentionally states to me "You're not good enough, but that random guy walking down the street is". Thanks for listening, I probably just needed to vent my feelings.
    • Re: Don't know what to do from here.

      honesty hurts for a moment
      lie hurts for a lifetime
      (ive read this somwhere)
      if youcould still stand being her friend
      then continue being such
      if not, then let go of her.
      I think issues lke thiese are normal.
      I actually have a friend(girl) who rejected
      our other friend(boy) ,we're in one clique.
      we're able to resolve the issue between them,
      we let them talk. (the girl really sees the boy as just a friend)
      so the boy didnt do so much about it,
      they've remained friends.
      and remain such, 'til now. (they already have respective love-life)
      i hope you could also fix things up.
      It's a normal teeny stuff .
      dont act on impulse,

      (in my humble opinion)

      tc and Godbless
    • Re: Don't know what to do from here.

      If she's not interested in you, there's not much you can do. If you don't want to be friends with her anymore, that's your choice. When she talks to you about the other guys, she does it because she trusts you and you're her friend. She doesn't say it to make you feel like you're not good enough. She just doesn't feel the same for you as you do for her. Maybe she's not the right one for you. It seems like she gets bored easily, is that someone you'd want to be in a relationship with, or could handle being in a relationship with? I suggest you move on and remain friends if you would like.
    • Re: Don't know what to do from here.

      Jasmine is right. At this point, it seems like she doesn't want to date you, and only sees you as a friend. It would be best to try and move on now. If that means you need to stop being her friend, even for a little bit, then that's what you have to do. If you can move on while still being friends, then do that. Whichever works for you.

      The one thing I will note is that you may like her, but if she only has an interest in guys who keep her attention, and once she gets to know them, she leaves, how will she ever have a successful relationship? The answer is, she won't. Now, is that the kind of girl you want to be with? Someone who won't be able to have a successful relationship? =P

      Good luck. =)

      Support Leader,
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Don't know what to do from here.

      Okay, thanks for the help guys xD i've made my decision. I'm actually not going to be such good friends with her from now on out, not to make drama or anything, but the negatives outweigh the positives. Also, 1 minute ago she asked me again "How do I ask this guy to the military ball? I've done it a couple oftime already but this guy makes it so much harder for me lol" and so that's like the 18th time she's doing it again ~_~ I'm just not going to respond or I'll just get sadder or mad. Anyways, thanks for the advice, it really helped :D