kicked out

    • I first posted this in Private teen support thread, but no one answered.

      Name is Michael Bass, I am 17 years old as of feb. I am not the perfect son, done some things. My dad threw me out of the house, I have no money, no job, no place to sleep or shower. I am staying at a community club house where they have computers and workout rooms and such open 24/7 if you know the code to get in.
      I have never been so scared in my life, I have no idea what to do, I could just use some help.
    • Re: kicked out

      LEGALLY, i have been told that many times, he talks about going in his truck driving off never coming back, since I have been 4th grade or so guessing 8, he would ask me if i would like to go stay in foster care when i got in trouble, as of reporting him, a lot of times I hate the old man but when I was in 5th grade, I had been taken away from him for abuse, found out he was put in jail for the weekend, I could not stop crying. At this moment I feel very hallow like, and kinda of stupid talking to people i cant see face to face. I don't know what else to say at the moment just wait for another post i guess.
    • Re: kicked out

      You're going through a very rough patch in your life right now, friend. I haven't really been in any scenario that can be compared to what you're going through atm, so I can't really give you any sound advice on what to do.

      But i'm just gonna say hang in there.

      Do you have any friends you can stay at? I think the biggest thing you need to worry about is just trying to find a good place to sleep. Ask friends.
    • Re: kicked out

      I am a high school drop out as much as it pains me to say, was planning on going back when new year start. 17 in the 10th grade is kinda sad, left all my friends behind. as DUMB as it sounds i have been looking into marines. family i got is in fishkill NY about 14 hour drive from where i am.

      PS high school drop out means no drivers license which means no car
    • Re: kicked out

      Your age tells me that it is your parents who are asking you to leave the house.
      You have not mentioned any reason why it is being done so.But you know it.Did you try to see the results of your behavior with them. You think you are right and they are wrong.You think they hate you and so they are kicking you out of the house.Remember no parents hate their own children.You are a part of them.An extension of them . Created by their own flesh and blood .They cannot hate their own selves. You must have done something again again to annoy them to this extent.Everyone makes mistakes but wise are those who learn from their mistakes.They do not want you to suffer by committing the same kind of they tell from right to wrong.

      You also do not want people to annoy you by doing things that you do not like.Some people you can avoid easily and others you should think before making mistakes . In your part of the world important human relationships are not very strong. Your people are producing best of the businessmen architects scientists etc etc.But what about good brothers,sons, fathers and mothers.A home is a very important part of the family in which you have to learn to share places things and most important love.This trains you to live in this planet with responsibility.You do all that for your own sake.You do not become a good human being by reaching the top of any profession but by being good to other fellow human beings.You may not see the reward immediately but reward there is definitely.
      Every one wants to be liked by others and I am sure even you want that.You have to do some thing to be liked specially to those who are important to you.

      I think the best and the easiest thing to do to get out this problem will be to go and say sorry and try your best to mend your ways,unless you have an ego problem.Which in fact is creating problem for you

      The post was edited 3 times, last by joey19 ().