Family VS Me

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    • Family VS Me

      Okay so for basically all of my teen years [i'm 16 now] I've always been considered the one who has the bad attitude, the bad influence, the disrespectful one. When I was little my family says I was really nice- - - yet now I'm the opposite. I get in trouble like everyday for the same thing which would either be talking back or being disrespectful. Sometimes I don't even notice when I do it, honestly. I'm really nice to my friends like they're my family && mean to my family like they're people off of the streets and I don't really know why, it just happens. I don't really think before I say stuff and I always want to have the last word or end up rolling my eyes. I haven't said I love you to anyone in my family or showed any affection in years yet I can to my bf/friends. I have a bad temper and sometimes I think I'm bi-polar, either way I need this problem solved. Cause obviously I'm never gonna win and I feel bad cause my family basically spoils me and takes care of me and that's optional yet they still do it and i treat them like sh*t. Does anyone else go through this? Can anyone help me, I'm so freakin' frustrated by myself because I try and stop but it doesn't work like at all. HELPPPP, IDEAS? COMMENTS? FEEDBACK? Gracias.

    • Re: Family VS Me

      It's always really hard as we get older. Things change, hormones are bouncing all over the place, we have demands on our time coming from all angles, and sometimes it all gets a little too much and blurred. They always say you hurt the people you love the most, and it's not intentional. Sometimes, it's because you spend more time around them, other times, it's because they're doing or saying things that are causing problems to our day. I am guilty of this too, at times, but as always the first line of defense is attack. So, you shout or stamp your feet and tantrum, yet deep down, you still love them.

      One thing you can do, well, do something special. You could either cook dinner one night, or bake a cake, or do breakfast. Anything. Just do something you wouldn't normally do for your family. And just before, during or after, why not just say to them that you know you can be moody at times, but you don't mean it, you know you'd be pretty well lost without them all, and you just want to say thank you and sorry at the same time.

      I had a long talk with my dad not too long ago, and he reassured me a lot about things. He said he understood that I was going through big changes in my life, and I'm sure your family understand too. By doing something like I said, you're sort of acknowledging that you know what's going on, and you don't mean it.

      Another trick is, when you feel the anger building up, or the inner rage, just either do one of two things. Leave the room, go to your own room, and take a time out. No point shouting or being cheeky back, as it won't get you anywhere. You're much better to remove yourself and let things cool off. The other thing you could do is count to 5 before speaking. Just in your head, count to 5. Think about what you're going to say. Can you say what you want to say maturely, cleverly and not abusively?
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: Family VS Me

      I think everyone goes through what you are. It's just apart of growing up, really. Your in your mid teens, feeling alot of emotions, growing up and discovering yourself. You are bound to have an attitude - however, at least you know yourself that it's becoming a problem.
      I don't think you're bi-polar, I just think your attitude and hormones are all over the place, which is to be expected considering your age.

      You need to find a means of release for yourself. When you feel your getting snappy or iritated by your family; just walk away and find a spot to just take some time out and relax. Yes, I know it's easier said than done - but, it will benefit you aswell as your family. You won't feel guilty for giving them attitude, and your family won't have to put up with it. It avoids all the hostility and anger. Know what I mean?

      Don't be too hard on yourself - You have identified theres a problem, now is the time to learn to handle it.

      Good luck :)
    • Re: Family VS Me

      By writing out a post like that and being able to see the way your behaving shows that your very aware and feel bad for not knowing what to do next.

      Everyones right. Hormons are outta whack and phases like this will come and go. I remember when I had horrible fights with my family threatening to move out and such and like you, they treated me very well. In fact, I would say I was overly spoiled with love, but I couldn't see it and I was acting bratty.

      Even though it feels awkward good steps would be to say things like "I love you" to your family and when you do feel irritated just try to get outta the situation thats irritating you and do something else to release the irritation such as writing in a journal. Channel the negativity elsewhere and away from your family.

      Your family is going to support you and love you regardless but its good to reciprocate the feeling. Don't worry, its a phase and by taking little steps to improve I am sure it'll get better.