A Guide to Coming Out of the Closet (Or so to speak)

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  • A Guide to Coming Out of the Closet (Or so to speak)


    Thought I'd write a small guide with some tips if you happen to be lesbian, bisexual, or transgender teen and want to come out of the closet, or so to speak. Once again I must state that this isn’t one my better fields for advice, but I don't mind trying and hopefully I wont fail!

    One of the main things you should do is Make sure you're sure of your sexual orientation. If you are still trying to figure out what way you swing or if your transgender or bisexual, its not the best thing to go telling everyone or coming out if your not sure. This is a highly crucial step, if you are not sure but you tell everyone you are, it could lead to complications further down the road in life and some you don't want. However, this does not mean you cannot or shouldn't tell someone who is close to you about what’s going on. On the other hand, not telling your best friend before you start dating someone of your sexual orientation could lead them to being majorly shocked and it could come over disastrous. Never be afraid to be who you are, you are YOU. Remember that sexual orientation is only one of many characteristics that define one's identity but doesn't mean they are the same as the next person.

    Be safe when you come out. The LAST thing you want to do is put your life in danger. Some families because of their religions or views may not take to the news as normal as I would as parents. Honestly if you loved your teenager, I could never see teens being thrown out of their homes or had their safety threatened which their have been cases about. What kind of parent could hate their teen over their sexual orientation is beyond me. With this in mind, you must think it through. One of the best routes is to speak with a School Counsellor or one of your best friends who you trust and who is good at handling such situations and let them know what you want to do, and about your sexual orientation and your ready to come out of a closet. Doing this allows the Counsellor and/or friend(s) to act as a buffer or medium between your parents and it may come as a less of a shock to your parents. Prepare for the worst-case scenario if you have parents that are highly religious or have views, your best bet is to do what I mentioned above.

    One of the best people to tell first, is your close friends. They are your friends and they care for you and they will understand if you tell them. If they suddenly disown you, they aren't true friends. Friends are ones that understand, comfort and touch your heart with a warm and comforting hand.

    When coming out, choose your words carefully, I won't give you a example as I really can't think of one in my current state of mind. Dodging questions or attempting to change the subject after you told someone about your sexuality may result in them thinking that you are ashamed of your sexual orientation and you should NEVER be, I can't stress this enough, you don't choose your sexual orientation, it really chooses you. Just because you have a different sexual orientation then your friend, doesn't make you a monster.

    Allow your friends and family time to process what you've said and to think. Most people need sometime to adjust themselves to news like the one you have just told them. Remember, you didn't wake up one day and say "I'm gay", you took time to accept it within you and some people when they get told news like that also need it.

    Remember that this may have a small impact or large one on your life situation. Some of your friends may need to detach themselves for reasons from your company but this doesn't mean they hate you, they just may need some time, as this is very personal and deep news. Some parents/friends may act differently around you or to you, and it could be either good or bad, I can't tell you. Some might be very drawn to you and interested because you are unique. Be patient and don't try to force the issue on friends and family and most times, everything will come out positively,

    Be able and willing to discuss your orientation with sincerely interested individuals such as family and/or friends. This does NOT mean you have to allow jokes, be harassed and humiliated over your sexual orientation. It is not a joke or something to find humour in. Mind you, if you find humour in it, you can crack jokes, but be serious. If your orientation causes you to be teased or bullied, consider your options, stay strong, and remember they are selfish pigs who must have low self esteem to make fun of you over sexual orientation. Also don't let people define you with a label, its cruel and rude, just because they are gay, bi, les, etc doesn't mean they aren't humans, they still eat, sleep, work, like the rest of us!

    If you happen to be a friend and one of your friends come out of the closet, or so to speak, be tolerance and acceptance of their sexual orientation. Just because your a male, and your friends a male or both female, doesn't mean they have a crush on you, or stuff, that’s a stereotype. sexual orientations of people shouldn't really affect friendships much, its just what they do in their private times and remember, they may have a different sexual orientation then you but they have a special bond with their loves of their life’s, same as you if you are straight,

    Stay Strong,
    ~ Cat

    The post was edited 2 times, last by Cat ().

  • Re: A Guide to Coming Out of the Closet (Or so to speak)

    Good advice, but there is no real solution that would suite everyone.. I personally don't like how some people make a huge deal of it and let it redefine their personality.. Just do what you want, if someone asks you.. answer them truthfully but with regards to telling your family Ive always been of the mind that there is no point telling someone something that they don't want to know... especially if your still a teenager.. who knows what way you might go when your older..
    [CENTER]:DCan't wait for SGU:D
  • Re: A Guide to Coming Out of the Closet (Or so to speak)

    Hey realy good advice i am sort of just coming to terms with what my sexuality
    and not ready to come at just yet still need to wait a while
    but when I do I have taken some of the advice in which you just said :)
    thanks :)