Only me, only you and the band. I gotta reach out to you, touch my hand.

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    • Only me, only you and the band. I gotta reach out to you, touch my hand.

      Have you ever made out with someone who was high?
      No, I don't think so.

      Do you believe what goes around comes around?
      In a way.

      Is your birthday on a holiday?
      No, but it's close to Easter.

      Would you ever get a tattoo?
      I think so.

      Did you enjoy your day yesterday?

      Have you ever liked someone older than you?
      I love someone older than me.

      Do you like Red Bull?
      I never tried it.

      Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?

      Are you a forgiving person?
      Yeah, usually.

      Who was the first person you talked to today and what was it about?
      Bob, where mom and Eli went and if I wanted anything to eat.

      Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with a "T"?

      What did you do today?
      Nothing really.

      What were you doing at 1 AM this morning?

      Closest blue object to you?
      Soda can.

      Do you miss someone?

      Do you have any scars? From what?
      Yes, quite a bit of different things.

      Does anyone like you?
      I guess so.

      Do you have a tan?
      No, I like, never tan.

      Do you think you could live without a cell phone?

      Are you excited for anything?
      I think so.

      Who did you last message on myspace?

      Whats currently bothering you right now?
      I miss my boyfriend.

      Do you have trust problems?
      I little bit.

      Do you miss your past?
      Parts of it.

      Are there people who don't like you?
      More than likely.

      Are you jealous of anyone right now?

      Who is your favorite person to talk to when your down?
      I don't really know, I honestly usually don't talk to anyone when I'm down.

      Have you ever felt replaced?

      What did you wear today?
      I just woke up.

      Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?

      What do you think about girls smoking weed?
      I don't really care, their choice, not mine.

      What are you planning to do tomorrow?
      I don't really know.

      Who was your last missed call from?
      I don't know.

      Did you have a good birthday this year?

      Do you own skinny jeans?

      Do you know people with your last name that you aren't related to?
      No, I don't think so.

      Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
      You better believe it. :]

      Who's your last text from?
      I have no idea.

      Do you have a box where you keep all your really important things?
      Not really.

      Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
      I dont know.

      Do you have any homework to do?

      If you could move somewhere else, would you?

      Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?

      When's the last time you laughed really hard?
      I have no idea.
    • Re: Only me, only you and the band. I gotta reach out to you, touch my hand.

      Have you ever made out with someone who was high?

      Do you believe what goes around comes around?
      In a way.

      Is your birthday on a holiday?

      Would you ever get a tattoo?

      Did you enjoy your day yesterday?
      I wouldn't say i enjoyed it.

      Have you ever liked someone older than you?

      Do you like Red Bull?
      Not really.

      Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level?

      Are you a forgiving person?
      Yeah, usually.

      Who was the first person you talked to today and what was it about?
      Not sure.

      Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with a "T"?

      What did you do today?
      Nothing yet.

      What were you doing at 1 AM this morning?

      Closest blue object to you?

      Do you miss someone?

      Do you have any scars? From what?

      Does anyone like you?
      I guess so.

      Do you have a tan?

      Do you think you could live without a cell phone?

      Are you excited for anything?

      Who did you last message on myspace?
      I don't have one.

      Whats currently bothering you right now?

      Do you have trust problems?

      Do you miss your past?
      Parts of it.

      Are there people who don't like you?
      More than likely.

      Are you jealous of anyone right now?

      Who is your favorite person to talk to when your down?
      I don't really know.

      Have you ever felt replaced?

      What did you wear today?
      I just woke up.

      Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?

      What do you think about girls smoking weed?
      I don't really care, their choice, not mine.

      What are you planning to do tomorrow?
      I don't really know.

      Who was your last missed call from?
      I don't know.

      Did you have a good birthday this year?

      Do you own skinny jeans?

      Do you know people with your last name that you aren't related to?
      No, I don't think so.

      Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?

      Who's your last text from?
      I have no idea.

      Do you have a box where you keep all your really important things?
      Not really.

      Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
      I dont know.

      Do you have any homework to do?

      If you could move somewhere else, would you?

      Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?

      When's the last time you laughed really hard?
      I have no idea.