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    • Re: Abortion.

      I used to agree with the rape situation but how many girls do you think would get pregnant and then say that they were raped just to be able to have an abortion? I am against abortion and feel that if you are old enought to commit the act then you better be ready to suffer the consequences.
    • Re: Abortion.

      It’s hard to answer this question. On the one hand, if you are old enough to have sex than you have to be prepared fro any consequences that may result from it. On the other hand, it is a woman’s body and she has the right to make whatever decision she feels is right for her. IMO, there is nothing wrong with abortion and I believe that if a woman feels she can’t handle the responsibility f motherhood she is probably doing the child a favor in the long run.
    • Re: Abortion.

      I am pro-choice. The choice not to have unwanted pregnancies. Let's be honest about this people, we have a myriad of choices to enjoy sex without the risks so there is really no reason to get pregnant if we don't want to. To be safe, pack some rubbers in you bag or wallet wherever you go.
    • Re: Abortion.

      Abortion is murder. Should I say more about this? You can't just have sex and just kill the baby when you get pregnant. That little baby has a life and nobody has the right to take that away. If you are the unborn baby will you appreciate it if your mother will abort you or if you found out that your mother actually had plans on aborting you when you were still in her womb? Think about that and tell me if you feel that it's okay if you found this out!
    • Re: Abortion.

      As much as I'd like to say that "The decision is all up to the mother" line, I'd want to clear something:

      First of all, abortion is already considered a murder. Even though many might say that "It can't even think and/or move so it's not alive" line, I'd have to say that it IS already alive. A living thing can't simply be judged so just because it thinks or moves.

      Anyway, let me get back on topic: Abortion is considered a murder, right? So, as much as I would like the mother to decide, I would advice her first to think her decision properly and thoroughly. Not only is her life at risk when aborting, but also the child's life. A mother must truly remember that she is carrying a human being within her that deserves the proper treatment it needs.
    • Re: Abortion.

      heavery wrote:

      Abortion is murder. Should I say more about this? You can't just have sex and just kill the baby when you get pregnant. That little baby has a life and nobody has the right to take that away. If you are the unborn baby will you appreciate it if your mother will abort you or if you found out that your mother actually had plans on aborting you when you were still in her womb? Think about that and tell me if you feel that it's okay if you found this out!

      Nobody has a right to take life away... are you vegan then? What's the cut-off point? How much pain or suffering does a foetus actually suffer when it's killed, considering how long the operation lasts? How does that weigh against the suffering the *mother* experiences, being forced to carry a child for nine months and then give birth to it, because of a poor personal choice, rape, or whatever? Think hard about it.

      Here's another question, if you take religion out of the equation (which the law should always do) how does abortion look?

      I think it's sick to force a woman to grow a parasite because you don't want to harm it. No matter how "gross" said abortion pictures are, how disgusting is it to force a woman into pregnancy?
      And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
      -Walt Whitman
    • Re: Abortion.

      Like I Am Personally Against Abortion & Would Never Be Able To Go Through With It My Boyfriend Has Diff Opinions He Says That If Your Under Like 3 Months Its Ok

      But Its Up To The Person Really
      [SIZE=4]:lol: uj8hb nh tyyupppp[[[/SIZE]

      [SIZE=4][`mAXINES Gay :lol: dvb[/SIZE]
    • Re: Abortion.

      Neo wrote:

      In that same vein, the egg omelette you have for your breakfast is a living thing too...oh hell we are all serial killers! We kill chickens, pigs, fishes for a little better taste in our tongue. Isn't that murder? :o

      I want to clarify one thing about your statement about the eggs you eat for breakfast. Most of the time those eggs are not fertilized (unless you buy them from a small poultry farm or otherwise), therefore you are not killing anything by eating them. I know this because I've raised chickens for a good portion of my life. So, please don't think you're killing baby chickens by eating eggs from the grocery store because you're not. And besides, you wouldn't be killing them anyways because as soon as a fertilized egg gets into a refigerator the embryo doesn't develop.

      In any case, I am pro-choice. Abortion is all up to the woman making the decision. Although, it should be regulated. Girls under 18 years old should have parental consent before going through with it, and girls over 18 should be able to make that decision themselves. I would rather the parents be ready for the child and be able to take care of it than it be born to parents who don't give a shit.

      Yes, adoption is a good thing, too. But, I'm sure with the increasing amount of unwanted pregnancies these days that adoption agencies are getting full. This is why abortion should be another option.

      However, abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. That's why there are condoms, the pill, and other forms of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Use them, for chrissakes!
    • Re: Abortion.

      hmm...my view...in sad cases like rape, or where the mother would be in danger health/emotional wise herself if she keeps the baby, or severe disability/very short life span for baby, then its understandable, but other than that, people should just be more responsible, and use conraception...if that fails, emergency contraception..and not get pregnant if they dont want children that much they would have an abortion.
    • Re: Abortion.

      I used to be VERY against abortion.

      I thought it was murder and you were killing a child.

      But now I've realized if you use a condom ... there's no child,
      if you have an abortion there's no child =/

      I know you could easily debate with me and say that the abortion kills the child and a condom just stops if from getting into the egg ... but think about it ... if nobody used condoms there would be far more children =/ so we're preventing life either way.

      ... I would probably concider an abortion if I got pregnant within a few years ... I'm 16 years old I know for a fact I'm not ready for a child.