
    • Lately through College I've been studying homosexual history. I know it's a bit of an odd study, but it definitely intrigues me. So, that's why I've had sexual differences on my mind.

      This morning I was reading a post about a girl who needed help, she had sex with a relative, but the majority of the responses were negative, rather then helpful.

      I don't understand why people frown upon incest so much? I know, it may just sound outright disgusting to some, well most, but it's just like anyone else really.
      Heterosexual people have attractions towards the opposite sex (obviously), and Homosexuals are attracted to the same sex, and Incestuous people are merely attracted to a relative of some sort. The list goes on with sexual things like this, like bestiality.
      So, if our society has nearly accepted Homosexuality in a whole, then why should the other people be shunned upon. In truth, we shouldn't judge someone by their sexual activity or interests.

      I think people should be a little more open, and a little less judgmental.

      Anyways, what do you think of my opinion on the subject? and what's yours?

      I wouldn't be so quick to judge upon people who have incestuous relationships. Truth is, their like any other person. People who are incestuous are like anyone else, they are attracted sexually to someone, and it just happens to be a relative. Our society has accepted homosexuality, why can't we accept this?
      "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
      "There is no way to peace; Peace is the way"
      - Jimi Hendrix & A.J Muste
    • Re: Incest?

      Im not bothered with incests. They can do what they like, its their life.
      I just dont think its right to raise a child up with having their dad as their uncle or something stupid like that. As above said it really does mess em up..

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • Re: Incest?

      The messed up kids thing has been blown a little out of proportion. Basically, it's just because if you're related, there's a chance both of you will have some recessive allele for a deformity/abnormality of some form, which generally remain dormant for generations. The chance of this obviously varies depending on how close they are (ie, siblings are more likely to give birth to a deformed child than cousins). However the chances are still extraordinarily thin.

      It's also possible using modern technology (genetic screening etc) to check compatibility, to see whether your if two people were to have kids, there'd be a possibility of them giving birth to one with an unexpected deformity. So you could check in advance whether there was a chance of having a child with an abnormality.

      However, I think there are certain people whom you're just not supposed to tap. Relatives included.
      [LEFT]"Pin the donkey on her tail, that's entertainment!"

    • Re: Incest?

      Morally I do not think there is anything wrong with incest as long as it is consensual.

      The problems I think it brings are:
      1) Genetic dangers to any offspring due to inbreeding
      2) Emotional damage to one or both people caused by (3)
      3) Social taboo, lack of acceptance, disapproval, social conditioning against incest. Social problems created if the relationship became known knowledge amongst others.

      But if two relatives take precautions against pregnancy and both have the emotional strength and balance to deal with the social issues, and both consent then fine. Its up to them.