I am going to this gym with a girl. Should I?

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    • I am going to this gym with a girl. Should I?

      Here is my situation....

      There's this girl from my school who I have increasingly liked in the last two years. We text loads and she always smiles and at least says hi to me when i see her etc...

      However, currently I’m in a relationship and for some reason I think more about this girl than my girlfriend. For example when I'm texting I feel a lot happier to text this girl instead of my girlfriend. I know it sound awful but its just the way I feel.

      Recently, me and this girl have started hanging out at the gym and she’s established that we are "gym buddies". We hardly work out and just talk because its the only time when we get some time alone without friends swarming us. She's one of the only girl mates which I never hug but every time we talk we both smile. Also I have a gut feeling that when I'm talking to her its something more than just a friendship, however I don't know how she feels about this.

      She's only had one boyfriend in the last 5years and they broke up around 6 months ago. Some of my closest friends have mentioned that we would really suit each other but I have never had the guts to actually talk to anyone about the way I feel and the overall situation.

      I would do anything for this girl because she is my dream woman. But I’m scared i got the completely wrong idea and she only wants to be friends and I have never been brave enough to properly talk about ours feeling etc...

      Sorry about the essay it’s just so difficult to explain! Advice would be nice :)
    • Re: What do I do?

      Sounds to me you dont like your girlfriend and nobody likes to be strung along so my advice would be to dump her. Its not fair on her.
      Give it time and then ask yer one out on a date.
      Seems to me like she likes you.
      [CENTER]E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle ♥
    • Re: What do I do?

      How about asking her if she'd be interesting in another boyfriend.. She'd catch your drift.. If she asks why you could always say: "Just Asking". But on the other hand how about your current Girlfriend righht now? How do you think she will feel? Have you told her how you felt about yall relationship at all? Are you sure you really have it for the girl. These are the type of questions you have to ask yourself.
    • Re: What do I do?

      I do like my girlfriend but I got with her because I thought I had no chance with this other girl. But I cant break up now because its in the middle of exams and it would not help her stress levels. But I dont want to break up with her unless I end up with this other girl...
    • Re: What do I do?

      benjis wrote:

      I do like my girlfriend but I got with her because I thought I had no chance with this other girl. But I cant break up now because its in the middle of exams and it would not help her stress levels. But I dont want to break up with her unless I end up with this other girl...

      How about you talk to the other girl about stepping up you guys relationship and wait to exams are OVER to tell your Gf you want to be with someone else.
    • Re: What do I do?

      I suppose it is a good idea. However I don't know how this girl (not my gf) would react if I started mentioning relationships and stuff to her....
      Perhaps I should talk to one of her close friends indirectly (get my friend to ask her friend so I dont make a mistake).

      But thanks for the advice its giving me an idea on how to handle the situation :)