What do you want to see on a Social Media website?

    • What do you want to see on a Social Media website?

      Hi to all. My name is Roman, I've built along with few friends a social media website that will go beyond Myspace.com, Facebook.com Twitter.com etc.

      Now I would like to get some professional responses to my question from descent people.

      My question for all of you is: What would you like to see in a Social media website? What would you like to see on websites like myspace or facebook that would get you hooked on it? Give me ideas for my social site, advices, etc.
      Please help me out everyone as much as you can. I appreciate it.
    • One thing that I find annoying is: on Facebook, when we respond the someone's post, our response gets put to the bottom of the list. I wish it would go right underneath. For example:

      Member A posts a comment
      Then Member B responds to it
      And Member A comments on the response

      If I respond to what Member A initially said, it goes to the bottom of the "thread" so Member A doesn't know whether I responded to their first or second comment.

      On Twitter, I wish we weren't restricted by the amount of characters we can post.

      I wish we didn't need to have a cell phone (or have to give our number) in order to sign up with social media forums.