girl has strange issue with other girl

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    • girl has strange issue with other girl

      Ok. Well i have a bit of an odd problem. I wasn't really sure what section to put it in. But i think friend is most relevent. ok...well I have this friend who is a girl and she and I use to be best friends when we were a little younger. She's just so incredibly pretty and nice and talented and funny and generally awesome. But we had this weird kinds...fall out. Only it was more like we just difted apart and did nothing about it until it was too late and now it's awkward and difficult to even carry a conversation. Anyway I got really depressed after we stopped talking and I don't know why because that sort of sulky attitude is totally unlike me.. anyway now everytime I see a picture of her or think of her I get this horrible's freaking me out a little. Generally I pretty sure I'm straight like 85% sure. and I don't like other GIRLS (i'm a girl just to clarify) but I dunno? does this mean I'm in love with her? Or was it just a REALLY weird obsession? like a teenage faze or something? I'm freaked out. - Sorry V long problem haha^o^ plez give me some advise!T.T:o
    • Re: girl has strange issue with other girl

      u think? I really hope it's just that..I just wish I knew what to do about it. i've never fallen so deeply into a friendship before so quickly..T.TI feel like such a freak. I just want to move on - that way maybe we'll end up being friends again? But I just don't see that happening now. Especially if i'm this attatched to's weird:S
    • Re: girl has strange issue with other girl

      Really? ..I guess. That must be it. I mean, she was like my idol. So maybe I was just tasting..possesiveness for the first time or something? Thanks a LOT I was just looking through old pictures tonight and I got really worked up cus everytime I saw a picture of her and me. Or just her. I felt like cryingT.T how lame haha. Really thanku. i feel much beta^-^ xox
    • Re: girl has strange issue with other girl

      im the same. mine was a different sex friend, bu i was never into her like that. i moved away about 2 years ago and we lost contact. every time i see a picture of her i feel sad, knowing that we were so close once. dont worry it is normal. most people dont have friendships like that, and if the do, they stay together