Indegestion/Acid Reflux/the like

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    • Indegestion/Acid Reflux/the like

      Almost every night I'm kept up (on top of my ever present insomnia) by acid gurgling up my esophagus. I use Tums and I used to use a baking soda/water mix, but both take forever to kick in and it is so annoying that sometimes I end up sitting straight up and near cry. The odd thing is I don't really eat or drink anything that would cause it, or eat or drink anything before bed in general. Oddly, I seem to have less of a problem when I DO eat before bed...I'm sure there's a reason for that one.
      Anyone know anything that could help? It isn't always there but it randomly happens during the day sometimes too. I can't drink orange juice and strawberry poptarts tear me to shreds cause of it. I'm currently up due to it, despite my exhaustion. :(
    • Re: Indegestion/Acid Reflux/the like

      You might have a food intolerance your not aware of, it doesnt have to be very acid-y foods that cause it but for people prone to it they dont help. If your body finds it hard to digest a certain type of food it can react in many different ways for some its a rash, others its vomiting some get heartburn the range of reactions is very extensive. See your GP who may be able to suggest something or prescribe something that will kick in faster but I'd recommend cutting out food groups one at a time for 2 weeks at a time and see if theres any improvement. My cousin used to get both heartburn and vomitted a lot for years till she went to the doctor at 26 and discovered she had an intolerance to wheat and gluten.

      The reason foods that arent so acidic cause these symptoms is because the body produces excess acid of its own to try and digest it. However I am not saying this is a definate cause just a good place to start looking so see your GP who can give you more information and help work out the problem. Also mention your insomnia because that could be linked, if your an insomniac because your stressed it can aggravate a number of different things within the body. Good luck with it all :)
    • Re: Indegestion/Acid Reflux/the like

      There are various cures that u can try :

      1. Drink cold milk before sleeping.
      2. Have a vanilla icecream float with coke.
      3. Lemon grass and its oil are carminative, valuable in relieving flatulence. It is given in doses of 3 to 6 drops with sugar as an emulsion. The emulsion is prepared by mixing 3 to 6 drops of common lemon grass oil with sugar. Try this out.

      Check, You might find some good remedy.