i need some help im seriously confuzed

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    • i need some help im seriously confuzed

      hi everyone my name is Paxton and i have been thinking about going anorexic not like all hardcore throw up but just eat less and take diet pills. i really need anyones help because im toally confused if i should or shouldn't. im like 5'4 and i weigh maybe 173 pounds i think im way to fat and im ready to go down. i try working out and being on a deit but it doesn't work. it seems crash diets things like that is all that works for me. so i need your help. other then being over weight thats my only health problem other then not eating ill smoke maybe one ciggarette. and thats all nothing more i just need your help positive ideas are very helpful thanks! :rolleyes::confused::)
      my rapper name is Dr.Pepper.:drink: :hugs: and i go where ever the wind takes me.
    • Re: i need some help im seriously confuzed

      the hole concept of fatness is wrong, just because a fucking moron, who just likes a body, doesnt accept you for who u are on the inside doesnt mean u need to change.
      I really dunno why u do this, but i think ur fine the way u are

      Anyways, its never good to go with extremes, its also never good a diet, u should eat helathy, its not about low portions, itss about mixing food, and alsway acompany it with workout
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][RIGHT]everyone laughs at me like if i give a fuck what they think...
    • Re: i need some help im seriously confuzed

      okay, i'll give you some reasons why this crash dieting and eating next to nothing:

      -You lose your hair! trust me, it's happened to me! i never thought it would happen to me, but a while into my diet, i noticed my hair becoming more brittle, weaker and when i brushed it, lots would come out. It's extremely scary. oh, your hair also stops growing if it doesnt get the right nutrients.
      -Your skin becomes terrible. Acne becomes very common if you don't eat right. Also, your skin can become dried out.
      -And guess what the worst one is? You come out fatter on the other side! Basically, doing this will slow your metabolism right down, and anything you eat will cause you to gain weight. eg, after your diet.. a healthy dinner will probably make you put on as much weight as a bag of crisps would of before your diet. So as soon as you start to wittle down on the diet, and start eating again (which you will, because you will not survive on this diet) you will get fatter than you were before.

      So, I strongly disagree with you wanting to be anorexic.. Are you kidding me? you WANT to be anorexic? You do realise this is a DISEASE and millions of people DIE from it? Have you not seen some of the pictures of how disgusting they look?
      ... no offence but you saying you want anorexia.. is like saying you want cancer. and that's just sick. It is one of the biggest killers and it will kill you slowly.

      Be smart, go on a real diet.
    • Re: i need some help im seriously confuzed

      Ok. DO NOT do something like that. There are plenty of better ways. If you do it this way, you'll maybe be a little bit skinnier but you will look horrible. Trust me. Girls who do these sort of things just look like they are sick all the time.

      You need to do this the right way. And you've heard this a thousand times before, but: A proper diet and regular exercise. If you maintain your diet. A diet does not mean eating less, but eating healthier. Several small meals over the day with healthy calories (you never want to go under 1,500 calories). Things like chicken, fish, salads, etc. are what you should be looking for. Cut out all junk food.

      Then there's the exercise. This is the true key to losing weight. You need to make a weekly schedule and stick to it. Running will be your best option. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is especially effective. If you do exercise regularly (not once a week!) then you should see a difference in a short amount of time. However when I say exercise then I don't mean just a little movement. You need to get out of your comfort zone and work hard. Tired from running the day before? Suck it up and go do it again.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: i need some help im seriously confuzed

      Ah but don't cut out all luxeries immediately, or you'll cave and pie out.
      Make sure maybe.. once every 2 weeks or 4 weeks, you give yourself a SMALL treat. Say, if you were addicted to chocolate before, have only a small piece, to prevent yourself from craving them and caving in...

      It will be extremely hard at first to stop. But, once you get into your diet and become motivated you should have enough willpower to cut down completely eventually.
    • Re: i need some help im seriously confuzed

      Your not fat.
      You shouldnt feel that way about youself, and anyone who does tell you that is insecure about there own weight.
      Anorexia is a serious illness, and is wished upon noone.
      People who have it wish they didnt, it effectsthere whole lifestyle, they cant sttop losing weight and they get to fragile and weak.
      It some cases it resorts in death.

      If you are insecure about your weight just excercise more and eat less junk food. Theres no need for anyone to go anorexic.

      But i can assure you that you are fine the way you are, and you shouldnt let anyone tel you any differently.
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Zachary Jayden, My precious little [/SIZE][SIZE=3]man, I love you with all my heart ♥[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: i need some help im seriously confuzed

      Get that skewed perception on weight loss way the fuck out of you mind. You want to be anorexic and starve yourself? Holy shit.

      You can lose weight so no need for bullshit excuses such as 'I tried but it didn't work'. Get your diet in check first, then cardio and weightlifting will be taken into consideration. The key factor is determination and commitment. If you don't stick with a lifting/running/or diet regime, no shit you won't see any results.

      First thing would be to hammer out the diet. You should be eating 5-6 macro-portioned meals a day spread roughly 2-3 hours apart from one another. Your calories shouldn't drop lower than 1,500 calories but should also never exceed 2500. I wouldn't advise skipping carbs, but lowering your intake wouldn't be a bad idea.

      Throw in some cardio such as swimming, running, HIIT, cycling 45-60 minutes a day for 6 days a week and progress will be shown. I'd advocate weightlifting in addition to cardio considering lean mas gains will be present and dropping lbs would be easier.