A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

    • A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      I am fifteen, turning sixteen in about two months. I am a devoted Christian, but my boyfriend is not. He is not an Athiest or anything, and reminds me often that he will always respect me and my Faith, and I believe him. My parents don't know I am with him, and have told me I was not allowed. I told him yes, and I knew they wouldn't like it, so I hesitated to tell my mom until about a week later. They weren't hard on me, and they didn't yell, they just said I couldn't date him. I feel bad because I'm going behind their backs, and I feel like I'm sinning because of the verse that says "don't be unequally yoked..." My boyfriend says he feels bad that I have to lie to them to be with him, and I think I am very much in love with him, and he says it's returned. I'm trying to keep God first in my life, and it hasn't been too hard. He's very receptive to what I have to say about Christianity, and says he'd even consider looking into it. That night my parents said I had to end it, though, I called him with the intention of ending it. But he was just totally torn down by it. And I felt that he would think I led him on to think an attractive older girl finally really digs him, and then ended it a week later. You should've heard how sad he sounded...I couldn't do it...
      So the first problem is, I love him and my parents, but I know I cannot keep them all happy without lying... and I love my God. First question: How can I be as mature a Christian as I can while dating a non-Christian and making the decision that I won't break up with him for that reason?
      I am trying to be a really good girlfriend. He's sort of the type of guy who wouldn't be very attractive to most girls [even my friends have said this, hahaha] but to me, he's ridiculously attractive. I'll go ahead and say sexy. And I try to remind him how impressive and funny I think he is every day, and he seems to really like it, and he compliments me a lot and will never let me say I love him more. And he's a freshman while I'm a sophomore, and I think it makes him feel good that someone older might be interested in him. I really want to make him happy a lot. He isn't a Christian, like I've said, but he has the "straight edge" values, and has gone by them despite a lot of his friends being druggies, and he's really confident. We've been dating three months, and have never really even gotten into a quarrel of any kind. I don't try to start them, and neither does he. When we have a problem, we are always able to talk about it easily. We talk on the phone almost every night until about three in the morning. The second problem is that he's not horny exactly, but I feel like I'm not physically pleasing him enough. We weren't friends very long before we started going out, and we were really shy when we did start. We don't have a lot of time to ourselves, especially because my parents can't know. As I've said, I love making him happy by saying complimenting him a lot. But he's also a really touchy-feely guy. I'm fine with that. He gives great hugs, and he always wants me to sit on his lap and hold hands, and he's great at making out. We haven't gone any farther than making out, but whenever we talk online, he always says suggestive things. Never blatantly, "I want to have sex/you to give me head" or anything like that, because I've told him I'm waiting for marriage and he's said he respects that and actually thinks it's wise. And I believe him. I don't think he'd ever try to make me do anything I wasn't comfortable with. But he is a guy, younger than me, too, and a very hormonal guy. I love him with all I got. And we've both admitted to daydreaming about each other...I mean it's normal for teenagers to fantasize about people they find attractive, right? Well, he always says he loves making out and jokes about how he wants to steal me away and take me places so we could "live a life of love", and he has this joke-fantasy of me minus clothes plus maple syrup. Hahaha, he's really weird, but I know he's always joking. And I humor him, and try to say things that'll turn him on. But I think by all his jokes he's trying to get across that he wants to do more, possibly. He respects my boundaries I can tell, but I don't want to seem like I'm ignoring all his hints that he wants more. I'm glad I don't have a relationship that isn't based on physical attraction and attention alone. But I don't want to do anything I'll regret. But I want to make him happy so much.
      So my second question is how can I, a devoted Christian, please my boyfriend physically without sex. And by sex I mean oral and anal and straight up. What are some things guys really like. Little things that I can do or say to show him I am physically attracted to him. I just don't want him to think I don't think he is because he's a LITTLE on the heavy side, and most girls don't find him appealing like I do. Just...how can I turn him on/make him feel loved? How far is it okay for me to go as a Christian?
    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      How can I be as mature a Christian as I can while dating a non-Christian and making the decision that I won't break up with him for that reason?

      Kevmo says: Well what kind of christian are you?

      For the 2nd question/s regarding sex,

      Kevmo says: I think its fine to do anything exept full on sex, start with just playing/touching with eachother and having fun, then maybe move into oral sex if that gets boring, there are plenty of ways to please eachother without having full on sex

      [CENTER] [/CENTER]

      The post was edited 3 times, last by ben101: even superstars like me make mistakes ().

    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      I'm a non-denominatational, and I would probably have broken up with him if he hadn't have been so sad to let me go. It was really bad...I had never heard anyone be so heart-broken. Maybe I'm just weak and a wuss, but I couldn't take it... but I feel bad for choosing bad girlfriend over bad christian/daughter...

      Anything specifically he'd like? You're a guy, what do they like? Specifics?
    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      I'm agnostic but I know enough about Christianity to know that sex (any kind of sex i think) before marriage is going against their teachings. To please him? I think kissing would be the main thing you can do. Experiment. As long as you don't go 'down there' you can kiss anywhere, so be creative.
      Practice makes perfect :p so the more you do it, the more it pleases him, and you for that matter.
      There's nothing in Christianity that says that you are not allowed to have relationships before marriage, so why won't your parents let you be with him?
    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      Personally, I think your parents are being unfair by not letting you date him. Mine are devout Christians and my boyfriend is an atheist actually but my parents don't care. What matters to them is that he loves and respects me and treats me well, which he does. Whether he joins a religion or not, they don't really care.

      Anyways, I'm a little surprised actually. Your relationship moved a lot faster than mine did. I'm technically a Christian (I've been confirmed and everything) but my heart just isn't in it. My belief is in atheism but I'm too afraid to tell my parents that. Despite that though, I've always been firm that I only want to go this far and that's it and you should do the same with your boyfriend. Making out is fine, actually a lot can be said through making out, such as the passion in your kisses (sounds corny, I know) Something else worth noting is that, your guy should respect your boundaries. If you say "I only want to go this far" he should follow it, if he doesn't respect that, then sorry ... you may have to let him go.

      Kevmo's pretty much right about things you could do for him. Every guy is different. Experiment :) He'll more than likely tell you what he likes and what he doesn't like. If he doesn't tell you straight out, ask him! But rememebr, what he asks of you should be within your boundary limit, if it isn't just remind him what they are.

      As a bit of a side note, eventually you're going to have to tell this to your parents and you'll probably have to talk it out with them why they should let you two stay together. My parents were furious too when I first broke the news that I'm dating but they still accepted it after a bit of talking. I was about the same age as you when I did it too XD (I was 16 at the time)

    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      Question: So the first problem is, I love him and my parents, but I know I cannot keep them all happy without lying... and I love my God. First question: How can I be as mature a Christian as I can while dating a non-Christian and making the decision that I won't break up with him for that reason?

      Answer: As far as I can see, the best way to handle this would be to use logic. I don't follow any one belief, but you can ask them "can I have one good reason why I can't date him?" say it in a different way though. they might probably say that it's against god but you can say that Jesus loved all people, and the goal of Christianity is to live like Jesus so if they really wanted to live like Jesus, they would be accepting of whomever you would like to date and love you none the less. Did Jesus ever turn away the poor, sick, or the Criminals? no. You could also argue that God gave us free will for a reason, so that all people can make our own decisions without facing judgement. if all else fails you can say that he even said that he was considering converting to christianity and you can be the cause for Jesus said to spread the world of christ and that is exactly what you are doing. I go to a catholic school so that's why I know all this =p

      and as for the second issue...I don't know how to help you, sorry
    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      wel i too am a fully devout catholic, so i know were you are coming from, but in saying that i feel ur parents are being way way way too strict, like my parents are pretty stricked catholics, but they would never stop me from seeing a girl that i really liked apart from a few special cases involving children, buts thats not the point, like your parents should let you date whoever makes you happy, as kira said, god gave us free will and freedom of choice, i can see how hard it is to juggle your faith, your parents, and your boyfriend but i would say come clean with your parents, secrets always come up and hurt that bit more, just talk to them, like your young, you should be getting involved in relationships, it helps mature us, like its not like your getting married, just explain were you are coming from.

      as for the 2nd problem, do whatever feels natural, like if you want to wait til your married thats great, and i hope it works out for ya, but like oral stuff isnt exactly wrong, and plus god forgives every sin as long as you repent, but only do hat you feel comfortable with, like your boyfriend is younger than you, so tell him 2 wait, if he cant wait or respect your boundaries then he doesnt deserve you!!!!
    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      love is the most important feeling in the world and if u truly love him it wasnt just that, that made u not split up with him, it was also because your heart couldnt bare losing him. just tell your parents that your with him and thats that.
      if he respects you and loves you then his hints are just hormones and shit. im ex catholic and when it come to how far u can go it depends on you. personly being specific just teasing turns me on but again depends on the person. its all up to you i was never a very strong catholic and thought that no sex etc. before marage was a bit old fassion but its up to you. if he loves you then he will stick by you whatever. u do what u think is right talk to him about it im sure he will be happy no matter what

      hope i helped:hugs:
      findingbeautyineverything.tumblr.com/ take a look XD need more followers XD
    • Re: A looong story. I need advice...From boys, please?

      How can I be as mature a Christian as I can while dating a non-Christian and making the decision that I won't break up with him for that reason?

      Ask him to go to church with you, and sit with you and your parents.

      So my second question is how can I, a devoted Christian, please my boyfriend physically without sex

      If your comfortable making out with him, then just do that. If he likes you as much as you like him, he should be fine with that.

      Just...how can I turn him on/make him feel loved?

      Talk to him. Listen to what he says. Respond accordingly.

      How far is it okay for me to go as a Christian?

      However far you're comfortable going.