Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

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    • Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

      Okay well ive never been on any kinda site like this before but i need help big time.

      So theres this chick and weve been close friends for almost two years. But the thing is I really like her, maybe even love her. I mean when shes around we have so much fun and stuff. I know that she told me that she liked me when we first met and she knows that i liked her but she doesnt know how i feel now.

      And to even further complicate things she doesnt date alot and im dating a friend of hers. But I just dont feel the same around my girlfriend than i do when i with my friend. I know its kinda jerkish but im crazy about her.

      I really need some help before i do something stupid.
    • Re: Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

      If it was that easy i woulda done it by now.

      She's not like normal teenage chicks. She's really mature and stuff, even more so than me. I'm afraid if i told her then she wouldnt talk to me. She's a really good friend and i'd hate to lose that. But I cant leave it at that either. Its a paradox... T.T
    • Re: Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

      Ticket2Ride wrote:

      If it was that easy i woulda done it by now.

      She's not like normal teenage chicks. She's really mature and stuff, even more so than me. I'm afraid if i told her then she wouldnt talk to me. She's a really good friend and i'd hate to lose that. But I cant leave it at that either. Its a paradox... T.T

      IF she does that after u tell her that, she's not sooo mature u know
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][RIGHT]everyone laughs at me like if i give a fuck what they think...
    • Re: Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

      Im sorry I didnt mean to be rude. But like I really care about this girl a whole lot and ya know its not cool what u said. Trust me shes not like that at all. Shes just more sensative than most people.

      Please if someone was ever in this same situation id love some advice. Other than just "tell her" or "dont", its not that easy. Also id like to hear from a chicks POV. Thank you.
    • Re: Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

      I was in this situation with my best friend and i kinda just blurted out after a night out, he'd been trying to tell me the exact same thing for a while too but didn't cos he thought it would complicate our friendship as i did. If she is mature and you really do get on so well then you telling her, or maybe even write her a letter or something about it if its easier for you, it shouldn't change things between the two of you, unless of course for the better. It probably is a bit awkward what with you dating a friend of hers, but whats worse, staying with that girl when you love your best friend or breaking up with her and doing the follow your heart kinda thing. :)
    • Re: Im in L-O-V-E with my best friend

      Ticket2Ride wrote:

      Okay well ive never been on any kinda site like this before but i need help big time.

      So theres this chick and weve been close friends for almost two years. But the thing is I really like her, maybe even love her. I mean when shes around we have so much fun and stuff. I know that she told me that she liked me when we first met and she knows that i liked her but she doesnt know how i feel now.

      And to even further complicate things she doesnt date alot and im dating a friend of hers. But I just dont feel the same around my girlfriend than i do when i with my friend. I know its kinda jerkish but im crazy about her.

      I really need some help before i do something stupid.

      I'm sorry to burst your bubble but if you love her, you would know and maybe wouldn't be there. Be careful with the 'L' word.

      Anyway first things first. Do you like your girlfriend in a girlfriend way? You shouldn't go out with someone if you like someone else and not them. It's not fair on her.

      Do you really like this other girl? If so go for it. You never know what might happen. It could be the start of something special.

      You don't sound like a jerk. You sound like a normal person with feelings. :) Good Luck!