We're Asexual and we're out there

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    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      So you never rub one out? You never even get erections? If you get an erection.. you must desire sex, even if not consciously.. that's the purpose of an erection, for sex. You get one when you're aroused.

      Still, I love sex.. but whatever your feelings are towards it is up to you.
      [CENTER][CENTER]Taken: Shibuya, Toto-Super Space.
      "o-shaberi Benki-kun" - "Talkative convenience container"
      Only the Japanese would give a personality to a toilet.
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      A lot of response last night:
      1) First to Steven, if that is what you choose to believe, clearly I can't dissuade you. I only ask that you leave me and the other posters to have a civilized discussion.
      2) Erections can be caused by a stimulation of the penis without any input from the nervous system. So, if I so desired I could get an erection and could and have "rubbed one out" once, never again.
      3) I have been given a blow job and had I wanted it could have had sex, I turned it down.
      4) Finally and this may seem a little bit contradictory, I do want to have kids just not have sex. I love kids and everything they entail but, will never have any through sex, adoption and/or artificial insemination are however still options.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      Oh, god.
      I don't know whether to hate you or to love you.
      You already have one of my wishes, which is to be asexual, and you're aiming for my other one, which is to adopt and have a family, which I would have considered a plus if I were asexual.
      I don't think it's contrary at all, though. They may be related, but aren't dependable on one another these days, in my opinion.
      You guys just don't have any sexual drive, right?
      You still can be infatuated with people by their personality and such, correct?
      If so, I envy you.
      I really do wish I could just do away with any sexual desire.
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      Yes, I do feel romantically attracted to peoples looks and personality and do have the potential to fall in love.

      It may sound all well and good howeve
      r, it does have its pitfalls. Many girls think its odd and most have some sex drive so finding a way around that is tough. It is not impossible however and I am currently going steady with a beautiful girl who I can't get enough of and she understands.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      Steven wrote:

      For future reference, my name is Steven. And yes, I am rejecting that list of *-sexuality. Heterosexuality is nature's intention. Religion is merely another institution to close the mind. It is a strong statement, and I'll stand by it.

      Thanks for your time.

      That is a very hypocritical comment. You're obviously against all forms of sexuality apart from heterosexuality. So i think people would agree that this makes you quite a closed minded person. Yet later in your comment you also discredit religion by saying that religion is merely another institution to close the mind.

      So I must admit I'm a bit confused. You're obviously against closed-mindedness yet you are more closed-minded then anyone who identifies their sexuality as something other then heterosexual, (I'm not saying all "straight" people are closed minded) including Maximus1991.

      I respect your decision Maximus, just it's something I'd never be able to do.
      [LEFT][COLOR="Black"]“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”[/COLOR][/LEFT]
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    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      Just a few questions out of curiosity:

      Is there any physiological proof of asexuality? Like almost zero testosterone production? Or is in a matter of "I'm just not into sex"?

      Is possible to be a pan/asexual? So say you're a man, you may never have sex but still have relationships with other men as well as women? Or is it for hetrosexuals only?

      Is it just sexual activity you don't like? Surely you enjoy the feeling of an orgasm, or don't you? Sex can be a means to and end if you do.
      [CENTER][CENTER]Taken: Shibuya, Toto-Super Space.
      "o-shaberi Benki-kun" - "Talkative convenience container"
      Only the Japanese would give a personality to a toilet.
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      LOLFag wrote:

      There is a medical condition where someone has a very low or no sex drive. Hence, no sex wanted.

      Thankfully, this disorder, as well as those of homosexuality and transexuality, won't be passed on because of the lack of sex and fertility.

      You consider homosexuality etc as a disorder? Wow try opening your mind a little perhaps? The world isnt black and white :rolleyes:
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      Lachlan4815 wrote:

      That is a very hypocritical comment. You're obviously against all forms of sexuality apart from heterosexuality. So i think people would agree that this makes you quite a closed minded person. Yet later in your comment you also discredit religion by saying that religion is merely another institution to close the mind.

      So I must admit I'm a bit confused. You're obviously against closed-mindedness yet you are more closed-minded then anyone who identifies their sexuality as something other then heterosexual, (I'm not saying all "straight" people are closed minded) including Maximus1991.

      I respect your decision Maximus, just it's something I'd never be able to do.

      Being against something does not make one ignorant or inept to realize there are other ways of life. I accept that there will be people who want to rebel against society and nature, and they are free to do so. In my mind, that is utterly wrong.
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      look people this thread was made for ppl 2 ask Q bout asexual ppl not bout ppl bing close minded so every1 get of each others fucking back if ur going 2 start shit go some were else coz i don't wont 2 here uz bitching at each other n im sure others don't wont 2 here bout it

      now ask max n others how r asexual th fuking Q's

      (. . . stars, pip right bout what he said)
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      First to cooter, I didn't say you had to but, clearly people do care hence the response.

      Next, to Titus Pullo:
      re are tests that have been done that show that asexuals often have lower levels of their sex hormone, testosterone or estrogen depending.

      It is possible to be a pan- o
      r homo-asexual and there are terms for them
      * heteroromantic - romantic attraction primarily or solely towards person(s) of the opposite sex.
      * biromantic - romantic attraction towards person(s) of either sex.
      * homoromantic - romantic attraction primarily or solely towards person(s) of the same sex.
      * aromantic - lack of romantic attraction towards anyone of either sex.

      Yes, like all othe
      r people of the human race I do gain pleasure from the feeling of an orgasm however, the idea of sex does not stimulate me so, the only way I could have an orgasm is by a physical stimulation and then masturbation of some sort.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      it is impossible to not be a sexual human. We were born with the instinct and the *need* to reproduce. Don't tell me people are leaving the basis of life behind.


      if you havent tried something, you cant have any opinion on it

      [SIZE=3]Everyone Tries to be Different. Thats why all of us are the same. [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: We're Asexual and we're out there

      A valid point and stated without flaming, I appreciate that.

      As valid as it is, it isn't the case. I could kiss a guy just as easily as a gi
      rl however, there is no drive behind it, I have no desire to become intimate with either sex. I'm not quite sure how to put it any better but there is no drive there.

      ---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

      We as a race have a need to reproduce and I feel that the same as others, the difference is that I have no desire to perform the action that it requires, I was born with a physiological difference that leaves my desire for sex behind.

      As fo
      r that second part, how does a straight sexual male know that he has no desire to have sex with another male. Its much the same thing, I do not have an "opinion" on sex per se and have no issue with sex. I just have no interest in participating with the masses.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]"What we do in life echoes in ete[/SIZE][SIZE=3]rnity."[/SIZE]
      ~ Maximus from The Gladiator[/CENTER]