Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

    • Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      Will a realationship with your friend work out? 25
        Yes, But you wont be friends after (4) 16%
        Yes, and you will stay friends after. (15) 60%
        No, If you try you wont have a friendship (2) 8%
        No, just stay friends (4) 16%
      In your opinion If you date a friend will it work out. Or from experience? Answer poll, then give reasoning. :D Thanks. Just for fun.
      You're awkward and kind of weird, it makes you the most beautiful person I know.
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      It depends on how long you've been friends, I think. It's a good idea to at least know and be familiar with someone you're thinking about dating, but if you've been friends for many years, there are grey areas that are rather awkward to navigate. Generally speaking, though, I think a relationship with a friend is more likely to work than one with a complete stranger.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      Relationships with friends are risky because if it doesn't work out, friendships many times sizzle out. One of the people may still like the other and it makes it hard to get back to the way the friendship was before dating. So I think anyone considering dating a friend should consider how much chemistry they have. After all, love is said to be a relationship set on fire. Is there a significant spark between the couple? Then it's more likely to work out as opposed to the two friends kind of "testing the waters" to determine if a there's compatibility and the relationship would work out.
      [LEFT]These are hard times for dreamers.[/LEFT]
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      It depends. Some manage to have a relationship, it doesn't work, yet they remain really good friends. And others find it hard. It depends if you can seperate yourself from future events, for example, if your friend (who is also your ex) gets with another boyfriend/girlfriend, then can you cope with it? Would you feel jealous? It all depends on how you both broke up, and who ended it, but it's always an issue for some.

      A lot of friends decide that it's not worth risking the friendship. Because if it doesn't work, and it ends badly, then you do lose the friendship and good friends are hard to find sometimes. So, it's always something to think about, you know?

      What I have observed is that friends having relationships work best when they're older. I know some family friends who are older, in their 30's, and they were friends for a long time before getting together. Now they will probably work at it, and overlook many things that annoy them to be together. But in younger people like us, we tend to be less tollerant. Which is why for many of us, relationships don't last very long all of the time.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      I truly think this is a funny question. All relationships should start as both people being friends, or as people that of which know much about each other, enough to develop a relationship. If one should start a relationship without being friends first, then it is unexpected to know what might happen. Similar to a watermelon, you can see what the outside looks like, but upon slicing it open, the inside might be entirely different than the outside might have perceived it to be. I highly recommend to everyone that before you officially start a relationship, that you should know many areas of the person on which your intentions are laying upon.

      My Opinion... :)
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      Mm, for me I wouldn't date any of my friends because ... well, their only friends because I'm not attracted to them in that way. I'm the type of person who would rather jump into the relationship just to make sure I don't miss the opportunity. Like, with my boyfriend right now we didn't start out as friends, we were just acquaintances and here we are 3 years later.

      The few times I did date friends it just ... didn't work. We're not really that good of friends anymore either but for a lot of them I went for one date with them and then they suddenly found out that I was dating my boyfriend so I guess that probably upset them.

    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      It depends massively on the type of person you are, the type of person they are and how the relationship worked/ended.

      Some of my friends I would get involved with as I know I can stay friends after and they are the type of person that could too. But its very important your open and honest about what you both want and where you stand with each other. If you want different things then don't!

      Some of my short pointless BFs at school stayed my friends, some didn't. Also I've slept with a couple of my friends and we are still good friends.

      It just depends on so many things........
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      Well, i went out with my best guy mate twice. the first time we didnt really know eachother that well and he liked someone else so he ended it, and we became close mates.. the second time was about 6 months later and it went for about 7 months

      and after about 10 major fights, were now becoming friends again.. but we will never be the same.
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      I personally think you should have that friendship before you start a relationship, I'm sure most people will agree, however I don't think "best friends" can ever have a relationship, well at least you can, but afterwards don't except to have the same kind of best friend relationship to go back too. It's also really awkward when your best friend (of the opposite sex) admits to liking you, it just makes things plain awkward, I know they can't help how they feel, but I think it really does change the relationship between the two people. :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]- For the love ♥[/SIZE]

    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      sometimes works with friends, and doesnt ruin the friendship when they breakup, but unfortuneatly, it doesnt work out that way, its probably better not to be friends when your starting a relationship, because if you break up then you are just losing a girlfriend/boyfriend rather than a gf/bf and a good friend!!!!
    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      I went out with my best friend Erica freshman year, and we're still friends now (I'm graduated)
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: Poll/ Opinion: Do realationships with friends work?

      I did once date a friend of mine.
      We grew very close and then went out, was lovely, broke up and sadly didnt talk for a while.
      I think that'd happen whether or not you were friends before or not.
      Things can work between two people on friend terms, but maybe not relationships.
      Infact I think being friends may help bring you back together after, it did in my case.
      We just said " at least we tried, it didn't work, lets move on shall we, as mates ?"

      So I think if you connect with the person well enough as friends then you can be so after a break up :D
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      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]the green mile seems so long.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]