Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?

      I have not counted... a shelf covered, and then the ones that are randomly about my room...

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?

      Not very often, I don't like having a time limit on reading. I do currently have Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment out though... Quite a good read :)

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?

      A mix, though there are some book genres that I favour - science fiction, historical reads, and classics.

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?

      I think 'binning' or destroying books in any fashion should be a crime. If you are finished reading a book, take it to a used book store. I am a packrat though so I'd likely keep the book until I found someone who wanted it.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?

      No, I don't have the motivation to stay at something to which I am not overly concerned about for that long. I like thinking of ideas for books, but I'd never extend the knowledge past myself.

    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?
      I Dunno.. lots

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?
      Same Genre, but i also have others

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?
      [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"][RIGHT]everyone laughs at me like if i give a fuck what they think...
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?
      A lot

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?
      I do. Once a week.

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?
      They're various genres

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?
      I keep them all.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?
      I would, but I don't think I would be able to do it.
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?


      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?
      No, I keep them all lol.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?
      I already started on a book. [:
      Real eyes, Realize, Real lies.
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?
      3 average-sized bookshelves full (and i got rid of a majority a few years ago)

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?
      yeah, every few months, not as much as i used to

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?
      a mix

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?
      no, i keep almost all.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?
      already working on a few
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?
      Jeez, idk. Personally? Around 200-300. Maybe more, that's a very rough estimate. My house has at least 3,000 books in it though.

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?
      Meh, not a fan of the library to be honest. I like owning the book, so I can re read it and all that good stuff.

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?
      I have genre favorites, but I also have a wide collection.

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?
      No, I buy all kinds of books. If I don't like them, I might give away some, but I usually keep the rest in case someone else I know likes them.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?

      No, I'm not a big writer.
      [CENTER]"Young King, pay me in gold."
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?

      A lot. I don't keep count.

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?

      I do, but not as often as I'd like to.

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?

      Different genres

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?

      I usually take them to a used bookstore.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?

      Nah, writing isn't really my thing.
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?
      Hundreds. :]

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?
      Not anymore. I used to when I was at boarding school.

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?
      Mix, but mostly sci-fi or fantasy.

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?
      Already have. ^_~
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?

      Quite a few, at the very least 200.

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?

      Yes, I do. I'll check them out about once every month or two.

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?

      Some are war stories, some are spy novels, kind of "guy" books in general I guess.

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?

      Hell no! If I don't want a book, I'll sell it.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?

      I don't know. On one hand, I might loose interest. But on the other hand, I might get caught up and really enjoy it.

      [CENTER] "Say those little things that don't make anyone feel better"
    • Re: Book Survey - 5 for Tonight

      1. How many books do you have?
      lots, like 300.

      2. Do you check out library books, and if so, how often?
      nope, buy them.

      3. Are most of your book the same genre, or are they a mix?

      4. Do you keep the best and bin the rest?
      nah, i'll give them to a friend or used book store.

      5. One day, would you like to write a book?
      nah, i'd never follow through something like that . =P
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year,
      and i'm so sick of watching while
      the minutes pass as i go nowhere. <3AllTimeLow[/SIZE]
