Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

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    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      haha my dad is just like that, but i've found ways around it. you're parents just don't want you to get into any trouble and those questions he's asking you is something he should be asking. The way I get my dad off my back is telling him whom im hanging out with, where i'm going, and when i'll probably be back (whether it be true or not).
      FML...i have negative money like in my bank account
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      They're only doing it because they love you and want you to e safe, be granted they do it, if they just let you go anywhere, whenever without a care in the world, you'd feel pretty damn unloved, but try and talk to your parents, you've a right to your privacy and not to be bombarded with questions whenever you go out the door.
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      what I did with my parents when they did this to me is say that the more they push the further they push me away from them, i told them that they r just going to have to trust that they raised me the right way and to let me be. and as for the comeback to the "you should be able to tell me if it isn't bad" thing, tell him that it isn't bad but that u need personal time away from the family and prefer to have some business of your own. That or just tell them how you fell.