I don't think that I am worth it any more

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    • I don't think that I am worth it any more

      I am so tired of going through my life feeling like crap. I don't know what to do anymore. I am so shy and quiet that people forget my very presence. I am not comfortable with being outgoing like veryone else in my family. I don't feel like I belong there, or anywhere. What should I do?
      I mean I have thought very hard about taking my own life, and I have a cutting problem now. I don't want to end that way but I feel like it is my only option at the momment.
      I feel like everything that I do is wrong, and that I will never find love. So really what is the point of living if I feel like a failure?:confused:
      Peace, Love and Hugs:freehugs:
    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      Instead of thinking that you have to catch up with what everyone else are doing, you need to get a realization yourself. You need to realize how socializing fits into your life. And it can take time. If you know you passively learn, like if you hang out at sites that deal with the matter (like here,) just let it flow. You will find your own solution. Not the solution for everyone.

      If you need to talk to someone, just hit me up.
    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      Because it will get better. I used to feel the same way you did 5-6 years go.. but I became more outgoing when I got into college all on my own.. granted it took a while before I started getting outgoing. Just try and hang on, it will take a while but I promise it is worth it!
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      I know it's hard, I used to be quiet. Like Chase said, speak up in class, just here and there. Talk to some people and you'll see how much people really like you the more they get to know you. Your family probably doesn't realize your feelings..they'll love you no matter what. Be yourself around them, open up. Never feel like you're not worth it, a lot of people would miss you, it would upset a lot of people to even hear you think about taking your life. Just hang in there, if you ever wanna talk I'm always ready to listen. PM me anytime, I'd love you hear from you :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year,
      and i'm so sick of watching while
      the minutes pass as i go nowhere. <3AllTimeLow[/SIZE]

    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      So really what is the point of living if I feel like a failure?

      Just because you feel like a failure now doesn't mean that you actually are a failure. You need to accept who YOU are before you can get comfortable with others. After all, how can one become more comfortable around others if they do not accept themselves? Everyone has imperfections, but the sooner you accept yourself, imperfections and everything, the sooner your life will improve. Stop thinking of yourself as a failure- that road leads nowhere. Instead, think of yourself as a human being who has both good and bad qualities but who, nevertheless, has worth and value.
    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      As stated above, feeling like a failure and being a failure are two different things. You came here for help, so obviously you want to make it through life. Go get help, and stop worrying so much about what other people think of you. That leads to most shyness and social awkwardness.
    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      AriLace wrote:

      I am so tired of going through my life feeling like crap. I don't know what to do anymore. I am so shy and quiet that people forget my very presence. I am not comfortable with being outgoing like veryone else in my family. I don't feel like I belong there, or anywhere.What should I do?
      I mean I have thought very hard about taking my own life, and I have a cutting problem now. I don't want to end that way but I feel like it is my only option at the momment.
      I feel like everything that I do is wrong, and that I will never find love. So really what is the point of living if I feel like a failure?:confused:

      I feel like that ALL THE TIME, do you ever feel hostile in large crowds, especially when you're alone? If so we're definitely on the same page. I make it through that with the fact that my best friend is the same way. With chance, you'll meet someone who feels the same way you do, they always come for people that they can tell are quiet like them (at least in every situation i've seen), when you're with that person it kills that hostile feeling. Also, you're blessed with beauty, so it won't be hard for you to attract attention to yourself. I pray alot too, but idk if you're religious, but those are the things that keep me going.

      BeneathUDevours wrote:

      You're a pretty girl, you'll find love.

      You could start out by speaking up in class a little more. Even if it's just once a day, it's a start. Eventually you'll feel more comfortable.

      ^ = good :D

      Nick and Kris on Skype. wrote:

      [7:16:21 PM] Nick: kris, i'm martha stewart.
      [7:18:37 PM] Kris: oh really? lol
      [7:18:43 PM] Kris: how was prison?
      [7:18:47 PM] Nick: hot.
    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      Unfortuantely the world is biased towards extroverts. If your're trying to fit into their world and you're not one of them it leads to misery. Find a group of like minded introverts, get a hobby that tends to attract introverted people


      replace underscores with periods

      The post was edited 1 time, last by myk ().

    • Re: I don't think that I am worth it any more

      Hi :)
      Well, I'm not gonna try sugar-coating this or try to pull the wool over your eyes, 'cause I just don't do that. To tell you the truth, you feeling like crap isn't going to go away any time soon. It might actually get a little worse. But instead of using those feelings of depression and not being important as an excuse to run away, why not use them as a motive to improve?
      You could be a great person...everyone has the potential to live a happy life and do well. These feelings aren't a warning bell telling you tthat you've gotta end it all and get out of life, it's a warning bell telling you to turn back, look at your life and make it better.
      Believe me, I know it's not easy to change everything, but with willpower and a little luck, you can turn your entire life around in time. Yeah, it takes a while, but that cheesy line that some people say "time is a great healer" is actually true.
      Just give it time, pinpoint your problems...and in time, you'll feel better, I promise. And if it helps, I have never, ever broken a promise :)
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]